• 他们回应者哈特利曲子回响船上方。

    They join in with Hartley, filling out the sound so that it reaches all over the ship.


  • 这种做法源于性别歧视,而社会上普遍认同这一观念”哈特利

    "This is likely to be due to gender bias being represented as much more socially and normatively acceptable in society," Hartley said.


  • 北安普顿船长迪伦·哈特利确定另一种新兴竞争者

    Northampton skipper Dylan Hartley has been identified as another emerging contender.


  • 推荐阅读斯克哈特利著作一章——〈警察命运〉;

    Recommended reading: Fiske and Hartley's chapter, "A Policeman's Lot";


  • 他们使用歇尔太空望远镜观测哈特利2号,来自柯伊伯【2】彗星。

    They used the Herschel space telescope to examine Comet Hartley 2, which originated in the Kuiper Belt.


  • 我们从来不猎杀白熊,”海伦·克利夫顿坐在哈特利自家厨房里。

    "Our people never hunted the white bear," says Helen Clifton, sitting in her kitchen in Hartley Bay, a small fishing village marked by tendrils of wood smoke and the echoing calls of ravens.


  • 深度撞击持续观察哈特利2直到感恩节然后等待来自美国宇航局进一步指示

    Deep Impact will observe Hartley 2 until Thanksgiving and then wait for further instructions from NASA.


  • 花生鼓槌深度撞击号航空飞船非船彗星哈特利2号的核心形状让人难以确认。

    Peanut or Drumstick? The core of comet Hartley 2, photographed by the Deep Impact spacecraft.


  • 文学家假设哈特利(Hartley2)彗星太阳系诞生其他6个彗星不同位置。

    The astronomers hypothesize that Hartley 2 was born in a different part of the solar system than the other six.


  • 利用家具木工的技能现代家具设计的知识,哈特利手工完成原始图纸最终成品的制作过程。

    Using both his skills as a cabinet maker and education in contemporary furniture design, Hartley makes each piece by hand from original drawings to finished product.


  • 首诗1798年,英格兰一个冬夜柯勒律治坐在幼小儿子哈特利身旁

    In this verse, written in 1798, Coleridge sits near his infant son, Hartley, on a winter night in England.


  • 10月20哈特利2号通过地球11万英里地方-1986年以来发现的离我们最近星球

    Hartley 2 passed within 11 million miles of Earth on Oct. 20 - the closest it has been to our planet since its discovery in 1986.


  • 在1842年,一位名叫罗伯特·哈特利戒酒斗士就警告说,纽约市牛奶灾难性地污染了

    As early as 1842, a temperance crusader named Robert Hartley warned that city milk was catastrophically tainted.


  • IllicitEncounters网站莎拉·哈特利:“恶劣天气显然注册人数激增的原因之一。”

    Sarah Hartley of IllicitEncounters.co.uk said: "the adverse weather has obviously influenced many sign-ups."


  • 发现了颗彗星的英国天文学家马尔科姆·哈特利从来没有想到这么一个航天飞船接近名字命名的彗星。

    British-born astronomer Malcolm Hartley, who discovered the comet, said he never imagined a spacecraft would get so close to his namesake find.


  • 哈特利2号彗星拥有地球海水相同比例,有力支持了地球上的水源彗星(的观点)。来自约翰·马特森报道

    Comet Hartley 2 has the same deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio as ocean water, lending support to the idea that Earth's water was delivered by comets. John Matson reports.


  • 英国喜欢小一点餐食——也许是因为二战期间配给供应养成节俭习惯,《读者文摘英国执行编辑西蒙·哈特利如是说。

    The Brits prefer smaller portionsperhaps a lingering vestige of the frugality instilled by World War II rationing, says Simon Hartley, executive editor of Reader's Digest U.K.


  • 最大的可能性哈特利彗星形成于以冥王星附近为始点的伊伯带上,而伊伯的始点到太阳距离地球到太阳的30

    Hartley most likely formed in the Kuiper belt, which starts near Pluto at about 30 times farther from the sun than Earth is.


  • 考察队(哈多、·丹尼斯马丁·哈特利)长度跋涉开局因为恶劣气候而被耽搁,大家很快意识:到达极地一项艰巨的挑战

    It became rapidly clear after the team (Hadow, Ann Daniels and Martin Hartley) was hampered by atrocious weather at the beginning of the trek that reaching the pole would be a challenge.


  • 美国航空航天局今天他们收件箱里收到了来自深度撞击飞船一些漂亮照片彗星哈特利2经过飞船时,飞船工作人员拍下了彗星的照片

    NASA got some nice pics in their inbox today from the Deep Impact craft, which snapped photos of a comet's core as the craft hurtled past comet Hartley 2.


  • 船上共有101名乘客,其中有99人获救,这多亏附近哈特利湾(artley Bay)居民鼎力相助,他们黑夜中顶风冒雨的渔船海上营救被围困的乘客。

    Of the 101 people aboard, 99 survived, thanks largely to the citizens of nearby Hartley Bay, who put to sea in fishing boats in the middle of the rainy, windy night to rescue them.


  • 现在学校里数学,”哈特利湾社群委员会(Hartley BayBand Council)会员卡梅隆·希尔(Cameron Hill)

    "I teach math at the school here, " said Cameron Hill, a member of the Hartley Bay Band Council.


  • 网撒尽量宽大,以便找到J.R.哈特利难以寻觅的《垂钓恋大河》,那么就上usedbooks (usedbooksearch . co . uk),它集合最好二手书店

    If you want to cast your net as wide as possible to find that elusive copy of Fly Fishing by J.R Hartley, used books (usedbooksearch.co.uk) aggregates the best online second-hand bookshops.


  • 美国密歇根大学亚伦·利恩·哈特教授认为,本身不能改变科学家亚原子微粒的物理学认知。

    That in itself does not alter scientists' understanding of sub-atomic physics, according to Professor Aaron Leanhardt of Michigan University in the US.


  • 如果这个建议兴趣,还想了解更多的话,可以看看埃克哈特·托利《当下的力量》。

    The non-thinker. If you're interested in exploring and understanding this concept more, check out Eckhart Tolle's book the Power of Now.


  • 哈特斯利写道:“坐在一楼的工作室看着邻居忙碌的身影,他们像没事儿人似的,让我既惊讶愤怒

    "I sat in the first floor room in which I work, watching my neighbours go about their lives, amazed and furious that they were behaving as if it was a normal day, " wrote Hattersley.


  • Architronixx建筑师。伯格、工程师巴里·比斯利以及音响工程师马里·德哈特1981年共同创建

    Architronixx, founded by an architect, Jay Pogue, an engineer, Barry Beasley, and a sound engineer, Mari DeHart, was a totally new concept in 1981, when it was founded.


  • Architronixx建筑师。伯格、工程师巴里·比斯利以及音响工程师马里·德哈特1981年共同创建

    Architronixx, founded by an architect, Jay Pogue, an engineer, Barry Beasley, and a sound engineer, Mari DeHart, was a totally new concept in 1981, when it was founded.


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