• 每年估计有100万幼儿母亲死亡死亡

    Every year, an estimated one million young children die as a result of the death of their mother.


  • 官方统计数据没有包括母亲射杀而死去数百万幼小袋鼠。

    Official statistics ignore the millions of young kangaroos who also die when their mothers are shot.


  • 高红健校长母亲病重需回家照顾上学期结束时离开了嘉玛。

    Ms. Gao Hong Jian left KAMA at the end of last semester to look after her mother who has been ill. This semester Mr.


  • 母亲与继父婚姻破裂10回到了美国,大部分时间祖父母生活在一起。

    He lived there for several years and came back to America at the age of 10 when his mom divorced with his stepfather.


  • 同年傅抱石母亲病故,日本返回中国,并应徐悲鸿先生之邀中央大学艺术系任教

    In the same year, Fu Baoshi returned back China from Japan as his mother passed away. Later, upon invitation of Mr. Xu Beihong, he went to teach at the Department of Arts of Central University.


  • 与此同时几乎每一个撤离母亲大多数基普母亲担心他们健康那次事故受到影响。

    At the same time, almost every evacuee mother and most of the Kiev mothers worried that their health had been affected by the accident.


  • 曾祖父辈之一,托马斯·康奈尔,1667年谋杀自己母亲绞死。

    One of his direct great-grandfathers, Thomas Cornell, was hanged in 1667 for murdering his mother.


  • 一个名为禽兽母亲”的栏目中专栏作家曼斯菲尔德·弗雷泽讲述儿子摩西·哈尔顿如何枪击警察而被判终身监禁

    In a column titled "Mother of a Monster," she describes to columnist Mansfield Frazier how her son, Timothy Halton Jr. was sentenced to life in prison for shooting a police officer.


  • 历史学家猜测甚至可能自己就是犹太人,母亲一个无能犹太医生而死。

    Historians have even speculated that he was partly-Jewish himself - or even that his mother died at the hands of an inept Jewish physician.


  • 偷窃罪向警察自首的那天,我本能告诉上帝母亲对不起不会犯了”,但是对不起是不够的。

    The day I turned myself into the police for grand theft, I could have just told God and my mother "sorry I will never do it again", but saying sorry wasn't enough.


  • 例如尼泊尔母亲她们继承权土地更多所有权体重严重不足的儿童人数较少。

    In Nepal, for example, where mothers have greater ownership of land because of their inheritance rights, there are fewer severely underweight children.


  • 布雷特维塞也自己的罪行26监禁母亲作为从犯判了18个月的监禁。

    For his crimes, Breitwieser was sentenced to 26 months in prison. His mother served 18 months for being an accomplice.


  • 而当23岁那年母亲在十月身患炎性乳腺癌而永远的离开了我。

    The year I turned 23, it was the month I lost my mother to inflammatory breast cancer.


  • 悲痛而绝望时常歇斯底里的母亲自己解读他的状态,相信自己的一切都是为了他

    It was his mother, desperate and at times hysterical with grief, who interpreted his state and believed she was acting in his best interests.


  • 答应母亲音乐会而不能接受邀请

    I was unable to accept your invitation, having promised to accompany my mother to the concert.


  • 还有罕见一阵悲恸而全身抽搐,还会抽抽噎噎说出几个不连贯的词语来表达母亲似乎用心碎证明她确实一颗心。

    Or - but this more rarely happened - she would be convulsed with a rage of grief, and SOB out her love for her mother, in broken words, and seem intent on proving that she had a heart, by breaking it.


  • 母亲失去丧失了心智,至今仍冷宫里

    His mother went crazy when she lost him and is locked up in the cold palace now.


  • 的时候不,使我母亲成了我的坟墓,胎时常重大

    Because he slew me not from the womb; or that my mother might have been my grave, and her womb to be always great with me.


  • 叛逃者证实亲眼目睹母亲兄长试图越狱处以枪决。

    One defector testified that while in a camp, he had witnessed his mother and elder brother publicly executed for attempting to escape.


  • 婴儿母亲要求实施剖腹产手术导致比例上升的主要素。

    Caesarean delivery on request by mothers is a major contributor to this trend.


  • 母亲哪,了。作为遍地相争相竞的人。

    Woe is me, my mother, that thou hast borne me a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth!


  • 数百万母亲不会分娩

    Millions of mothers can be saved from dying in child birth.


  • 十三岁的电影中的主角母亲工厂事故猝死的惨剧让一直无法开怀。为了协助朋友完成电影拍摄,乔承担了怪物化妆模型火车爆破的任务。

    Our hero is Joe, a 13-year-old struggling with his mother's sudden death in a factory accident, while he assists his friends' film by designing monster makeup and exploding model trains.


  • 今年一月来,他们一直抚养詹姆斯五岁女儿阳光这个女孩的亲生母亲詹尼·琳德姆德尔一起逃税事件判处有期徒刑6个月

    Since January this year, they have been bringing up Sunny, James's five-year-old daughter, while the girl's mother, Janine Lindemulder, was serving a six-month sentence for tax evasion.


  • 他们接手这样个案子,一位4个孩子母亲,曾串有精神病拖欠租金公营公寓了出来。

    A current case involves a mother of four with a history of mental illness who was evicted from her council flat for rent arrears.


  • 根据发布研究报告,每年在世界各地,有二百婴儿母亲分娩期间并发症死亡

    More than 2 million babies and mothers die worldwide each year as a result of complications during childbirth, according to a study released Tuesday.


  • 根据发布研究报告,每年在世界各地,有二百婴儿母亲分娩期间并发症死亡

    More than 2 million babies and mothers die worldwide each year as a result of complications during childbirth, according to a study released Tuesday.


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