• 因为来自不同国家人民交流越发频繁了解另一种文化也已经成为人们生活中的重要部分

    Since communication between people from different countries has become increasingly frequent, learning about other cultures has become part and parcel of people's life now.


  • 一个被压迫国家人民顺从他们征服者是因为他们下去

    The people of an oppressed country obey their conquerors because they want to go on living.


  • 人民有足够的大米吃,杂交水稻也给世界其他许多国家的人民带来了好消息。

    Chinese people have enough rice to eat, and hybrid rice has also brought good news to the peoples of many other countries all over the world.


  • 果一个国家的人民只会抱怨,并指望别人来解决他们的问题,那么这个国家不会有什么好结果。

    Nothing good can come to a nation whose people only complain and expect others to solve their problems.


  • 无疑问,它们还将使这个国家的人民更紧密地团结在一起,并及时地带来深刻的社会变革,其全貌无人得知。

    No doubt, they will also bring the people of the country closer together, and in time bring about deep social changes, the full nature of which no one can fully guess.


  • 那个国家人民忍饥挨饿

    The population of that country suffers from hunger.


  • 这个国家人民遭受了这么苦难;他们需要看到和平成果

    The people of this country have suffered too much; they need to see the results of peace.


  • 归根到底脆弱后冲突国家重要元素这些国家人民

    Ultimately, the most important element in fragile or post-conflict states is the people of those countries.


  • 我们拥有65个国家人民目前还有中东的大片土地”。

    "We have people in 65 countries and at the moment in a lot of places in the Middle East" she says.


  • 我们拥有65个国家人民目前还有中东的大片土地”。

    "We have people in 65 countries, and at the moment in a lot of places in the Middle East," she says.


  • 我们相信各个地区国家人民权利,也有能力解决好自己问题

    We believe that the people in all regions and countries have the right and the ability to solve their own problems.


  • 过去7年中麦当劳语言将条信息传递给了117个国家的人民

    For the past seven years, McDonald's has pushed that message in dozens of languages throughout 117 countries.


  • 现在看来,与所有国家人民一样这些国家的人民具有多元化的真实的自我

    It now appears that people in these nations, like people in all nations, have multiple authentic selves.


  • 孟加拉国阿塞拜疆,马达加斯加海地这样一些国家人民只能世界上脏的

    People in countries like Bangladesh, Azerbaijan, Madagascar, and Haiti only have access to the dirtiest water in the world.


  • 本世纪后半段气候变化对于贫困国家人民造成影响可能会灾难性的。

    The impacts of climate change on the people of the more vulnerable states is likely to be disastrous over the second half of this century.


  • 考虑治疗事故影响严重的3个国家人民设立特殊卫生保健规划

    Special health care programmes, established to treat people in the three countries which were most affected by the accident, were also considered.


  • 法国人之初创建是想它作为欧洲整合工具,欧洲不同国家人民各抒己见

    The Frenchman who invented them called the polls a means of promoting integration, by showing Europeans in different nations where they agreed and disagreed.


  • 目前工业化国家的人民基本上可以活到80——一个世纪要多30年寿命

    A typical life in an industrialized country is now about 80 years long-three decades longer than it was a century ago.


  • 对于这些生活世界第二贫穷国家人民来说,不能给予其他选项就是在掠夺他们

    We can't deprive these people living in the second-poorest country in the world of the only source of income without providing them with any alternative.


  • 第三我们需要知道我们所学语言国家人民生活方式才能妥当他们的语言。

    Third, the lifestyle of the people whose language we are learning is also something we need to know in order that we can speak their language properly.


  • 布朗先生一直提出给英国身份赋予新的定义问题,他说能够使得这个国家的人民团结

    Mr Brown has long argued for a new definition of Britishness around which the country's different peoples could unite.


  • 目前,大部分注意力集中发达国家,因为这些国家人民正面临丧失住房资产工作的困境。

    Most attention has been focused on developed countries, where people face the loss of homes, assets, and jobs.


  • ,世界贫穷国家取得进步能为遥远的其它国家的人民带来利益其中也包括美国人民

    He said progress in the poorest countries can advance the interests of people far beyond their borders, including Americans.


  • 索马里人民非洲其他每个国家的人民一样,在没有丧命恐惧观看球赛,”索马里信息部

    "The Somali people, like everyone else in Africa, should be able to watch the tournament without fear of loss of life," the Somali Ministry of Information said.


  • 但是生活世界上脆弱国家人民,即大量饱尝内战苦果的人民却得不到全球困境如此关注。

    But people living in the world's most fragile countries - many suffering as a result of civil wars - can't count on that level of global awareness of their plight.


  • 美国这样的热爱自己国家,热爱这个国家人民坚信自己的生活周围的生活都会越来越好。

    An American is someone who loves their country and the people in it, and believes in bettering their own lives as well as the lives of those around them.


  • 美国这样的热爱自己国家,热爱这个国家人民坚信自己的生活周围的生活都会越来越好。

    An American is someone who loves their country and the people in it, and believes in bettering their own lives as well as the lives of those around them.


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