• UMDF使用引用计数方案管理回调对象框架对象寿命

    UMDF uses a reference-counting scheme to manage the lifetime of callback objects and framework objects.


  • 每个方法提供了一个回调对象这样可以完成远程过程后收到异步通知

    Each method provides a callback object so that you are notified asynchronously when the remote procedure call is complete.


  • 为了使用方法必须传递一个对象完成立即回调对象

    In order to use this method you have to pass a callback object and once the invocation is completed, the callback object will be called.


  • 驱动程序通过传递一个接口指针分发相关事件框架对象注册回调对象

    Drivers register callback objects by passing a pointer to one of the object's interfaces to the framework object that raises the related event.


  • RqGuiApp操作完成时(例如,工程打开文档已经创建等),对象收到通知。

    When the RqGuiApp operation is complete (I.e. the project is opened, the document has been created), the callback object is notified.


  • 希望指定回调对象(例如一个比较器)存放某个数据结构,可以使用下限通配符

    Lower-bounded wildcards show up when you want to specify a callback object, such as a comparator, or a data structure into which you are going to place a value.


  • 存在一个客户机提供回调对象SOAP引擎服务器接收响应通知对象

    There's a callback object the client provides that's notified by the SOAP engine after the engine receives the response from the server.


  • 解析一个ILocationResolver存储额外的解析信息(问题节点位置),而不是存储在回调对象中。

    The new parsers store additional parsing information (problems, node locations) in an ILocationResolver instead of a callback object.


  • 访问对象、被访问属性名、访问的类型(例如删除)将被传递函数,回调函数会是否允许访问。

    This callback is given the object being accessed, the name of the property being accessed, the type of access (read, write, or delete for example) and returns whether or not to allow access.


  • 使用信号插槽灵活可维护的方式控制对象通信使用脆弱回调风格容易

    With signals/slots, it is much easier to control communications between objects in a flexible and maintainable manner than it is with a fragile callback style.


  • 相反,我们这个对象分解可管理的几部分这样扩展容易了,同时对核心服务器端行为也更容易。

    Instead we have split out this monolithic object into manageable pieces that now make it much easier to extend and hook into core server behavior.


  • 这个接口许多Hibernate事件提供回调方法包括创建修改删除对象

    This interface provides callback methods for many different Hibernate events, including object creation, modification, and deletion.


  • 使用XMLHttpRequest对象服务器进行采用的方法定义一个回调函数收到服务器响应时,会自动执行这个函数。

    Use the XMLHttpRequest object to make a call to the server by defining a callback function that is executed automatically when the server response is received.


  • 经常看到种情况就是,用户没有回调检查对象的 readyStatestatus字段

    One that I often see is when users don't inspect the readyState or status fields of the object in the callback.


  • 第二servlet作为回调处理来自Twitter响应创建相应User对象

    The second servlet will be my callback; it will process the response from Twitter and create a corresponding User object.


  • 这个代码只是查看请求对象是否发生改变,响应onreadystatechange回调

    This new code just looks to see whether the request object has changed in response to this onreadystatechange callback.


  • 类似地如果需要访问发出信号对象就要使用第一参数这个具体回调button

    Similarly, if you need to access the object that emitted the signal, you use the first parameter, which is button in this specific callback.


  • 正如清单3展示一样,XMLHTTPRequest对象所提供全部内容一个名为onreadystatechange的回调机制

    As I show in Listing 3, all the XMLHTTPRequest object provides is a callback mechanism called onreadystatechange.


  • 完成XHR对象初始化,rpc. tag文件生成一个名为processresponseAjax回调

    After the initialization of the XHR object, the rpc.tag file generates an Ajax callback named processResponse .


  • 我们可以使用这个deferred对象定义一个异步响应执行的函数。

    You can use this deferred object for defining a callback method when the asynchronous call returns a response.


  • 一个定时器事件用时state对象作为一个参数传递定时回调函数

    This state object is passed to your timer callback function during each timer event invocation.


  • 第一servlet创建Session对象Twitter注册回调url以及用户转向Twitter以便授权

    The first servlet will create a Session object, register a callback URL for Twitter, and shunt the user to Twitter for authentication.


  • 记住定时回调功能一个工作者线程执行的,所以必须确保访问state对象线程安全。

    Keep in mind that the timer callback function is executed on a worker thread, so you'll want to ensure that you have thread-safe access to the state object.


  • 如果提供函数那么XHR对象send方法立即并不等待服务器响应

    If a callback function was provided, the send method of the XHR object returns immediately without waiting for a server response.


  • 对象用于代表MessageSender初始化属性指定用户执行

    The subject is used to execute callback on behalf of the user specified in the MessageSender initialization properties.


  • 然后如果策略消费者需要策略提供者执行特定策略,策略消费者作为观察对象提供者,执行策略操作

    Later, when consumers of the strategy providers need the providers to perform the particular strategy, the consumers, as observables, call back to the providers to perform the strategy operation.


  • SAX编码令人痛苦回调不是符合面向对象的思路,熟练掌握需要花很长的时间

    SAX is a pain to code in; callbacks aren't very OO, and it takes a long time to get good at it.


  • 通知事件通过显式接口以及对应代理程序对象,与观察进行通信。

    Notification events were communicated to observers with call-back explicit interfaces and their respective proxy and invoker objects.


  • 实际上,延迟对象泛化它们也允许使用诸如链接依赖这些链接中进行错误条件处理之类的技术

    In essence, deferreds are a generalization of scheduled callbacks, but allow techniques such as chaining dependent callbacks and handling error conditions in these chains.


  • 可能会导致是否运行正确对象上下文内检测滞后(例如对象实例变量正确)。

    This can cause late detection that the callback was not running in the correct object context (for example, incorrect object instance variable values).


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