• 阅读深刻地改变因此明白上帝荣耀的缘故使用书籍改变人们

    I have been profoundly changed by reading books. So I know that God USES books to change people for his glory.


  • 约翰吸引力的,因此明白为什么爱上不过没有必要拼命讨好他。

    John is very attractive and I understand why you've fallen in love for him, but there's no need to throw yourself at him.


  • 再说别的但是父子之间话虽不多,却一向非常通气的,因此明白的话大有弦外之音

    He didn't say any more, but we've always been unusually communicative in a reserved way, and I understood that he meant a great deal more than that.


  • 因此觉得最好就是确保自己明白这份工作要求什么

    So I think the thing to take away from this is maybe make sure you do understand the job - what the requirements are.


  • 但当只是明白》(Ballantine图书出版社,1990)时,他发现:一起事情本身就是慰藉另外一种关怀,并因此感到释怀。

    So he was relieved to read in my book "You Just Don't Understand" (Ballantine, 1990) that doing things together can be a comfort in itself, another way to show caring.


  • 但当只是明白》(Ballantine图书出版社, 1990)时,他发现:一起事情本身就是慰藉另外一种关怀,并因此感到释怀。

    So he was relieved to read in my bookYou Just Don’t Understand” (Ballantine, 1990) that doing things together can be a comfort in itself, another way to show caring.


  • 明白危机杠杆作用因此欧元可能蔓延

    I think I understand the leverage in the euro crisis and therefore how far it could spread.


  • 了解心里西先生是怎样一种感觉因此很容易明白听到居然懂得在表面上装象个样子了,这叫多么高兴。

    You, who so well know my feelings towards Mr. Darcy, will readily comprehend how sincerely I must rejoice that he is wise enough to assume even the appearance of what is right.


  • 不管怎么说,还是不能使明白就是她自己的脸。因此起来,围巾盖住

    And say what I could, I was incapable of making her comprehend it to be her own; so I rose and covered it with a shawl.


  • 明白根本不理睬的想法,因此勉强地书房,给这个不合时宜来访者通报主人让他走,明天再说。

    I perceived he was bent on refusing my mediation, so very reluctantly I went up to the library, and announced the unseasonable visitor, advising that he should be dismissed till next day.


  • 因此这样经历明白一个道理任何人希望做成一些事情只是热情不够的,需要认认真真的工作

    Thus, this experience made me understand a truth, anyone who wants to do something, just enthusiasm and love were not enough, he also needs really serious work.


  • 另外开始使用位置跟踪程序,因此GoogleBuzz所有朋友分钟就会看到最新位置——怎么明白如何关闭这个程序。

    Furthermore, it has taken to using the location tracker so all my mates on Google Buzz - which I can't work out how to turn off - are getting updates every five minutes.


  • 因此教导你们那些你们能够明白法,你们能够成为遵守人子部律法。

    Therefore, I teach you only those laws which you can understand, that you may become men, and follow the seven laws of the Son of Man.


  • 因此,即使冒着那些闲聊阶层失望风险你们明白什么哪里关注的。

    So, at risk of disappointing the chattering class, let me make clear what is foremost on my mind and where my focus will be


  • 因此送出到任何地方每个灵魂并且也许喜悦心醉神迷能量中,不是寄居在黑暗的口袋里哭泣明白

    So I send my love and light everywhere, to every soul, and I may as well rejoice in the pockets of light rather than dwell in the pockets of darkness and weep, you see.


  • 因此,这部电影成功使明白了对于一部好的电影即使演员并不出名也一样赢得很好的票房。

    Thus, the hit of this movie taught me that a good movie will record a hit even if actors and actresses are not known in Japan.


  • 有人带着宽恕指出情愿道歉因此明白对不起句话分量,这何等重要

    How important it was to understand the worth of saying "I am sorry" by being told, with forgiveness, that I was hesitating to apologize.


  • 因此明白了,一切都不要紧——无论是年轻人或是老人探戈还是嘻哈保持相爱就是一起度过快乐时光。

    So I'm learning it really doesn't matter. Young, old, tango or hip-hop, staying in love is just about spending that quality time together.


  • 会让生气天也明白因此妈妈解释妈妈微笑着解释道。

    This only irritated me more. I didn't understand one bit. And so I demanded more of the explanation. Mom smiled, and began to explain.


  • 今天明白是个错误信息烟花爆竹可不是小事不能拿来开玩笑因此,请别傻笑了,认真听

    I will let you know that is false information. Fireworks are no small matter, and no laughing matter either. So wipe that smirk off your face and listen up.


  • 因此明白所有4个不同国家一些67事件

    So what I understand is we have in all 4 different states and some 6 to 7 events .


  • 因此能够明白你们中的许多对于开学需要时刻来调整和适应这天在那里,是为了你们一些重要的事情。

    So I know that some of you are still adjusting to being back at school. But I'm here today because I have something important to discuss with you.


  • 经常这种想法困扰生活很大程度建立他人工作上,因此我明白自己他们的亏欠。

    I am often troubled by the thought that my life is based to such a large extent on the work of my fellow human beings, and I am aware of my great indebtedness to them.


  • 因此也完全明白为什么教授应该艺术家所做的那样,经常自拍,以此了解自己发生了哪些变化

    Therefore, I understand completely why my professor said we have to do self-portraits frequently to see what's changed on us as the artists usually do.


  • 因此也完全明白为什么教授应该艺术家所做的那样,经常自拍,以此了解自己发生了哪些变化

    Therefore, I understand completely why my professor said we have to do self-portraits frequently to see what's changed on us as the artists usually do.


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