• 喜欢这部电影最重要因为这部电影一部传统电影

    This is a great movie for family watching. I like this one , since it is contrary to the tradition.


  • 喜欢复仇祸害》这部电影因为这部电影传达了保护生态环境的信息。

    She liked working on Furry Vengeance because of its eco-friendly message.


  • 使用因为这部电影讲述的信仰包含着生命以及少年的种种情感

    I wanted to use water because the film is talking about faith, and it contains fish, life and every emotion for Pi.


  • 如果因为这部电影起来像是有教育意义的电影,那现在告诉你千万不要错过它。

    If you haven't seen it because it sounds too much like spinach cinema, I'm here to tell you not to miss out.


  • 但这都没关系因为这部电影成为了经典体育电影之一,开启了凯文作为电影主角时代

    Doesn't matter, since it's still heralded as one of the best sports movies of all time and helped to cement Kevin's status as a leading man.


  • 关于参演简单理由,据说是因为这部电影来说意义非凡因为参演李安电影,这种机会本身非常难得。

    The simple fact of his participation in this film, he says, has great meaning for him, because the chance to appear in an Ang Lee movie is one that comes only rarely.


  • 其实不是坏事,因为《死怪异离题情节正是这部电影吸引人的地方。

    That's not a bad thing actually, since Deadpool's bizarre digressions are exactly what makes the film appealing.


  • 这部电影可不是因为推荐,我是想看亨利·方达的表演。

    I didn't see the film because you recommended it . I wanted to see Henry Fonda.


  • 泰勒最终放弃,改由其他演员接手……因为这部有关极限飞行电影,大卫·埃利森为自己设计个身兼演员飞行员二职重要角色

    But Taylor dropped out and other actors passed on the project... because David had written himself a big role as an actor and pilot in the movie about extreme flying.


  • 这部电影感觉像是无穷尽的游乐园旋转木马,可能有意的,因为环球公司刚刚开了一家。

    The movies feel like a never-ending amusement-park ride, which is probably intentional, since Universal just opened one.


  • 这部电影可能不是普通观众胃口,因为影片整体美感时期日本动画连续剧非常的相像。

    However, this may not be immediately apparent to the casual viewer, as the overall aesthetic of the film is very much like that of any animated Japanese television series from the same era.


  • BBC威尔士采访:”不能剧透太多关于这部新的哈利波特电影因为尽管出书了但是我还是了我不用签的一份协议。

    He said in an interview with BBC Radio Wales: 'I can't reveal much about the new Harry Potter film, which I don't understand because the book is out anyway, but I had to sign a clause that I wouldn't.


  • ErikYehl -一个金发低声细语喜欢打篮球电子游戏男孩-由于口吃,觉得这部电影心理很难受,因为他自己也有同样的遭遇

    For Erik Yehl, a fair-haired, soft-spoken boy who loves basketball and video games, the film was sometimes tough to watch, because it hit so close to home.


  • 忘了这部电影DMX(黑人饶舌歌手——译注)、“有点儿乐”安东尼·安德森、胡凯莉以及“天杀得干嘛娶了罗珊娜”汤姆·阿诺德吧(调侃汤姆·阿诺德因为罗珊娜的分合导致事业起落——译注),该把目光聚焦李连杰马克·达卡斯考斯的搏命镜头上。

    Just ignore the fact that this movie has DMX, Anthony “Barely Funny” Anderson, Kelly Hu and TomWhy’d I Marry Roseanne” Arnold and focus on the fight scene between Jet Li and Mark Dacasos.


  • 这部电影并不打算树立出色恶棍,其中位编剧艾伦勒布(Allan Loeb)坚称道因为对于2008年的危机我们责任”。

    The film is not meant to have a standout villain, insists Allan Loeb, one of its writers, becausewe were all to blamefor the meltdown of 2008.


  • 会计很走运因为看过这部电影回答道,“1500人遇难。”圣彼德把会计也放进天堂了。

    Fortunately the accountant had just watched the movie and he answers, "1 500!".


  • 说:“她喜欢这部电影因为包含信仰内容,而许多印尼人心中产生共鸣。”

    She says she liked the film because it has a message of faith; one that she thinks resonates with many Indonesians.


  • 两种艺术形式表达情感交织一起显得如此强烈以致于我们能够因为电影原声音乐或者仅仅一首插曲而记住这部电影

    The sympathy between these two artistic expressions is so strong that we can remember a movie because of its soundtrack or, at least, one of its songs.


  • 这部电影只有30分钟导演喜欢利用技术特色进行试验因为这样美妙有趣

    The director of this 30 minute movie also claimed that he likes to test technology features because they are both wonderful and fun.


  • 这部电影之所以能够扎根脑海里因为喜欢这部片子的结尾的结尾非常耐人寻味

    I guess this film is deeply rooted in my memory because I like the ending, which is very thought provoking.


  • 要是之前知道珍爱这部电影的内容,我很可能不会了,因为该片太过阴郁令人压抑

    If I had known what Precious was about, I probably wouldn't have wanted to see it. Just too dark and depressing.


  • 要是之前知道珍爱这部电影的内容,我很可能不会了,因为该片阴郁令人压抑

    If I had known what Precious was about, I probably wouldn't have wanted to see it.Just too dark and depressing.


  • 出演这部电影并不容易因为实现迪亚波罗剧本正义上面临很大压力,”福克斯表示,“所以我对此紧张。

    “It was a difficult movie to make because I was under a lot of pressure to do Diablo’s script justice, ”says Fox, “so I was nervous about that.


  • 这部电影电影巨头哈维斯坦的帝门影业发行,哈维温斯坦接受洛杉矶时报采访时说道:“英国的票房因为它的等级家人能够一起观看这部影片

    Film mogul Harvey Weinstein, whose studio The Weinstein Company released the movie, told the Los Angeles Times: "The British numbers are huge because the rating lets families see the movie together.


  • 授予这部电影评委会特别奖,那么点儿并列第一意思,因为舍不得朱诺》屈居第二。

    I gave it my Special Jury Prize, which is sort of an equal first; no movie was going to budge "Juno" off the top of my list.


  • 这部影片通常被认为电影大败笔当然不是因为缺乏资金

    It's commonly referred to as one of the biggest flops ever made, but it certainly wasn't for a lack of money.


  • 有些可能会认为这会使我感到厌倦可是其实不然因为喜欢接触人,我也乐意人们谈论这部电影

    Some people might think it would become boring but it's really not because I like meeting people and I like hearing what people think about the film.


  • 基本上没什么看过这部片子,之所以看仅仅因为有人说:“一定看看这部电影。”

    Hopeless, nobody's ever seen it, but I have only because somebody told me "you've gotta see it."


  • 基本上没什么看过这部片子,之所以看仅仅因为有人说:“一定看看这部电影。”

    Hopeless, nobody's ever seen it, but I have only because somebody told me "you've gotta see it."


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