• 之后不到汤米那啥了

    Less than two days later, I slept with Tommy.


  • 感觉到你那样不想拥有。

    You love is like the wind, I can't see it, but I can feel it.


  • 当时光顾了,回来看到照片想不起来当时她们在讲啥了

    I was only concentrate on the photographing, when I review pictures afterwards, I couldn't figured out what was the content…


  • 国王凶猛爬行动物的杀害,王后控制王国。 她试图啥了她美丽的继女白雪,她进入迷雾森林…

    When the King is killed by ferocious reptile beasts, his Queen takes control of the kingdom.


  • 整个过程没用到半个插电的工具。 自打以后,那些捣蛋的浣熊只能眼巴巴地看着垃圾桶,琢磨里面到底有没有,因为它们现在根本推不倒垃圾桶了。

    Now those raccoons can only stare longingly at the trash and dream of eating my banana peels.


  • 他们师从老师学习教育启蒙了至于那时了些,倒没记忆中留下来

    When they were placed under their tutor, my teaching also began, but of what I learnt nothing remains in my memory.


  • 或者说生命什么特别意义,然后公园马路什么的以她的名字命名,或者高级法院为她修正了法案

    Or even that her life had some special meaning like they named a park after her, or a street or that the Supreme Court changed a law because of her.


  • 了那些有所成就魅力四射人们权利,去那些《时尚权力经纪人做的事,穿穿

    They give accomplished, glamorous people license to do what the power brokers at Vogue do, and that is to wear whatever the hell they like sometimes.


  • 圣诞节时候报纸上弄了一个什么玩意叫:今年烂的展览

    At Christmas there was a thing in the newspaper: what's the worst exhibition of the year?


  • 只手闲着好了,应该能过罗伯特吧,不过回头咬我手腕的了

    I could get R-Patz maybe, but then he'd just bite the crap out of my hand!


  • 试衣间能看出来人性恶?那里面往墙上口香糖甚至直接把尿布就扔里面了。

    And what is it about fitting rooms that brings out the worst in people? You stick gum to the walls and even leave dirty diapers in there.


  • 被搞接下来能记得的,就是看见一些数字符号出现了,最后出现一个错误信息像是'文件格式无效'什么的

    The next thing I know, all these Numbers and symbols show up and I get an error message saying 'invalid file format' or something.


  • 一张艺术给给某个脑壳里点点了点就是下边这些了——有意思看看简简单单一幅画都让了些

    This is how it looks like when you give a dot art to someone who is a little bit older with a little bit of dirty mind. It is interesting to see what a simple picture makes someone to think of.


  • 劫匪惦记着修道院金子和钟可悲的是他们找到仅仅糟蹋风景、搅扰了死者

    The robbers were looking for the monastery gold and bells. But, unfortunately, they didn't find anything, just spoiled the scenery and worried dead people.


  • 因此,这些人在退休后常常电视上露脸电台做访问不是新鲜事了。

    It's no accident that retired billionaires often find a new job on TV, or by giving radio interviews.


  • 酒吧或者咖啡厅里泡星期问问人们都在世界上生意经了。

    Spend a few weeks hanging out in bars and cafes asking what people do and you'll hear some of the most idiotic business ideas in the world.


  • 只要不是四周围全都是哈利·波特海报的,谢天谢地了。

    As long as I don't walk in and see, like, Harry Potter posters everywhere, I'll be fine.


  • 因为,工作以后就不要指望谁这么耐心给东西了,老板要是让你,不懂的话千万别自己办法查!

    No matter what the boss ask you to do, don’t ask HOW, and solve it by yourself.


  • 如果画家弄了一杆下笔犹如神的画笔看来的,不是吗?

    If a painter were offered a brush that would make him a better painter, it seems to me that he would want to use it in all his paintings, wouldn't he?


  • 六个高科技创业公司展示没有一家说得他们解决问题。

    The other day I went to a presentation of six high tech startups and not one of them had a clear idea for what pain they were proposing to solve.


  • 他在报道里面说,“得到这个机会都飘飘然了,我知道演员音乐道路很曲折,不过我保证大家都不会损失。”

    I know the history of actors making music is a checkered one, but I promise no one will get hurt.


  • 恐怕没什么招待了,我这也没有。

    I can't offer you anything I'm afraid, old boy. I've got absolutely nothing in.


  • 前一阵子小舅子一起搞了个固定门口垃圾桶玩意儿。 有了这个,夜里不怕狗熊还是浣熊的把垃圾桶搞撒的满地的垃圾里捡吃的。

    Recently I built a garbage-can holder with my brother-in-law, so that bears and raccoons wouldn't rip through my trash in the middle of the night.


  • 地区联盟队里踢球球场解说员可乐了,三天两头说‘哈利·波特对手个魔

    ‘I play a lot of football as well in a local league, and the matchreports are always full of puns – ‘Harry Potter cast a spell on the opposition and that kind of thing.’


  • 已经在F1混这么多年了,现在终于有机会一个车队作威作福觉得困难挑战对于你来说

    Now you have every opportunity to mould a team to your liking. What is the most difficult challenge?


  • 从前,有部手机华盛顿一家Verizon健身房里了,捡人在手机被锁定之前看到一条短信证实这部手机“尚未发布”的,介素东东?

    The story goes that this phone was left in a corporate Verizon gym in Washington, but before it was remotely locked the finder saw a text message confirming it was "unreleased".


  • 操场装饰塑料树(plasticpalm trees这个不知道),有点突兀和不可思议。

    The sandlot was adorned by two inexplicable plastic palm trees.


  • 特殊的训练器械还是别的东西了么?

    Does he have special machines or something that he USES?


  • ?楼上的,肾机三星电视冰箱微波炉床上用品,衣服家具鞋子买到任何东西醒醒吧不是1997年了。

    What, , with your iPhone, Samsung TV, fridge, microwave, bed, clothes, furniture, shoes, just about anything you buy? Do wake up, this isn't 1997 anymore.


  • ?楼上的,肾机三星电视冰箱微波炉床上用品,衣服家具鞋子买到任何东西醒醒吧不是1997年了。

    What, , with your iPhone, Samsung TV, fridge, microwave, bed, clothes, furniture, shoes, just about anything you buy? Do wake up, this isn't 1997 anymore.


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