• 喜欢回想高中时,那时可以气吞四个汉堡大堆炸薯条

    I like to think back to high school, when I could bolt down three or four burgers and a pile of French fries.


  • 回想起那些特殊的日子,我很感激他帮助我度过了生命中如此艰难的时刻。

    When I think back to those special days, I appreciate that he helped me go through such a difficult time in my life.


  • 回想之前大部分时刻,我因为害怕经历某些事仅仅是因为我怕我自己的不够或者不太正确

    I think of all the moments I have been held back from because I am afraid to experience something just because I might not be good at it or do it right.


  • 现在回想起来,表现与其说愤怒还不如说是意识到了只有我自己一个如果当时没有任何人帮助的话,我只能自己

    Looking back, I think I acted less in anger than from a realization that I was on my own, that if anybody was going to help me at that moment, it had to be myself.


  • 回想一下曾经参与一些需求收集活动

    Think back to some of the requirements gathering exercises you've participated in.


  • 回想存在于选举之芝加哥公园人群那些簇拥亚利桑那比尔提摩人们之间差别

    Think back to the difference between the crowds at Chicago's Grant Park on election night and those clustered at the Biltmore in Arizona.


  • 回想一下每当学习技能开车做饭,一门新的语言。

    Think back to when you learned any new skilldriving a car, cooking, learning a language.


  • 回想一下前面显卡例子您可以替换(升级)显卡,需要担心这会对整个系统产生影响。

    Think back to the earlier graphics card example: it is possible for you to replace (or upgrade) your graphics card without having to worry about breaking your entire system.


  • 回想几年前 –输入字母,、创建一个电子表编辑照片游戏时,你必须商店软件计算机安装后方可使用。

    Think back a few years -- anytime you wanted to type a letter, create a spreadsheet, edit a photo, or play a game, you had to go to the store, buy the software, and install it on your computer.


  • 回想一下去年美国在线公布出来匿名搜索日志迅速地联系到到一个单独用户的。

    Think back to the supposedly anonymous search logs released by AOL last year, which were quickly linked to individual users.


  • 回想一下最近一非常感激事情,你忘记别人道谢

    Think back to the last time you really appreciated something, and never remembered to tell the person thank you.


  • 只要回想一下,人们处于原始狩猎时期那些成功猎手们总能俘获最多女性的芳心。

    Think back to when men were hunters. The man who was the most successful hunter also got the most women.


  • 回想曾经过度忧虑时刻,你的担心为你解决任何问题吗?

    When you think back in your life to The Times when you worried excessively, did your worrying actually solve anything?


  • 可以包括在上学的路上或者喜欢唱歌曲回想这些也会给你带来惊喜

    You may have a song you used to sing when driving to school or going to bed, think back and you'll be surprised with the result.


  • 即便如此,当回想爸爸那么大声播放披头士乐队的歌,想起在湖彼岸英里以外我们听到了那音乐露出了笑容

    But I think back to my Dad playing The Beatles' music so loud we could hear him a half mile away across the lake, and it makes me smile.


  • 如果回想一下新约,出名一句不会觉得有点奇怪呢?

    Does this sound a little odd if you think back on what may be the most famous verse in the entire New Testament?


  • 这些电子的,它们相同电子排布,而,我们可以回想一下原子尺寸的概念。

    These are all isoelectronic, they all have the same electron configuration. And we can also think about going back to atomic size for a second.


  • 去年冬天达蒙人民杂志谈到道格拉斯扮演情侣时,“有点让回想高中代数数代。”

    Damon spoke this past winter about playing lover to Douglas, telling People Magazine, "I kind of think of it in algebra terms, back to my high-school days."


  • 回想一下自己十几岁时的情形,想想你是如何青春痘叫劲的,你是否曾经因为发育过早过晚而感到难为情

    Think back on your own teen years. Remember your struggles with acne or your embarrassment at developing early - or late.


  • 回想孩提时代,相信在场大多数曾认为正义的实现有如瓜熟蒂落自然有善报不压正。

    Going back to when we were children, I think most of us in this courtroom thought that justice came into being automatically, that virtue was its own reward, the good would triumph over evil.


  • 回想当年荒凉西部

    Think back to the days of the wild west.


  • 每日科学(2010年3月3日) --回想一下心爱的那位最近一次吵架

    ScienceDaily (Mar. 3, 2010) —Think back to your last fight with someone you love.


  • 回想一下还是孩子的时候,当你参加嘉年华,其中有一个面包师喊到“快来这里赢取奖品!”

    Think back to when you were a kid. You go to the carnival and one of the barkers yells "step right up and win a prize!"


  • 20年后回想段谈话当初更加明白朋友意思

    Twenty years later, I think back on that conversation and appreciate my friend's words more than I did at the time.


  • 常常回想第一次村民大会结束时候,大家起立鼓掌的一刻。马特叔叔那时还印制了一些T恤衫。

    I often think back to the end of that first Village Meeting, to that standing-ovation moment.


  • 回想了一下为什么美国气候变化问题上迟迟不肯行动。

    I've been wanting to take a step back and think about why America is a laggard in the fight against climate change. I would posit a handful of explanations.


  • 回想一下那些喜欢医生模仿他们塑造自己的专家素质

    Think back upon those doctors you've liked the most and model your professionalism after theirs.


  • 大学生活,大部分时间在在实验室的凳子上还是酒吧

    Think back to your college years. Did you spend more time at the lab bench than at the bar?


  • 回想一下国外渡过的假期尤其是那些很久以前的,现实抛诸脑后,头脑清爽一点

    If you think back to an international vacation, specifically one that happened a long time ago, you should be able to put it out of your mind and feel a little fresher again.


  • 回想一下国外渡过的假期尤其是那些很久以前的,现实抛诸脑后,头脑清爽一点

    If you think back to an international vacation, specifically one that happened a long time ago, you should be able to put it out of your mind and feel a little fresher again.


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