• 为什么因为看来生活不仅仅快乐没有痛苦

    Why? Because there's more to life than just pleasure and the absence of pain, so it seems to me.


  • 因为看来提前讨论那样的事情会主意

    Because in my experience, it's a very good idea to discuss that in advance. - AV club.


  • 必须非常谨慎因为看来这件事远远结束可能突然更多牵扯进来

    I have got to be really careful because it does not seem to me that we are at the end of this trail and suddenly we could have more people being referred.


  • 老实说可以理解沮丧因为看来,沃尔科特目前踢得很好,”温格

    Wenger - I understand Walcott's frustration "Frankly I can understand that because for me Theo Walcott is doing well," said Wenger.


  • 总会自己所有情人第一位男友做比较,因为看来完美、最善解人意的。

    I would always compare all my lovers to my first boyfriend, because he was the sweetest in my mind.


  • 公路间歇归到间歇一类因为看来他们了,尽管变化的目标跑步者有不同收获

    I group the road intervals together here because they're all very similar, in my opinion, although the variations are aimed to give the runner different benefits.


  • 迈阿密热队所有球员排除外,因为看来,大家都会认同球队本身就是众望所归的球队”。

    I've also excluded anyone currently on the Miami HEAT because I think we can all agree that they are themselves the "All-Expectations Team." Moving beyond, however, this is what we're looking at.


  • 选择jython作为系列介绍第一语言因为看来JRE替代语言成熟生产率最高

    I've selected Jython as the first language to be introduced in this series because it is, in my opinion, among the most mature and productive of the alternate languages for the JRE.


  • 同志一个怎样的形容比较恰当曾一度困惑游离现实主义者浪漫主义者之间,因为看来同志有现实一面同样有浪漫的情怀,究竟该如何界定呢?

    Comrade to a more appropriate to describe what I once confused drifting between realist and romantic, because it seems to me Comrade reality side, the same romantic feelings, how to define what?


  • 虽然双方明确争论看来应该孩子们关于过去的知识,因为教授门学科好处超出课堂上竞争

    Though there are clearly arguments on both sides, it seems to me that we should teach children about the past because the advantages of teaching the subject go beyond the contest of the classes.


  • 看来外表重要因为如果一个看上去很邋遢没有愿意交朋友,更别说了解他了。

    As far as I'm concerned, outlook really matters because if a person looks untidy, no one would like to make friends with him, let alone to know about him.


  • 我看来,中文比世界上任何其他语言都要重要,因为中文的使用者最多。

    In my opinion, Chinese is more important than any other language in the world because Chinese has the most number of speakers.


  • 在我看来很合理,因为蒂莫西是一个优等生,而詹娜作业上总是需要帮助。

    It made sense to me as Timothy was an excellent student and Jenna always needed help in her homework.


  • 说明一下,前面提到本书都是着意挑选出来的,因为几本书看来相应语言领域最佳教程

    I want to make clear that the books I named were chosen with care because they are, in my view, the best tutorials for their respective languages.


  • 看来这些手势不是真的不可或缺因为目前互联网只是分发诸如文本图像视频这类媒体一种简单方式

    These gestures aren't really necessary in my opinion since the Internet right now is simply a way to distribute media like text, images and video.


  • 人们提出问题从来解决,因为看来,就一种无尽悔恨

    This is a problem people often raise, that I've never be able to solve, because it looks to me as if there's an infinite regret.


  • 看来也可说是画模特是因为就算跟眼下艺术创作沾边,画模特本身好处。 艺术家们的对话后来转到了其他学科。

    This, it seemed to me, was another way of saying that it was good for its own sake, even if it had no relation to making art these days.


  • 看来意味着甚至不能成为丑陋的人;因为许多事情都是垃圾即便容貌丑陋方面也是如此

    In my mind, it means that we can't even manage to be the best at being unlovely; as with so many things, we are rubbish even at being ugly.


  • 是说最近市场表现的没效率看来,这因为美联储发行了太多货币

    I mean, lately they've been more inefficient, in my view, because the Fed's creating too much money.


  • “亦亦甜”这个词萦绕脑海里因为发现那些在我看来微不足道、理所当然拥有东西别人眼中竟是如此特殊与珍贵,本来可以为他们提供这一切的。

    The wordbittersweet” played over and over in my mind because it was the simple things that I take for granted, that I would have supplied had I realized it was special in someone else’s eyes.


  • 多年来,全球经济看来好似座坐落美国妇女双肩上金字塔因为全世界主要消费者

    For years, my image of the global economy was an inverted pyramid resting on the shoulders of American women, since we are the primary consumers in the world.


  • 看来这种寻找模式热潮导致一种典型的情景因为树木挡住道路所以看不到森林

    This rush to find patterns has, in my opinion, led to a classic situation: We can't see the forest because the trees are in the way.


  • 走路要更加小心因为看不到曲线:所有东西看来都是的,右侧事物看不到。

    I walk more cautiously because I don't see curves yet: things are flat for me and I don't see or expect things on the right side.


  • 走路要更加小心因为看不到曲线:所有东西看来都是的,右侧事物看不到。

    I walk more cautiously because I don't see curves yet: things are flat for me and I don't see or expect things on the right side.


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