• SAT分数1963年开始下降今天平均有30%学生没有年内完成高中学业,这一数字贫穷城市社区达到了50%。

    SAT scores began dropping in 1963; today, on average, 30% of students do not complete high school in four years, a figure that rises to 50% in poor urban neighborhoods.


  • 过两年的努力,该组织购买了太阳能电池板,现在满足了学校分之一的电力需求,为社区节省了数千美元。

    After two years of hard work, the group paid for the solar panels, which now satisfy one-fourth of the school's electricity needs—saving the neighborhood thousands of dollars.


  • 中档的位于郊区的社区我们孩子父母一起一间房子里变得内向,认真作业,习惯住在小小的地方

    This was a nice average suburban community. We were four kids and two parents living in a single room. I got very internal. I buckled down and did my homework. I got used to living in small Spaces.


  • 然而大约以前,这位“软蛋先生”(Mr . Softy)却采用被其唾骂过的GPL许可证,发布一些Linux内核驱动程序代码,此举可谓雷惊开源社区座。

    But about a year ago, Mr. Softy surprised the community by releasing some code into drivers for the Linux kernel, under the previously reviled GPL license.


  • 那里公园犯罪率还有各种社区活动其中包括一年一度为期天的奥兰治家庭节”。

    It has parks, a low crime rate, and community events, including the annual four-day Port Orange Family Days festival.


  • 现在与其张望已经开始着重眼前了思考这怎么这个社区转变成一个更好地方,就像父母曾经一直寻找的那种。

    Now, instead of always looking out toward somewhere else, I'm beginning to look around here, wondering how I can make this neighborhood the better place my parents always sought for me.


  • 当地社区之间关系可以说友好然而任何方不会忘记,一世界最大条腿捕食者

    The relationship between the local community and the bears could be described as being amicable, however neither party forget that one is the world's largest four-legged predator.


  • 卡尔斯鲁厄法庭对于如此用途社区基金比较不会挑三拣

    The assumption is that the Karlsruhe court would be less critical of community funds being used in such a manner.


  • 戴维已经决定婚期,我们首先知道婚礼定于六月十二日(星期)正午在社区教堂举行

    David and I have set the date -and we want you to be the first to know it! We're going to be married very quietly at the Community Church on Thursday, June the twelfth, at noon.


  • 社区大学招生已经年制大学增长以上

    Community college enrollment has been increasing at more than three times the rate of four-year colleges.


  • 结果年制大学收到社区大学倍的联邦资金

    As a result, four-year colleges receive three times as much federal money per student as community colleges.


  • 救灾官员存放在社区中心的尸体没有来得及统计。

    Emergency officials say corpses stored at outlying community centers have yet to be accounted for.


  • 该文章提到一部奥斯卡提名影片《花园》,这部电影讲述了洛杉矶社区花园的艰难现状,但是上映以后,票房只有区区不到2.7万美元。

    It notes how an Oscar-nominated documentary called The Garden, about the battle over a community garden in Los Angeles, only took $26, 931 after its release in April.


  • 过去一年里一些品牌游戏里使出浑身解数,比如地理定位平台尝试奖励活跃者社区影响力用户制作客户标识

    The past year also saw some brands go full throttle on Foursquare's game-like geo-location platform, attempting to reward mayors and creating custom badges for the network's power users.


  • 8号,伦敦社区发生骚乱事件已经扩散其他城市警方已逮捕数百。 目前,骚乱造成至少死亡

    Riots that erupted in London neighborhoods over the weekend spread to four other cities yesterday, as hundreds were arrested and at least one person was killed.


  • 开学典礼上,哈佛校长在谈组建社区重要性时,担心大家已经找到了未来朋友

    At convocation, as Harvard's President delivered a speech about the importance of forming a community, I worried that everyone had already found their friends for the next four years.


  • 登记注册了一堂社区大学课程,还计划将我学分转入年制大学

    And I've also enrolled in my first community college class, with the plan of transferring my credits to a four-year university.


  • 窃贼犯有闯入商店抢劫罪行判刑180缓刑被罚200小时社区服务工作。

    The burglar, found guilty of breaking into the store, was put on four years' probation, sentenced to 180 days, in jail and ordered to do 200 hours of community service.


  • 今年年初图表显示正在建设信息高速公路设施地区性电话公司接通富人社区一些专家对此不无担忧。

    Some experts were alarmed earlier this year when diagrams showed that four regional phone companies who are building components of the superhighway were only connecting wealthy communities.


  • 或者周日早上沙沙作响新闻报纸溢的枫树汁,烘烤培根面包以及家庭社区节日完全足够了。

    Or perhaps the Sunday morning rustle of newspapers and smell of maple syrup and frying bacon and family and neighborhood festivities will be enough.


  • 今年年初图表显示正在建造信息高速公路设施地区性电话公司接通富人社区一些专家对此不无担忧。

    Some experts were alarmed earlier this year when diagrams showed that four regional phone companies who are building components of the superhighway were only connecting wealthy communities.


  • 今年年初图表显示正在建造信息高速公路设施地区性电话公司接通富人社区一些专家对此不无担忧。

    Some experts were alarmed earlier this year when diagrams showed that four regional phone companies who are building components of the superhighway were only connecting wealthy communities.


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