• 下面XML模式治理生命周期状态示例

    Below is an example governance lifecycle state machine for XML schema. The state machine has the following states.


  • 代码中GBean生命周期状态典型实现如清单2

    In code, the GBean life cycle states are typically implemented as shown in Listing 2.


  • 可以使用这些适配器重写控件生命周期状态

    You can use these adapters to override the life-cycle states of pages and controls.


  • 证明服务已经经历服务生命周期状态所需步骤包括其间对等检查

    It demonstrates that the service has adhered to the required sequence of steps for the service lifecycle status, including intermediate peer reviews.


  • 对于被治理元数据,生命周期模型使用一个业务状态描述生命周期状态它们之间转换

    A lifecycle model for governed metadata USES a business state machine to describe the lifecycle states and the transition between them.


  • 允许业务领域限制服务可见性,或者限制哪些用户角色能够将服务转换某些生命周期状态

    This allows you to restrict visibility of services by business area or to restrict which user roles can transition services to certain life cycle states.


  • 可以XACML 中捕获访问控制规则引用生命周期状态诸如分类属性等语义标注

    You can capture Access Control Rules in XACML and reference life cycle states and semantic annotations such as classifications, and properties.


  • 含义应该外界获得配置(更多注入),生命周期状态变换同样也应该从外部进行控制

    The implication is that classes should be given their configuration (more injection) and lifecycle state-changes similarly controlled from outside.


  • 建立在产品数据管理系统基础上的工程变更管理指管理处于发布发布生命周期状态的产品数据。

    Engineering change management, which is basis on product data management (PDM) system, controls the pre-released and released product data.


  • 任务为核心集成过程模型生命周期模型,采用过程与生命周期耦合互动驱动文档生命周期状态变迁

    The loosely coupled process and lifecycle model were integrated by tasks and were interplayed to drive the transition of document lifecycle states.


  • 正如前面所解释验证功能用于控制基本CRUD操作以及在所治理实体生命周期状态转换上下文中使用。

    As explained earlier, Validation functions can be used to control basic CRUD operations as well as in the context of life-cycle state transitions for governed entities.


  • 控制通知插件ServiceRegistry对象一种生命周期状态转换另一种生命周期状态之后调用的。

    A governance notification plug-in is invoked after a Service Registry object has been transitioned from one life cycle state to another.


  • 提出外部注入半导体激光器混沌相位控制方法通过周期调制注入光的相位相移将激光器的混沌控制多种周期状态

    In this paper, a method of chaotic controlling is presented via controlling the phase in semiconductor lasers under to external optical injection.


  • 控制验证插件ServiceRegistry对象生命周期状态转换为一种生命周期状态之前显式地请求验证控制对象调用

    A governance validation plug-in is invoked before a Service Registry object is transitioned from one life cycle state to another or when a validation of a governed object is explicitly requested.


  • 案例研究包括许多工作产品范例业务源代码整个项目生命周期不同完成状态进行显示2所示。

    The case study includes numerous work product examples, from business case to source code, shown at different completion states over the project lifecycle, as illustrated in Table 2.


  • 部分讨论可替代性生命周期状态抽象粗粒度组件粒度组件进行大体区分

    This section examines the aspects of substitutability, life cycle, state, and abstraction to generally differentiate coarse - and fine-grained components.


  • 例如ICFP 2007编程竞赛个比赛就是实现一个虚拟,要求每个周期修改状态,并针对某些输入运行数百万周期(请参阅参考资料)。

    For example, the ICFP 2007 Programming Contest involved implementing a virtual machine that modified its state with every cycle and ran for millions of cycles for some inputs (see Resources).


  • 管理API允许加载用于所治理实体生命周期建模状态定义以及加载owl描述分类系统

    The Administration API allows you to load definitions of state machines to be used to model the life cycle of governed entities, and to load classification systems described in OWL.


  • 这些问题应该能帮助将元素不同文档内容链接生命周期的不同状态

    This set of questions should help you link the different values of the metadata, or the content of the document, to the different states of the life cycle.


  • 服务生命周期服务可能处于状态以及触发状态间转换的事件组成。

    Service life cycle comprises the states services may be in and the events that trigger transitions between these states.


  • 任何利益相关者都可以提出请求周期核查状态以及对任何问题或者评论回应

    Any stakeholder submits the Request, periodically checks its status, and responds to any questions or comments.


  • 请求周期经历若干状态根据当前状态请求周期处理器发出不同指令

    The request cycle goes through several states and, depending on the current state, sends different instructions to the request cycle processor.


  • 没有衰退可能发生仅仅是道出事实美国企业利润率开始稳定经济周期进入后期状态标志

    He did not say recession was likely. He merely noted the truth: that corporate America's profit margins "have begun to stabilise", a sign that the economic cycle is entering its later stages.


  • 其中将说明如何Registry中存储表示所发现服务以及所治理的服务如何通过服务生命周期各个状态

    It shows how the discovered services are stored and represented in Registry and how the governed services traverse states in a service life cycle.


  • Serviceregistry缺省生命周期状态转换如图1示。

    The states and transitions of the Service Registry default life cycle are shown in Figure 1.


  • 被动检查过程中,Nagios并不产生插件检查状态而是不同应用程序周期性地或者服务状态发生更改时,将状态更新发送给Nagios。

    In passive checking, Nagios does not spawn plug-ins to check status, but separate applications send status updates to Nagios periodically or when a state of a service has changed.


  • 如果所窃取空闲周期不足以完成Hypervisor的工作,那么可以在处理器处于忙碌状态时候挪用周期

    In cases where stealing idle cycles is not sufficient for hypervisor work, it can also borrow cycles when processor is in busy state.


  • 它们生命周期(可用状态描述——参见2)。

    They all have a lifecycle (that can be described by a state machine - see figure 2.).


  • 限定重要业务对象的生命周期文档描写所有状态

    Restrict lifecycles to the most important business objects, but describe all states in your documentation.


  • 技术人员来说系统整体状态全部生命周期实例当前状态以及它们变化之和

    For technologists it is the overall state of the system, which is the sum of current states for all lifecycle instances, together with their changes.


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