• 果你想了解孔子的一些事情,你可以登录中国国家博物馆的网站。

    If you want to know something about Confucius, you can go to The National Museum of China's official website.


  • 果你是一个博物馆迷,请浏览中国国家博物馆的官方网站。

    If you are a fan of museums, go to the National Museum of China's official website.


  • 3月1日,一场关于大运河的展览在位于北京的国家博物馆落下帷幕。

    An exhibition about the Grand Canal ended at the National Museum of China in Beijing on March lst.


  • 罗素广场伦敦大桥参观了伦敦眼国家博物馆

    I went to Russell Square, London Bridge, and I saw the London Eye and the National Museum.


  • 据报道反对派已经国家博物馆周围建起了警戒线,这无疑好的预兆

    It is certainly a good sign that the rebels are reported to have thrown up a protective cordon around the National Museum.


  • 很多藏品得以修复阿富汗喀布尔国家博物馆宝藏”巡展展出

    Many of the recovered items are on display in the traveling exhibition "Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures From the National Museum, Kabul."


  • 伊拉克国家博物馆巴格达座库房发现了丢失的600文物

    The Iraqi National Museum has found that more than 600 missing ancient artefacts in a storeroom in Baghdad.


  • 作为国家博物馆我们试图收集件东西,以助理解美国经历的一切。

    We are the nation's museum, so we try to collect everything that helps to understand the national experience.


  • 或者也可以参观国家博物馆摄影电影电视上看到艺术之家电影

    Or, you can visit the National Museum of Photography, film and Television to see art house films.


  • 城市里2个博物馆:一个是关于地质,石油天然气,人自然国家博物馆

    There are 2 museums in the city: the museum of Geology, Oil and Gas and the State museum of Human and Nature.


  • 埃及国家博物馆举行盛大的欢迎仪式,人们歌声军乐来欢迎木乃伊回归祖国。

    The mummy was welcomed back home with songs and military band music during a ceremony at the national museum in Cairo.


  • 极其不寻常的事情中方去这样做,”柏林国家博物馆馆长迈克尔·埃森豪尔

    It’s highly unusual, but the Chinese wanted it, ” said Michael Eissenhauer, director of the State Museums of Berlin.


  • 后来我们了新闻博物馆,这里要展出美国印第安人历史暗淡无国家博物馆有意思多。

    Later we headed for the outstanding Newseum, which proved far more interesting than the lacklustre National Museum of the American Indian.


  • 巴格达伊拉克国家博物馆后,把谢赫.哈桑伊拉克艺术品收藏之多喻为世界毫不为过。

    Since the looting of the National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad, Sheikh Hassan’s collection of Iraqi art is the biggest in the world.


  • 随着新型安保设备的到位,将古巴比伦文物巴格达国家博物馆运回的谈判进行中。

    And with new security installed, talks are under way to return ancient Babylonian artifacts from the National Museum in Baghdad.


  • 虽然后来参观国家博物馆,但是还是值得她注意他写的时候,他没有那里参观。

    It is worthy of note that he had not visited the national museum when he wrote the book, although he did visit it later.


  • 美国所有机构驻扎在这里各种国家博物馆各类纪念碑再到众多的司法权力机构大厦一应具全。

    All of the United States' great institutions flourish there, from national museums and monuments to the halls of justice and power.


  • 我们雅典时,我们浏览了一些景点世界著名帕台农神庙国家博物馆,我们还看了音乐会

    While we were in Athens we visited some of the sights: the world famous Parthenon, and the National Museum, and we went to a concert.


  • 一个家庭友好下午约翰内斯堡动物园进入南非历史国家博物馆军事历史或种族隔离博物馆

    Spend a family-friendly afternoon at Johannesburg Zoo or dive into South African history at the National Museum of Military History or the Apartheid Museum.


  • 非洲马赛克收藏周年”展览,于11月19日非洲艺术国家博物馆开幕,展出过去收藏的作品精选

    "African Mosaic: Celebrating a Decade of Collecting," which opens at the National Museum of African Art on November 19, presents selected gifts and purchases made over the past ten years.


  • 它们巴格达国家博物馆展出几个然后伊拉克入侵科威特批财宝不得不转移隐藏一个秘密的场所

    They were exhibited at Baghdad's National Museum for just a few months before Iraq invaded Kuwait and the treasure had to be stashed away in a secret location.


  • 正在建设中的国家博物馆改扩建工程计划2010年竣工,建成后总建筑面积达到19.19万平方米,世界第一

    The National Museum of China whose expansion project is to be finished in 2010 will cover a floor space of 191,900 square meters, ranking the first in the world.


  • 韩国现代当代艺术MMCA国家博物馆中,巨大的金属结构入口庭院里创建个形状奇怪亭子。

    The huge metal structure creates an unusually shaped pavilion in the entrance courtyard of Korea's National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA).


  • 一个很短车程市内热闹艺术文化国家博物馆现场新加坡美术馆亚洲文明博物馆滨海艺术中心。

    A short drive to the city's lively arts and culture scene at the National Museum, Singapore art Museum, Asian Civilizations Museum and the Esplanade.


  • 华盛顿,Cher Ami只有一条身躯史密森国家博物馆举办的“自由的代价战争中的美国人展览中展出

    His one-legged body is on display at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History's "Price of Freedom: Americans at War" exhibit in Washington, d.c..


  • 今天亮相西(Lucy)”骨骼化石该化石唯一的一具复制品,之前一直埃塞俄比亚国家博物馆展示

    The skeletonreconstruction exhibited in the pavilion is the only copy of the "Lucy" fossil.


  • 任务小组特工审讯雷诺阿案抓获窃贼时其中一人告诉他们,某处藏有国家博物馆抢走值钱的画作伦勃朗自画像

    When task force agents interrogate one of the thieves nabbed with the Renoir, he tells them the whereabouts of the other, far more valuable painting snatched from the National museum: the Rembrandt.


  • 网站所附为了上帝”在国家博物馆达米安·赫斯特的展览游客可以记录下他们意见博物馆里,出版。

    Website accompanying the exhibition of the Damien Hirst's "For the Love of God" in the Rijksmuseum. Visitors can record their opinion in the museum, which will be published.


  • 网站所附为了上帝”在国家博物馆达米安·赫斯特的展览游客可以记录下他们意见博物馆里,出版。

    Website accompanying the exhibition of the Damien Hirst's "For the Love of God" in the Rijksmuseum. Visitors can record their opinion in the museum, which will be published.


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