• 喜食猪毛艾蒿之类类。

    Preference Salsola and mugwort sort of grass.


  • 这些甲虫喜食物种不同而异

    Diets of these beetles vary from species to species.


  • 葡萄牙人为主,面包有时也米饭

    Portuguese with pasta-based, like to eat bread, sometimes rice.


  • 鹿特别蓝铃草其他生长林地中的娇嫩的植物

    The muntjac particularly like eating bluebells and other sensitive plants in woodlands.


  • 11肉质果鸟类喜食性、量、行为笼养观察

    Food palatability. food amounts and foraging behavior of 11 species of cagingbirds fed on fleshy-fruits were observed.


  • 刀削面山西人民日常其风味独特,驰名中外

    Noodles is shanxi people daily like to eat, because the pasta unique flavor, at home and abroad.


  • 这种假设合情合理:蝙蝠喜食花蜜而且可以轻易接近树冠处的花朵

    The supposition made sense: Bats are nocturnal, many of them are avid nectarivores, and they can easily reach the highest blooms in a tree.


  • 油腻那些油腻品的人容易肥胖。

    Those who like eating sweet or oily food are more fat-prone than those who eat less sweet and fat food.


  • 浙江省及其周边地区喜食毛豆大豆加工制品,该地区大豆用消费量较大。

    Vegetable soybean and processing soybean products with high protein are very popular in Zhejiang and surrounding areas.


  • 结论喜食酸辣饮酒吸烟具有统计学意义管癌危险因素

    Conclusions eating hot food, eating sour and hot food, drinking and smoking are statistically significant esophageal cancer risk factors.


  • 他们喜食鸭、青椒肉片、鸡丁干烧大虾菠菜等。

    They like to have Xiangsu duck dishes pot roast duck green pepper meat spicy Jiding dry fish Fried shrimp Fried spinach.


  • 结果管癌发病有关变量4个,分别为喜食酸辣饮酒吸烟

    Results the 4 main variants like eating hot food, eating sour and hot food, drinking and smoking relate to the genesis of esophageal cancer.


  • 壮族文化习俗具有三大特点糯米生腌酸辣,饮礼俗丰富多彩

    The catering culture of Zhuang Ethnic Minority includes three features: preferenece for Cluetinous rice, hot and sour foods and rich and varied catering customs.


  • 尽管内蒙古细毛羊喜食糙隐子草,但其种群所有放牧率下均最大3种群之一

    Cleistogenes squarrosa population is one of the 3 populations of maximum abundance under all stocking rates from 1989 to 1997.


  • 缺苞箭竹大熊猫最喜食之一主要分布四川的岷山山系,构成冷杉林主要片。

    Fargesia denudata, which composed a major layer under Abies faxoniana forests, was one of the favorite staple bamboos for the Giant Panda, and was distributed mainly in the Mt. Minshan ranges.


  • 市南区孕妇弓形虫感染率较低文化程度低者及、半烧烤品者感染率较高

    The toxoplasma infection rate in Shinan district was lower, but it was higher for the people who had lower education background and liked to eat raw, mid raw, sear food.


  • 儿童量大,暴饮暴油炸肥肉动物肝脏肥胖发生的危险因素。

    The obese child's appetite was good, liked to eat sweetmeat, fry food, fat, livers, eat and drink too much at one meal.


  • 现在研究人员已经找到阿司匹林对于喜食这种烤肉妇女可能减弱引起致癌效应

    Now, researchers have found that aspirin may reduce the cancer-causing effects of flame-broiled foods in women who eat the seared meats often.


  • 介壳蔓延地区本土物种感到高兴:热带蚂蚁这种蚂蚁介壳虫含糖排泄物

    The spread of scale insects would have delighted one of the region's native species: the tropical fire ant, which is fond of dining on the sugary excrement of scale insects.


  • 这种不会飞海鸟不再吃鱼,而是转向了皮毛海豹须鲸喜食磷虾类的甲壳动物。

    The seabirds abandoned fish in favor of krill, shrimp -like crustaceans that are a major component in the diets of fur seals and baleen whales.


  • 沙芥属蔬菜十字花科二年生草本植物主要分布蒙古高原,是沙区人民广泛野生蔬菜。

    Puionium Gaertn. is a cruciferous, biennial herb, distributed mainly in Mongolia Plateau area. it is the people's extensive eat wild vegetables.


  • 19世纪最后35个年头里,葡萄虫——种体型微小喜食树根蚜虫——肆虐,葡萄酒厂为此损失惨重。

    These varieties are a reminder of the battle against phylloxera, a small, root-munching aphid that did incalculable damage to the wine business in the last 35 years of the 19th century.


  • 威尔士我们大多数研究已经完成有可能能源农作物取代归类于“永久的牧场绵羊喜食的牧草。

    In Wales, where most of our studies have been done, energy crops would most likely replace sheep grazed leys which are classed as "permanent" pasture.


  • 例如,在六十之外它能够闻到人类动物呼出二氧化碳蚊子大多数情况下相对人而言喜食动物血液

    For example, the insects can smell carbon dioxide in the breath of a person or animal from as far away as sixty meters. Mosquitoes often like the blood of animals better than the blood of people.


  • 信函作者论述中的一部分漫不经心一个极为相关事实弃置不顾,即众所周知鲑鱼两栖动物所产的

    This part of the argument blithely dismisses the very relevant fact that trout are known to eat amphibian eggs.


  • 研究表明:驼羊喜食禾本科牧草,且日粮中的采比例最大平均达70%以上,其次为鼠尾草科,平均达10%以上。

    Results showed that Alpaca enjoyed grazing Graminaceae most, and proportion of Graminaceae was biggest in the feedstuff, which average amount could exceed 70%.


  • 研究小组观察这些夫妻怀孕可能性时,发现喝酒喜食肉类物的男性不太容易使伴侣怀孕,而喜食蔬菜的男性则容易得

    When the team looked at how likely the couples were to get pregnant, they found that men who drank alcohol and ate more red meat were significantly less likely to impregnate their partners.


  • 约塞米蒂公园动物数量减少归咎于始于1920年鲑鱼引入公园水域做法(众所周知,鲑鱼两栖动物所产)。

    The decline in Yosemite has been blamed on the introduction of trout into the park's waters, which began in 1920 (trout are known to eat amphibian eggs).


  • 约塞米蒂公园动物数量减少归咎于始于1920年鲑鱼引入公园水域做法(众所周知,鲑鱼两栖动物所产)。

    The decline in Yosemite has been blamed on the introduction of trout into the park's waters, which began in 1920 (trout are known to eat amphibian eggs).


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