• 最近年里这个国家经济状况一直好转

    The last five years have seen a consistent improvement in the country's economy.


  • 发达国家经济状况处在一个尴尬的境地:看似平稳,但背后却是越来越脆弱疲软。

    FLAT on its back, feeble and growing weaker, the rich world's economy is in a sorry state.


  • 清楚肯定随着经济全球化一个国家的经济状况无疑其他国家造成很大影响

    I don't know, but it is certain that as the world develops its global economy, the condition of one country will certainly have a big impact on many others.


  • 正如19世纪晚期美国经济开始腾飞之时那样,新兴经济国家的经济状况不甚稳定,容易出现动荡起伏

    Just like America during its take-off in the late 19th century, emerging economies tend to be subject to economic ups and downs.


  • 国家经济状况需要我们采取大胆迅速行动不光是为了创造新的就业,也是增长奠定新的基础

    The state of the economy calls for action, bold and swift, and we will act not only to create new jobs but to lay a new foundation for growth.


  • 他们指出国家经济状况大大改善去年GDP上升4.7个百分点,是GDP十年里首次增长而且学校医院又开始服务了。

    They point to the huge improvement in the economic situation, with a 4.7% expansion of GDP last year, the first growth in a decade, as well as the reopening of schools and hospitals.


  • 最新国家审计显示,2008年最后一个季度经济状况预期差。

    The latest national accounts show that the economy did rather worse in the final quarter of 2008 than was thought before.


  • GreySadoff发现,一个国家水务管理水平与其经济状况之间存在强有力联系

    Grey and Sadoff see a strong link between the sophistication of a country's water management and its economic health.


  • 如今时尚提出了一个可以取而代之衡量国家经济状况的指数。

    Now the fashion world has finally offered up an alternative indicator of the country's economic state.


  • 尽管一些人国家不幸但英镑下滑将会有助于缓和今年经济状况最终恢复打下基础。

    Though some see it as a national misfortune, sterling’s slide will help to cushion the economy this year and pave the way for eventual recovery.


  • 他们指出通常经济周期的最糟时刻会出现违约所以,按照违约国家标准,违约前几年经济状况已经欠佳

    They point out that defaults tend to occur at low points in the economic cycle, so that the years preceding a default tend to be ones of unusually poor growth by the defaulting country's standards.


  • 就乌克兰不良经济状况而言,这个国家需要

    Given the poor state of Ukraine's economy, this is the last thing that the country needs.


  • 好的经济状况这些时间可能更长不可避免经济放缓之前可能使国家达到收入水平

    In the right circumstances the good times may be prolonged, allowing an economy to reach a higher income level before the inevitable slowdown.


  • 我们以为这个国家经济状况良好但是实际上处于严重的困难之中

    We are all under the illusion that the country is doing well economically, but in fact it is in serious difficulty.


  • 国家统计局表示采购经理人指数PMI连续月内都上升了。指数衡量工厂作坊经济状况

    The Purchasing Manager's Index (PMI), tracking activity in factories and workshops, rose for the second successive month, the National Bureau of Statistics said.


  • 国家经济衰退可能严密地来说结束了经济状况还是见仁见智

    The national recession may be technically over, but the state of the economy remains in the eyes of the beholder.


  • 许多市场已经超过20的价格向市盈率似乎超越于目前不确定经济状况许多国家处于严重的经济衰退

    Many markets' have above 20x price-to-earnings ratio which seemed excessive given the current uncertain economic condition with many countries still in deep economic recession.


  • 金融危机结束以来,所有其他发达国家全都被迫走上了回头路,因为事实证明,它们的经济状况无法承受更高利率

    Every other developed nation that has raised rates since the end of the financial crisis has been forced to backtrack as economic conditions proved unable to handle higher rates.


  • 目前欧元区内各国家宏观经济状况仍然存在较大差异

    There remains significant divergence in the macroeconomic performance of countries within the Eurozone.


  • 一个国家货币价值是否稳定取决于外汇市场经济状况稳定。

    Stability in the value of a nation's currency depends on foreign exchange markets and economic conditions.


  • 尽管欧洲存在几个经济状况糟糕无比国家然而欧洲拥有例如斯卡迪纳维亚德国一些世界最强大和具竞争力经济

    Although it has a few basket-case countries, it also has (in Scandinavia and Germany, for instance) some of the world's strongest and most competitive economies.


  • 世界各地具有挑战经济状况已经促使许多国家审核自己的税票运行情况,以抑制损失转换丰厚的利润

    Challenging economic conditions around the world have motivated many nations to review their tax stamp operations in an effort to hold back losses and convert to a solid profit picture.


  • 大国富国接近利率促使其资本为了寻求更高回报而涌入其他市场。这让其他经济状况健康国家更难保持经济稳定

    Near-zero interest rates in the big, rich economies send capital flooding elsewhere in search of higher yields, making it harder for the healthier countries to keep their economies stable.


  • 随着亚洲地区出生率出现下降趋势有关如何处理一事宜疑问也随之产生。而国家的实际经济状况对此很大影响

    With the declining birth trend in Asia, questions arise about how to address the issue, if at all. Economics play a large role.


  • 与此同时德国瑞士英国大型银行境况会他们留存了更多的现金储备。这主要是因为储户们自己的资产小型银行经济状况堪忧国家转移到这些大型银行。

    Meanwhile large banks in Germany, Switzerland and Britain have more cash than they can put to good use as corporate customers shift their deposits from weaker countries or smaller banks.


  • 与此同时德国瑞士英国大型银行境况会他们留存了更多的现金储备。这主要是因为储户们自己的资产小型银行经济状况堪忧国家转移到这些大型银行。

    Meanwhile large banks in Germany, Switzerland and Britain have more cash than they can put to good use as corporate customers shift their deposits from weaker countries or smaller banks.


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