• 应作「一样兴趣」。什么一样呢?应该上文提到后现代主义们对科学哲学科学本身不感兴趣。

    And postmodernists are just as little interested in the sociological question of how research scientists react to one another or what the relation is between science and society.


  • 父亲急急忙忙地说:“花园里!”,他梅德洛克太太一样明白什么意思

    Like Mrs. Medlock, he did not understand what his father meant when he said hurriedly, "In the garden!"


  • 伽利略一样,历史上的所有伟人都充满好奇心,他们会孜孜不倦地问:“为什么?”

    Like Galileo, all the great names in history were curious and asked in discontent, "Why?


  • 想想看,注意到,一夜之间两个精致器官变得一样时,他是什么感觉

    Fancy how he felt when he noticed that overnight those two dainty organs had become as long as shoe brushes!


  • 然后他们还有什么数值设计目标,这是,这个合理达到辐射曝光一样这些反应堆容器泄露实验

    And then they have, what is this, numerical design ALARA objectives, this is ALARA, this is the as low as reasonably achievable radiation exposure. Containment leakage testing for these reactors.


  • 有一开销其他私立学校一样折磨着蓝色学校,也是什么很多私立学校折戟地方:房产

    One major cost is the same one that has bedeviled many private schools, and is the reason more of them have not opened: real estate.


  • 它们只是我们展示它们认为我们什么,其根据就是我们我们一样其他人以往喜欢东西。

    They're designed to give us what they think we want, based on what we and other people like us have wanted in the past.


  • 但是他们很快就长的恐龙一样巨大随即变小了,发生了什么

    But they quickly evolved to be as big as dinosaurs, then evolved to be smaller again. What happened?


  • 知道什么钢铁还要强,比羽毛还要轻橡皮筋一样有有弹性吗?

    Do you know what is stronger than steel, lighter than a feather and as elastic as a rubber band?


  • 想知道其他男孩女孩一样感觉什么

    But I have wondered what it would be like to walk and run like other boys and girls.


  • 我的工作的工作只决定到底怎样什么来说是重要的一样

    That job was mine, just as it's your job to determine who you really are and what really matters to you.


  • 一下如果投资,收益这个人一样,你最后能得到什么

    But think about it, if you were investing your money with someone like that, what did you end up with?


  • 没有什么一样影响我们行为工作效率

    Nothing more powerfully influences our behavior and our effectiveness at work.


  • 所以一方面来说可以叫做神童但是认为自己什么别人不一样的地方。

    So in that respect I could be called one, although I don't think I'll go off the rails.


  • 想要知道什么一样的,应用程序要请求什么是不一样

    This is not the same as knowing what you want. Nor is it the same as knowing what your application has requested.


  • 但是相互联系时代信息疾病一样瞬间传播开来,一个不够完善的传播网络什么都没有强。

    But in an interconnected age, when both information and disease can spread in an instant, having an imperfect network is better than none at all.


  • 什么时候恢复正常降水什么时候渔民才能以前一样工作依然不确定

    It remains uncertain when the rainfall will return to normal and when the fishermen can work as before.


  • 话说,今天号称成为未来汽车燃料说法以往一样没有什么实质性区别。

    In other words, claims that hydrogen will be the automotive fuel of the future are as true today as they ever have been.


  • 但是如果黄金投资者觉醒发现这种黄色金属其实郁金香一样什么用处,黄金投资者疯掉

    But if investors ever wake up and notice that the yellow metal is little more useful than tulips, the gold bugs will be burned.


  • 厄尔大厦以及大厦那华丽的大堂都没什么关系:那个银色黑色大理石锻打出的大堂,像刺眼玻璃一样闪闪发亮。

    Howell didn't have much to do with the building or its magnificent lobby of hammered silver and black marble that shone like devilish, blinding glass.


  • 发生一个遥远不为人国度(泰国)的事情最终蔓延许多更大国家,而这些国家看上去东南亚地区并什么瓜葛,就俄罗斯巴西一样

    Troubles that began in a far-away country of which most people knew nothing (Thailand) eventually spread to much bigger countries with no obvious connection to Southeast Asia, like Russia and Brazil.


  • 以往一样外部世界听听金先生要说些什么有利无弊-特别是这两年搞到了几个核武器更是如此

    As before, the outside world has nothing to lose and much to gain from hearing what Mr Kim has to say-even more so since in the interim he has acquired a few nuclear weapons.


  • 解释了其中原因什么适应气候变化降低工厂森林砍伐产生温室气体一样一直不是公众辩论主题

    This is one reason why adaptation has not been the subject of public debate in the same way as reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions from industry and deforestation have.


  • 觉得自己别人一样因为只有条胳膊又做不了什么

    That affected her because it made her feel different from everyone else and that she couldn't do anything because she only had one arm.


  • 觉得自己别人一样因为只有条胳膊又做不了什么

    That affected her because it made her feel different from everyone else and that she couldn't do anything because she only had one arm.


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