• 本文报道了南昌地区屠宰心肝脾等器官形态学分类发生情况,发生原因进行了初步分析探讨。

    This paper reports the pathomorphological classification and the incidence of chicken's organic diseases in Nanchang, also preliminarily approaches into their causes.


  • 造成严重肺炎其它危险因素一样,军团常见并发症呼吸衰竭休克以及急性肾脏衰竭器官衰竭。

    In common with other risk factors causing severe pneumonia, the most frequent complications of legionellosis are respiratory failure, shock and acute kidney and multi-organ failure.


  • 这种脂肪将塞满内脏器官腹部聚集,最终增加其他风险比如说糖尿

    This deep fat pads internal organs and can accumulate in your midsection, ultimately increasing the risk of other diseases, such as diabetes.


  • 组织胞浆菌一种真菌感染主要影响肺部可能影响其他器官

    Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection that primarily affects the lungs but may also affect other organs.


  • 胰腺帮助身体调整血糖水平器官因此罗伯逊一个恶性循环,但糖尿我们不清楚

    The pancreas is the organ that helps the body regulate blood sugar. So it’s a vicious cycle,Robertson said, and the cause is still unknown.


  • 胰腺帮助身体调整血糖水平器官因此罗伯逊一个恶性循环,但糖尿我们不清楚

    The pancreas is the organ that helps the body regulate blood sugar. So it's a vicious cycle, Robertson said, and the cause is still unknown.


  • 实际上或许身患血色,由于身体吸收太多元素中毒,致使铁元素在各个器官堆积,最终导致肝脏心脏衰竭甚至死亡

    You may actually have haemochromatosis - a condition where the body absorbs too much iron and which can be toxic, leading to a build up of iron in organs, liver or heart failure and even death.


  • 素食者不太可能出现体重相关的器官失调性心脏中风糖尿

    Vegetarians are also less likely to suffer from weight-related disorders like heart disease, stroke and diabetes.


  • 吸入含有毒颗粒气溶胶通过移植感染毒的器官可能感染狂犬,但很罕见

    Rarely, rabies may be contracted by inhalation of virus-containing aerosol or via transplantation of an infected organ.


  • 这场还有用到已经多处器官衰竭

    The illness, and the drugs to fight it, had caused his organs to shut down.


  • 在以后10年中汉娜卡拉拥有两种不同心脏器官,她的术后心脏的变化许多医学专家瞠目结舌:她的心脏已经自愈并需要医生取出移植的心脏。

    After 10 years with two blood pumping organs, Hannah Clark's faulty one did what many experts had thought impossible: it healed itself enough so that doctors could remove the donated heart.


  • 利昂也表示同意他指出研究显示锻炼导致不同程度内脏脂肪(器官周围脂肪)量降低,而这种脂肪是形成糖尿关键风险因素之一

    Leon agrees, pointing to research demonstrating that exercise leads to varying decreases on visceral body fat (the fat surrounding organs), one of the key risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes.


  • 皮肤公认的移植物抗宿主GVHD器官可能也是潜在的GVHD靶器官

    The liver, skin and intestine are the classic GVHD target organs and lungs may be a potential GVHD target organ.


  • 由于未能识别甲状腺组织自身组织,抗体错误攻击器官导致机体包括眼部组织的炎症反应

    Not recognizing the patient's thyroid as "self, " the antibody mistakenly mounts an attack against the organ, causing inflammation and damage to the body, including eye tissue.


  • 随着免疫抑制剂广谱抗菌素器官移植侵袭操作应用增加,侵袭性真菌发生率也相应地增加

    With increasing application of immunosuppressor, broad-spectrum antibiotics, organ transplantation and invasive manipulation, the incidence of invasive fungal disease is rising.


  • 过多糖基化似乎器官损害糖尿发生原因之一

    Excessive glycosylation appears to be one of the causes of the organ damage that occurs in diabetes.


  • 一批准系统系列药品结合辅平道路,并且美国相关临床试验已经开始,内容涉及糖尿器官移植精神健康结核

    It paves the way for the system to be combined with a range of medicines, and clinical trials have begun in the US with drugs for diabetes, organ transplants, mental health and tuberculosis.


  • 可能导致贫血出血感染严重问题白血细胞可能扩散淋巴结其他器官引起肿胀疼痛

    This can lead to serious problems such as anemia, bleeding, and infections. Leukemia cells can also spread to the lymph nodes or other organs and cause swelling or pain.


  • 一些哈他瑜伽体式能按摩调节内在器官帮助防止糖尿关节炎高血压类

    Some Hatha yoga poses also massage and tone your internal organs, helping to prevent diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, and hypertension.


  • 首例被披露器官移植导致器官受赠者可能感染艾滋的医疗事故

    It is the first-ever known incident of recipients being exposed to the risk of contracting AIDS because of organ transplants.


  • 结论糖尿大鼠重要器官组织氧化酶水平低下胰岛素治疗后,提高趋势

    Conclusions the low level of antioxidase in important organic tissues of diabetic rat should have tendency to increase by insulin therapy.


  • 资料综合糖尿治疗方法主要包括药物治疗胰岛素注射胰腺器官移植胰岛细胞移植。

    DATA SYNTHESIS: Therapeutic methods of diabetes included mainly drug treatment, injection of insulin, pancreatic stem cell transplantation and islet stem cell transplantation.


  • 目的探讨新生儿缺氧缺血性(HIE)因素HIE度、并发器官损害以及电解质代谢紊乱关系

    Objective to study the perinatal factors of hypoxia and ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) and the relationship between HIE and its grading, complicated multiple organ injury and electrolyte disorder.


  • 聪慧珍妮弗患了一种罕见的叫做阿狄森氏身体通过关闭她的重要器官反抗压力,不产生肾上腺素

    Brainy Jennifer has a rare condition called Addison's disease, meaning her body reacts to stress by shutting down her vital organs instead of producing adrenaline.


  • 近年心脏器官发生学遗传人类先天性心脏提交给为了促进机械连接心脏发育

    Recent advances in cardiac organogenesis and the genetics of human congenital heart disease will be presented in order to promote mechanistic connections in heart development and disease.


  • 这个促进剂中加入SP15就能够使候选疫苗预防黑热,这是一种(俗称沙)传播可以引起皮肤溃疡器官损害寄生虫

    To this promoter they attached SP15, a candidate vaccine against leishmaniasis, a parasitic disease spread by sand flies that can cause skin sores and organ damage.


  • 患有糖尿高血压孕妇痉挛器官损伤的可能,严重时甚至可能致命

    Pregnant women with diabetes or high blood pressure are at risk of convulsions or organ damage, which in severe cases, can be fatal.


  • 患有糖尿高血压孕妇痉挛器官损伤的可能,严重时甚至可能致命

    Pregnant women with diabetes or high blood pressure are at risk of convulsions or organ damage, which in severe cases, can be fatal.


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