• 作为自己专业这样城市虽然因为就业面太窄可能无法频繁应用可以成为优势

    As it's your own major though it cannot be used frequently in this small city for the narrow employment opportunities, but it can be my superiority.


  • 从理论上来说因为自己过),可以通过比较作为HTTP请求一部分发送的 HTTP信息防止遭到黑客攻击

    Theoretically (since I've not done this myself), you could guard against hackers by comparing HTTP header information that is sent as part of the HTTP request.


  • 从来没有真正自己作为残疾人因为从小生活一个健全家庭

    I have never really thought of myself as disabled because I grew up in an able-bodied family.


  • 离婚之后妻子申请房子,然后就可以作为第一套房买主申请贷款因为有一套写着我自己名字的房产。

    After we get divorced, my wife will claim our house so that I can apply for a mortgage as a first-home buyer since I don't have a house under my name.


  • 作为自己消遣习惯经常他们前五名的顺序上下打乱偶尔还会为了交上的朋友不得不将他们之中的某个,之后他们安插回来,因为知道永远不会交上老朋友的。

    For my own amusement, I shuffle them up and down the top-five hierarchy, and sometimes kick one out for a new friend, only to have to put them back in when I remember that you can't make old friends.


  • 作为名电子产品中坚分子,的确认为下述在某种程度上属于事实痴迷自己电子产品,而乔布斯则电子产品之王因为身后留下这个光滑令人上瘾东西人们希望表达对感谢之情。

    I do think, as a gadget nut, that there is some truth there: We are obsessed with our gadgets, Jobs was the gadget king, and people want to thank him for the sleek, addictive objects he left behind.


  • 因此作为艺术家自己工作因为限制作出必要基本条件-例如照相机电影-不够的,开始一个创造性的过程

    Hence, as an artist, I place restrictions on myself while making work because the necessary or basic conditions - such as having a camera and a film - are not enough to start a creative process.


  • 说:“希望美国能够承担作为霸权国家职责因为美国不会放弃自己的霸权地位。”

    Would like the United States to live up to the responsibilities of its hegemonic power because it is not going to give up its hegemonic power, "he says." the?


  • 喜欢科比因为作为科迷机会看到摸索,令自己跌入低谷,看到了他可怕地成长作为一个球员普通人

    I like Kobe because, as a fan, I've had the opportunity to watch him fumble, pick himself back up and we've watched him grow tremendously as a player and as a person.


  • 作为篮球运动员觉得自己这个星球上幸福球员之一因为曾和最优秀球员过球。

    As a basketball player, I was one of the most blessed players on the planet. I played against some of the best athletes in the world.


  • 作为大学生挣钱养活自己因为不再是一个小孩子现在可以工作了。

    As a college student, I want to make money to earn my living, because I am not the small kid any longer, I can work now.


  • 因为觉得作为艺人重要的作为由衷因为成为现在的自己高兴

    Because as an artist, and most importantly as a person, I am genuinely happy to finally be free to be who I am.


  • 作为大学生一些因为想要证明作为成年人,自己养活自己

    As a college student, I want to make some little money, because I want to prove that I can live by my own as a grow-up.


  • 预备这样不是由于任性而是因为思特里克兰德启程远航作为这本书的收尾;孤独灵魂怀着种种奇思遐想,终于向点燃自己丰富想象陌生荒岛出发了。

    This I meant to do, not from wilfulness, but because I wished to leave Strickland setting out with I know not what fancies in his lonely soul for the unknown islands which fired his imagination.


  • 从来没有想象自己讲叙任何一部分,作为一个故事或者因为有关而引起公众的兴趣

    I do not for a moment imagine that any part of what I have to relate, can be interesting to the public as a narrative, or as being connected with myself.


  • 自己作为例子,”继续,“现在知道留下来还是离开好,因为已经抹掉了个人历史。”

    'Take yourself, for instance,' he went on saying. 'Right now you don't know whether you are coming or going. And that is so, because I have erased my personal history.


  • 那个被允许探望自己亲生孩子母亲法庭不是合格的母亲,因为选择了女性作为自己伴侣

    I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I birthed and raised. The court says i am an unfit mother now that I have a female as my life partner.


  • 因为作为艺人重要的是作为而言,从内心感到欣喜最终感到自由能够真正做回自己

    Because as an artist, and most importantly as a person, I am genuinely happy, and finally, finally free, to be who I really am.


  • 作为自己一项准则一般倾向于罗列事务,但是这次显得重要因为最近再次变得无家可归”,开始了新西兰的为期的旅行。

    As a rule I tend not to do list posts, but this seemed like an important and timely one, as I've recently become homeless again and am vagabonding my way around New Zealand for a few more weeks.


  • 不断鼓励自己因为作为CEO联合创始人数百员工生计负责要对得起全世界数百万用户关爱。

    But I powered through, because as CEO and co-founder, I am responsible for the livelihoods of hundreds of employees and the care of millions of customers around the globe.


  • 回答:作为一个不同行业工作人来说,觉得自己能胜任成为好员工因为在不同的行业里积累了各种工作经验和技能这些技能可以帮助在思考问题时更有想法、更具创造力

    A. As a career-changer, I believe that I'm a better employee because I've gained a lot of diverse skills from moving around. These skills help me solve problems creatively.


  • 陈达西,“最初逐步提高自己作为作家知名度,因为出版社退稿的理由之一没有人知道。”

    'my original intention was to gradually get my name out there as a writer, because when it was rejected one of the things I heard was that nobody knew me,' says Ms.


  • 作为个深受启蒙思想影响人、一个理性主义者无神论者,确信自己不会因为一个陌生人的死亡而受过度影响

    As a child of the enlightenment, a rationalist and an atheist, I was sure I wouldn't be unduly affected by the death of a person unknown.


  • 相信大多数人抱怨已有所耳闻了,因为WTA官员所要求们的作为感到有些不满,他们甚至愿意选手们的意见,只想自己的利益。

    I am sure many of you can tell that I am just a little frustrated with a couple of tour executives who don't ever listen to the players and want to do their own thing.


  • 相信大多数人抱怨已有所耳闻了,因为WTA官员所要求们的作为感到有些不满,他们甚至愿意选手们的意见,只想自己的利益。

    I am sure many of you can tell that I am just a little frustrated with a couple of tour executives who don't ever listen to the players and want to do their own thing.


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