• 利用液相克劳斯反应直接烟气脱硫过程回收硫磺

    Sulfur was direct recovered in flue gas desulfurization process by liquid-phase Claus reaction.


  • 铅酸蓄电池:用来帮助发动轿车卡车的可回收电池和包塑料包里的硫磺酸组成的。

    LEADACID batteries: These rechargeable batteries that help start most cars and trucks are composed of lead plates and sulfuric acid in a plastic case.


  • 硫磺回收这类自产蒸汽且蒸汽又难有别的利用途径装置采用蒸汽合理的。

    However, it is reasonable to adopt steam jacket heat tracing for sulfur recovery unit, as the steam produced by the unit itself has no other utilization.


  • 总结LS- 971脱氧保护硫磺回收催化剂制备表征活性评价情况。

    The preparation, characterization and activity evaluation of LS-971 deoxygenation protection catalyst for sulfur recovery were introduced.


  • 本文结合克劳斯硫磺回收工艺过程过程气换热器壳程结构采取特殊作法进行了讨论

    This paper discusses some specific practices to shell structure of process stream heat exchanger on the basis of Claus sulfur recovery process.


  • 正常生产情况下主要恶臭污染源为碱渣处理装置酸性水汽提装置、精制装置、硫磺回收装置污水处理场。

    Under normal conditions, the major odor pollutants come from alkali waste treatment unit, sour water stripping unit, ammonia refining unit, sulfur recovery unit as well as waste water treatment site.


  • 分析了硫磺回收催化剂活性衰退原因防止措施

    Sulfur recycle catalyst activeness decline reason and its preventive measures are analyzed.


  • 本文阐述浙大中控JX-300DCS为平台,采用比值、串级和超弛控制复杂控制方案,实现硫磺回收装置自动控制。

    Based on the JX-300DCS, we used the complicated control schemes such as proportional control, cascade control and override control to realize the automatic control in sulfur recovery unit.


  • 应用平衡常数物料热量衡算,建立了直流法克劳斯硫磺回收工艺计算模型

    Using the equilibrium constant method, the thermal and material balance calculation, and has set up the calculation model of straight Claus sulfur recovery process.


  • 经济装置特点两方面对硫磺回收装置热和蒸汽夹套进行比较

    Electric heat tracing and steam jacket heat tracing in sulfur recovery unit have been compared in the light of economy and unit features.


  • 这些工艺、新技术我国硫磺回收后续工艺加工粉尘、无腐蚀干燥固体提供了技术借鉴

    The new processes and technologies provide technical references for processing dry solid sulfur without ashes and dust and corrosion in the processes following sulfur recovery process in our country.


  • 本文开发了工艺计算所必需数学模型编制克劳斯硫磺回收工艺模拟程序

    The author develops a mathematical model which is necessary for technological calculation and draws up a simulated program of Claus sulfur recovery technology.


  • 综述催化裂化再生技术、富氧克劳斯硫磺回收工艺TPA装置富氧工艺。

    The paper reviews FCC enrichment regeneration technology, CLAUS enrichment sulphur recovery process and the enrichment technology used in terephthalic acid (TPA) equipment.


  • 硫磺装置余热回收系统过热蒸汽温度一个重要参数

    The superheated steam temperature is an important parameter in the waste heat recovery system of sulfur-based sulfuric acid plant.


  • 分析了兖矿国泰化工有限公司甲醇车间硫磺回收尾气so 2排放超标原因。

    The problem of drainage SO2 over specification in the sulfur recovery unit in methanol plant, Yankuang Cathay Coal Chemicals co. Ltd. is analyzed.


  • 课题是以广州石化二万硫磺回收装置建立安全评价系统

    This thesis takes the twenty-thousand-ton sulphur recovery device as the research object, and the aim is to build one risk assessment system.


  • 通过结构参数操作参数方面优化,得到新型硫磺回收尾气处理灼烧

    Through structural and operating parameters in both the optimization of the new sulfur recovery by burning stove.


  • 二氧化硫摩尔浓度1至100%天然气流,处理达到接近100%的硫磺回收效率

    Gas streams with a molar concentration of sulfur dioxide from 1 to 100% May be processed to achieve nearly 100% sulfur recovery efficiency.


  • 介绍CT64 B回收催化剂硫磺回收装置应用情况结合生产标定数据性能使用效果进行技术分析。

    The paper introduces the application conditions of CT64B catalyst in the sulfur recovery device and analyses its performance and operating effect on the basis of the productive rating data.


  • 介绍了新型多功能硫磺回收催化剂LS- 981研发工业应用结果

    The development and commercial application of LS-981 catalyst, a new multifunction sulfur recovery catalyst, were introduced.


  • CT6-4B硫磺回收催化剂兰州石化公司炼 油厂工业应用情况进行了技术总结分析

    The paper is a technical summary and analysis of industrial application of sulfur recovery catalyst CT6-4B in oil refinery of Lanzhou petrochemical company.


  • 研究工作稳定引进装置硫磺回收作了有益探索

    This work has offered a useful exploration in stabilizing the sulfur recovery rate of imported unit.


  • 近年SCOT法工艺技术进步总体上围绕2个相互关联目标:即在提高硫磺回收同时节能降耗。

    In view of the above-mentioned facts, the technology advances of SCOT process in recent years were generally around 2 interrelated targets, increasing sulfur recovery and saving energy simultaneously.


  • 硫化氢一种有毒工业废气硫化氢中制取硫磺氢气不但可以回收硫化氢,而且可获得清洁能源氢气硫磺

    Hydrogen sulfide is a noxious industrial gas. Recovering hydrogen sulfide from industrial waste gas can not only protect the environment but also provide cleaning energy - hydrogen and sulfur.


  • 介绍了LO - CAT硫磺回收工艺基本原理、工艺流程技术特点工程实例及其国内应用前景

    Introduced are basic principle, process flow, technical characteristics and engineering example of LO-CAT sulfur recovery process and its application prospect in China.


  • 本文论述了影响引进装置硫磺回收主要原因,并结合生产实际,采取了相应的对策取得了良好经济效益社会效益

    The main reason influencing the sulfur recovery rate of imported unit is discussed. Linking with production practice, appropriate measures are adopted and good economic and social benefit is achieved.


  • 试验结果表明,回收硫磺纯度在96.5%以上回收在90%以上。

    The recovered sulfur generally had purities higher than 96.5%, and the sulfur recovery efficiency were higher than 90%.


  • 试验结果表明,回收硫磺纯度在96.5%以上回收在90%以上。

    The recovered sulfur generally had purities higher than 96.5%, and the sulfur recovery efficiency were higher than 90%.


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