• 他们因没有受到邀请而愤愤不平。

    They were indignant that they hadn't been invited.


  • 那幅画没有着色显得晦暗。

    The absence of coloration in that drawing makes it dull.


  • 电工没有内的电线检查好而谴责

    The electric inspector was castigated for having failed to check the wire as he was supposed to.


  • 适用,没有产品相关服务费费用。

    Not applicable, as there is no explicit fees or charges associated with this product.


  • 没有把怀关闭没有患难对隐藏

    Because it shut not up the doors of my mother's womb, nor hid sorrow from mine eyes.


  • 例如使用无线技术避免因没有固定线路造成限制

    For example, using wireless technology to avoid the constraint posed by the absence of land lines.


  • 球迷没有弄到球票只得球场电线杆上观看足球赛

    Not having got a ticket, a fan had to climb to a utility pole outside the stadium to watch the football match.


  • 苏丹因没有从同意南部苏丹分家决定中获得回报而感到恼火。

    Rump Sudan is also miffed at the lack of rewards it has received for letting the south go.


  • 书中曾提到,有时候他会没有回答直接提问被认为没有礼貌

    As he explains in his book, he often appears rude because he doesn't respond if a question is not direct and explicit.


  • 印度官员名运动员()没有通过兴奋剂测试停赛。

    Six Indian athletes - five women and one man - have been suspended after failing doping tests, officials say.


  • 没有圣者言语仍以此安慰止息的痛苦中还可踊跃

    Then should I yet have comfort; yea, I would harden myself in sorrow: let him not spare; for I have not concealed the words of the Holy One.


  • 保持时间记录节省时间不用担心没有安排好时间而查找失去客户

    Keep up to date records. This can save a mountain of time. No searching or worrying or losing clients through disorganisation.


  • 这些机构没有预见引发全球信用危机次级金融产品导致的麻烦广受批评。

    The agencies have been widely criticised for failing to foresee trouble in financial products made of sub-prime mortgages that triggered the global credit crunch.


  • 这位中场球员已经承认他后悔自己决定卡佩罗没有亲自联系他而招致批评。

    While the midfielder has since admitted regret at the decision, Capello has drawn criticism for failing to make contact himself.


  • 清了清嗓子起来,在抽屉里找到一包早上没有了酒而怅然若失藏起来一包骆驼烟。

    I cleared my throat. I got up, rummaged through a drawer of old washers, and found a pack of Camels I'd stashed for mornings when I felt lost without bourbon.


  • 没有理由拒绝那些基本礼节,穿着简单的褐色套装带着著名的”眼睛,以此作为装饰

    Seeing no reason to abandon the simple style that had served him well, he dressed in a plain brown suit with his famous spectacles as his only adornment.


  • 没有公众公布一些可能无效甚至是危险药物人体实验结果制药公司遭受了强烈的批评。

    Drug companies have also been sharply criticized for failing to make public the results of some human trials of their drugs that suggest that the drugs are either ineffective or dangerous.


  • 本周日除了特里之外,有五名切尔西球员没有退任意球10码外而得到黄牌科尔就是其中之一

    On Sunday, in addition to Terry's dismissal, Cole was one of five Chelsea players booked - for not retreating 10 yards at a free kick.


  • 尽管大多数穿刺试图提供干净健康环境但一些还是可能没有妥善预防处理而存在感染或者其它健康风险

    Although most piercing shops try to provide a clean and healthy environment, some might not take proper precautions against infections or other health hazards.


  • 没有任何一个调查者没有这件事承认自己做过。相反很多人面对着这份匿名问卷调查时说谎

    No respondents would say that they had behaved fraudulently if they hadn't, but many, even on an anonymous questionnaire, might be expected to lie in the opposite direction.


  • 2008年,180万结核病包括50万同时患有艾滋病的患者,其中有许多没有接受抗逆转病毒治疗而死亡

    In 2008, 1.8 million people died from TB including half a million deaths associated with HIV - many of them because they were not enrolled on ART.


  • 三条主要动脉如果阻碍或者被损坏都会脑细胞因没有工作所需能量而饿死,从而损害这些包细胞工作区域

    A blockage or break in one of them starves brain cells of the energy they require to function, impairing the functions controlled by that region.


  • 推测经过几千年的进化我们身体的免疫系统已经习惯蠕虫的存在,所以如果去除它们,免疫系统就会没有对抗物而失控

    One theory is that, over millennia of evolution, our immune systems got used to worms. So if you take them away, the immune system runs wild, as it has nothing to work against.


  • 推测经过几千年的进化我们身体的免疫系统已经习惯蠕虫的存在,所以如果去除它们,免疫系统就会没有对抗物而失控

    One theory is that, over millennia of evolution, our immune systems got used to worms. So if you take them away, the immune system runs wild, as it has nothing to work against.


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