• 本文讨论圆弧曲线

    This paper treats of the fixed end forces of circular curved beam.


  • 作用力矩暂且不考虑。

    The fixed end moments acting on the member are ignored for the moment .


  • 作用力矩暂且不考虑。

    The fixed end moments acting on the member are ignored for the moment.


  • 、多孔连续拱上建筑处理,作了讨论和实用建议

    The treatment of the fixed end arch bridge, of the continuous arch bridge and of the superstructure on the arch is discussed and practical proposals are made for the solutions.


  • 本文提出绘制支承弹簧地基影响线四边影响面的方法。

    This Paper gives a method of drawing the influence line of fixed end beam and the influence area of fixed edge flat plate which are lying on the elastic foundation bed.


  • 地下室高层结构选择是否合理,直接影响到工程造价结构安全性

    How to choose the partial fixing of the tall-building with basement is very important which will affect the cost, structure security and so on.


  • 通过,计算了不同长细比条件下剪切变形转动惯量各阶主频率影响

    From numerical example, the effect of shear deformation and rotatory inertia on the natural frequencies of the Timoshenko clamped beam is discussed under different slender conditions.


  • 本文采用连续简支梁梁、悬臂梁、桁架损伤识别,简支梁多点损伤识别。

    It includes the single site damage detection of continuous beam, simple support beam, fixed end beam, overhanging beam, truss, and the multipoint damage detection of simple support beam.


  • 采用连接单元,考虑连接柔性影响,推导出半刚性框架梁柱的刚度矩阵半刚性梁弯矩

    The stiffness matrix of semi-rigid steel frames and the fixed end moment are deduced, based on the connection element method incorporating the effects of joint flexibility.


  • 位移未知量,根据平衡条件建立了竖向荷载作用定的空腹桁架节点转角节间迭代计算公式固端弯矩计算方法。

    Iterative formulas of nodal rotational Angle and lateral deflection of truss panel and fixed-moment in end-fixing Vierendeel truss subjected to vertical loads are presented in this paper.


  • 针对均布载荷作用下正交各向异性在两支条件下平面应力问题求解了应力位移解析

    For the plane stress problem of fixed end orthotropic beams subjected to uniform load, the analytical solutions of stress and displacement were resolved.


  • 传统方法是将悬管道简化为或者处理

    Traditional methods treat each span segment as a simply-supported beam or clamped-clamped beam in practice.


  • 点支式玻璃幕墙支撑结构落地支撑结构的风系数取值问题进行了研究。

    The calculation of the gust response factor of the point-supporting curtain wall's supporting structures which are fixed-supported and not on the ground, is analyzed.


  • 本文将离心机转鼓视为支、一自由的薄壁圆筒能量推导其最低阶频率,所得结果具有工程运算所需精度。

    Treating a bowl of centrifuge as a clamped-free thin-walled cylinder, fromulas to calculate natural freguency are given by using Rayleigh's energy method.


  • 保持塑性集中荷载作用点附近塑性扩展附近塑性区卸载阶段

    The fixed end behaves as a plastic hinge, and the plastic region near the point where the concentrated load acts is developing, while that near the fixed end unloading.


  • 嵌岩竖向承载力理论上应阻力承力组成。

    Theoretically the single pile vertical bearing capacity of rock-socketed pile is composed of the frictional resistance, the socketed force and the end-bearing force.


  • 箍式套管螺纹连接,所以套管外径尺寸增大环形间隙便于套管下提高质量

    It connects with threads on both ends of pipe body, which allows a smaller casing O. D. and increases annular gap to facility casing running in and improve cementing quality.


  • 加权残值计算基础上,进行了闭合圆柱稳的可靠性计算,表明方法有效性

    By the method of weighted residuals the reliability of the unstability of the closed cylindrical shell with both ends built-in is calculated. Results show the validity of the present method.


  • 建立底座梁主系统耦合数学模型

    A mathematical model of the system composed of the vibration absorber with a base and coupled with an ends-fixed beam is established.


  • 因此一侧脚可该些第二引脚达到长度对称且不会悬空适用具有单侧片。

    Therefore, the first side pins and the second side pins can have symmetrical lengths without long side suspension ends and can be suitable for sticking and fixing wafers with single side welding pads.


  • 垫体设有一带齿眼的1)。

    The edges of two short axis of the pad are respectively provided with a fixed clipping ear (1) with teeth points.


  • 垫体设有一带齿眼的1)。

    The edges of two short axis of the pad are respectively provided with a fixed clipping ear (1) with teeth points.


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