• 什么可以使开心?”什么可以使我成功?”可以自己个最重要问题又是两个不一样的问题。

    "What will make me happy?" and "What will make me successful?" are two of the most important questions you can ask yourself. But they are two different questions.


  • 所以一方面来说可以叫做神童但是认为自己什么别人不一样的地方。

    So in that respect I could be called one, although I don't think I'll go off the rails.


  • 想要知道什么一样的,应用程序要请求什么不一样

    This is not the same as knowing what you want. Nor is it the same as knowing what your application has requested.


  • 那么难度什么一点就是那种特殊高度自我意识语言运用,让人感到通常表达一样

    By "difficult," it is meant, I think, well, first of all that it is in some sense set apart from common speech, as a specialized and highly self-conscious use of language.


  • 有些奇怪以前那些替文科教育辩护一样格拉夫顿似乎除了说明这种教育能够生产代又一代教授之外,人文教育究竟什么好处,他并无片语相及。

    But I was puzzled that, unlike earlier defenders of liberal-arts education, Grafton did not offer any justification of what such an education is good for, except producing future professors.


  • 觉得自己别人不一样因为只有条胳膊又做什么

    That affected her because it made her feel different from everyone else and that she couldn't do anything because she only had one arm.


  • 网病毒蠕虫病毒一样,它原创伊朗计算机系统我们的计算机系统也没有什么明显差别。

    Stuxnet isn't spectacularly original, as computer worms go, and those Iranian systems aren't terribly exotic. They're like ours.


  • 一方面,首先出现喙形结构最早骨(用于支持羽毛融合尾椎骨)的孔子与现代鸟类之间几乎存在什么不一样地方

    On the other hand, Confuciusornis, which possessed the first beak and earliest pygostyle, or fused tail vertebrae that supported feathers, truly looks like a bird.


  • 现在该做一些那么符合逻辑的事情,你应该赦免。赦免宽恕不一样。赦免现在没什么过失需要宽恕了”。

    Now you do something that is not logical, you remit. To remit goes beyond forgiveness. To remit is now to say, "There is no sin to forgive."


  • 当然免费的,YouTube不一样总还是会付出什么的,就普通电视一样

    It's free, of course, but unlike on YouTube, you're paying something in time and annoyance-just like on regular TV.


  • 如果一样,那么SubscriptionManager知道使用触发器处理程序什么,也使订阅内容相匹配

    If it is not the same, the subscription Manager will not know what trigger handler to use and will not match the subscription to the content.


  • 一个什么一样进球来说,杰拉德2006年足总杯决赛的那个进球,wikipedia卫报将说成是抽射尽管球在被踢进球门前两次

    Take a not dissimilar goal from Gerrard in the 2006 FA Cup final, which was described by both Wikipedia and this site as a volley even though it bounced twice before he thrashed it into the net.


  • 意思是每天早上晚上都会不一样的(实际会那样),那你在准备比赛前什么

    So I mean would listen to STH different in the morning and at night you would (no no not really) what would you listen to when you get ready for the game?


  • 亲爱的妈妈告诉弟弟都是的,又是把屎、一把尿抚养长大的,可是什么我们待遇却一样呢?

    Dear Mom, I want to tell you, my brother is your health, but also you are a feces, grew up in a urine raise, but why do we not treated the same?


  • 这个问题思考了很久但是一直把它出来…小兰状态好的时候状态时候有什么不一样呢?

    I've been wondering about this a long time, but haven't dared ask the questionwhat is the difference between Lamps in good form, and Lamps in bad form?


  • 什么许多孩子性格父母不一样呢?

    So why do you think many kids have personalities that are so different from their parents'?


  • 赵力这个系列里面人物,早期后面一样尤其后来好像修版过的、概念化的,什么前面不一样

    Zhao li: as to the Characters in this series, the former are quite different from the latter, especially as the latter seem to be retouched and conceptualized, so why the difference from the former?


  • 但是夺得奥运会金牌夺得世界杯冠军的感觉有什么不一样么?让米亚·哈姆告诉答案。

    But how does winning an Olympic tournament compare to lifting the World Cup? Mia Hamm can tell you.


  • 一个如果同伴步调一致,也许是因为听到一样的鼓点,就让跟着自己听到音乐走吧,音乐有什么样的韵律,或是多么的遥远

    If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.


  • 但是如今随着长大,我一直思索什么幸福幸福的认识父母不一样

    But now as I grow up, I keep thinking about what is happiness, my recognition about happiness is very different from my parents'.


  • 一百二的一百八的什么不一样

    What is the difference between those at one hundred twenty and those at one hundred eighty?


  • 星期口语学习美国初中高中学校怎么样中国的有什么共同的地方?什么一样的?

    This week in oral English class, we're studying what school is like in America. How is it similar to school in China? How is it different?


  • 每天早早赶到奶酪C,四处闻一闻、一抓,看看区域前一天什么不一样

    They arrived early each morning and sniffed and scratched and scurried around Cheese Station C, inspecting the area to see it there had been any changes from the day before.


  • 当然一家公司每一位管理者不一样因此里德破除这些观念可能根本解释什么总是错过晋升机会

    Of course, every company and every manager is different, so it's impossible to say whether any of the notions Reid debunks explain why you keep getting passed over for bigger jobs.


  • 国内一样因此很多盗版软件电影(而且了解什么盗版犯法)。

    This is not the case in China and as a result, a lot of people here pirate softwares and movies (without an understanding of why it's illegal).


  • 国内一样因此很多盗版软件电影(而且了解什么盗版犯法)。

    This is not the case in China and as a result, a lot of people here pirate softwares and movies (without an understanding of why it's illegal).


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