• 学习挫折:学习中文困难一件事,我们完成了这个艰难过程后,我们觉得这是我们应得的,这个地方我们的。

    The learning curve: learning Chinese is difficult, and after we’ve completed the arduous process, we come to feel like we’ve earned it, and this place is ours.


  • 句话我们度过生命中所有困难时刻因为如今我们知道美好时光不能长久艰难的时刻终将过去。

    This has been the mantra that has got us through the most difficult of all times because today we know that if the good times cannot last forever, the difficult times too will pass.


  • 经常情况是,施耐德说:“这些父母非常非常艰难生活应付各种可怕问题孩子只是他们生活困难一部分

    Often, says Schneider, "these are parents who are leading very, very difficult lives with all kinds of horrifying problems to deal with, and the child is only part of the difficulty of their lives.


  • 工作遇到困难超乎我们的想象,而且他如此艰难取得的成功也是一个兆头。

    The job he has undertaken is difficult beyond imagination and the good he has accomplished against tall odds bodes well.


  • 这个艰难时刻我们大家共同努力应对面前困难至关紧要的。

    In these trying times, it is vital that we all work together to meet the troubles that lie ahead.


  • 正像爬山一样一开始很容易~,我们仅仅是到达陡峭旅程起点,我们并没有到达最高处还有很长的~,我们需要清楚地明白将来要遇到困难的艰难性,而这个关键在于医院处理的是否及时有效。

    While it may be pretty easy at the beginning, we have just arrived at the first precipitous part of the journey. We have not yet reached the top and we still have a long way to go.


  • 在今天我们欣赏首歌,我们能了解过去岁月里故事不畏艰难困苦同时我们克服困难勇气希望

    Today, when we come to appreciate this song, we understand the story over the past years, without fear of hardship, but also give us the courage to overcome difficulties and hope.


  • 不管发生什么,这里发生的跟过去发生纳姆身上的很相似湖人现在处在困难时期至少他们知道的还要艰难

    Whatever happens, here comes another post-Bynum similarity: the Lakers are now looking at hard times, or at least harder times than they've known.


  • 电影,很敬佩企鹅爸爸妈妈勇敢不怕困难精神,他们抚养孩子多么艰难呀。

    After the movie, I admired penguin dads and moms so much. They were so brave and fearless of difficulties. How difficult for them to raise their children!


  • 一些十分艰难时刻,如果同时受到认为并不公平的指责,会这些困难变得更加难以克服。

    There will be very tough times, made even more difficult by criticism you may not think is fair.


  • 育儿一件及其烦心的活,困难重重妇女身负哺乳养育孩子的重任,面临许多艰难抉择

    Childcare is fraught with difficulty, and women navigate tough choices as they try to breast-feed and bring up a child.


  • 每个在岁月的长河中都会遇到困难,是坎坷,是艰难这些无形地影响自己信念

    Every one will come across difficulties, tragedies, hardships , which effect our beliefs without our knowledge.


  • 对于法布雷加斯困难在于如此艰难一个年龄离开祖国来到这里。

    What was difficult for Fabregas was to move early at such a difficult age away from his country.


  • 生活可以极其美妙的,也可以是无比艰难的。要懂得如何充分地欣赏美好如此不会困难击垮。

    Life can be very beautiful and life can be very difficult. Learn to appreciate the beauty so much that the difficulties cannot bring you down.


  • 追根溯源沿着这些早期移民足迹种感激之情油然而生。祖先面对艰难困苦,克服重重困难土地上定居下来。

    Having traced my roots and followed in the footsteps of these early settlers, I feel a sense of gratitude to my ancestors who faced extreme difficulties and severe hardship to settle in a new land.


  • 我们遇到各种各样困难如果我们能挺住向前进,所有艰难时刻终将过去美好的明天迟早回来到

    We will meet all kinds of difficulties, if we can hold on and keep move on, all the hard time will pass, the bright future will come sooner or later.


  • 布局问题NP -困难航天器设计本身巨大复杂性使得问题的解决既有理论上的开拓性和挑战性,又存在工程实践上的艰难和复杂性。

    Great challenges and barriers exist in both theory and practice due to the NP-hard of layout problems in computation complexity and alarming difficulties in the design of spacecraft themselves.


  • 如果人有种渴望,去实现真正意义目标,即使路上有艰难险阻困难重重,也会想出办法战胜使自己获得强大的优势

    When there's something desirable, something truly meaningful on the other side of the challenge, you'll find a way through the challenge. Give yourself that powerful advantage.


  • 学习中,遇到一些困难这点困难鲁滨逊独自生活荒岛遇到艰难险阻相比,道的。

    During the study, I often encountered some difficulties, but this is difficult to live alone with Robinson in the face of difficulties and obstacles on a desert island, is not enough to micro-Road.


  • 经历漫长艰难赛季温布利球场一个热辣辣日子球队都需要继续这场困难比赛。

    On a baking hot day at Wembley after a long, hard season, both teams found it hard going.


  • 我们碰到困难时候,应该想想这些长征中的英雄怎样克服困难,他们在那么艰难时候挺过来了,我们这些困难为什么不能解决呢?

    When we encounter difficulties, should think of the heroes in the long march is how to overcome difficulties, they can survive the tough times, then why can't we these little difficult to solve?


  • 回忆起那段艰难日子坦言哺育下一代成就感帮助战胜了许多困难

    Recalled those difficult days, she said frankly that nurtured the next generation a sense of accomplishment to help her overcome many difficulties.


  • 因为我们面临一些困难辩论艰难斗争正如以前所说,我们正处在一个中产阶级而言成败攸关的关键时刻

    Because we've got some difficult debates and some tough fights to come. As I've said before, we are at a make-or-break moment for the middle class.


  • 因为不起眼人生真谛我们勇敢面对艰难下一个挑战敢于面对困难成功了。

    Because this is a strain of the humble grass, let me read to understand the true meaning of life, we only brave to face the tough next challenge, dare to face difficulty, you are successful.


  • 艰难困苦的时期一起因为记得我们过去在一起度过的时刻,如果我们问题给予足够的重视,面对问题度过困难时期,我能想象我们将来在一起是个什么样子。

    However, because I can remember what we had together in the past, and I can picture what we will have together in our future if we care enough to face ur problems and work them through.


  • 对于玩具业而言,好的消息历史上经济困难时期这个行业仍然维持着好的态势,原因父母会做出自我牺牲他们孩子不会知道时局艰难

    The good news for the toy business is historically it has held up quite well in tough economic times because parents self-sacrifice but their children arent going to know times are tough.


  • 永远别忘记困难时候帮助,在你困难的时期离开你的人,以及你的日子变得艰难的人。

    Never forget 3 types of people in your life: Who helped you in your difficult time; Who left you in your difficult time; Who put you in difficult time.


  • 永远别忘记困难时候帮助,在你困难的时期离开你的人,以及你的日子变得艰难的人。

    Never forget 3 types of people in your life: Who helped you in your difficult time; Who left you in your difficult time; Who put you in difficult time.


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