• 一个目标可能周四所有工作都完成这样就可以周五休息休息或者周五的时候自己事情

    One of my goals might be to get all of my work done by Thursday so I can take Friday off, or use Friday to work on a personal project.


  • 可以设置重复性目标(“周五休息”)或者一次性的目标(“我想下周二前把网站设计好”)或者两者任意结合

    You can set recurring goals (“I want to take every Friday off.”) or one-time goals (“I want to finish my new website design by next Tuesday.”) or any combination of the two.


  • 可以设置重复性目标(“周五休息”)或者一次性的目标(“我想下周二前把网站设计好”)或者两者任意结合

    You can set recurring goals (“I want to take every Friday off. ”) or one-time goals (“I want to finish my new website design by next Tuesday. ”) or any combination of the two.


  • 可以设置重复性目标(“周五休息”)或者一次性的目标(“我想下周二前把网站设计好”)或者两者任意结合

    You can set recurring goals ("I want to take every Friday off. ") or one-time goals ("I want to finish my new website design by next Tuesday. ") or any combination of the two.


  • 内部演示通常一周比较时候被执行,也许是周五下午时候的团队片刻休息的时间。

    Internal demonstrations were usually performed late in the week, preferably late Friday afternoon as a bit of a break for the team.


  • 英国银行家协会告诉我们:”银行午饭时间最忙的,尤其是周五,赶在休息日前下班时刻。

    Banks are busiest during lunchtimes, particularly on the Friday prior to bank holidays and just before closing time, ” says the British Bankers’ Association.


  • 不过很多会把周五作为休息那样他们可以感恩节家里好好休息一下。

    But a lot of people take Friday as a holiday, so they can stay at home and rest after Thanksgiving.


  • 例如周一周五工作员工必须周六周日休息

    For example, an employee who works on Monday to Friday must be off on Saturday and Sunday.


  • 有些雇主喜欢周五下午进行裁员心想这样可以让他们有几天的休息时间。

    Some managers prefer to handle layoffs on Friday afternoons, assuming that it gives everybody a chance to decompress.


  • 他们距离周五主场对阵森林比赛还有休息时间。

    They now have two days between games before playing at home Friday against Minnesota.


  • 这项措施是一次内阁会议宣布意味这个西非国家民众回教神圣周五工作半天周六周日则休息

    The move, announced after a cabinet meeting, means people in the West African nation will work a half-day on the Muslim holy day of Friday and get Saturday and Sunday off.


  • 星期四我们考试周五我们小小的休息了一下,下第二单元将要提供给我们的材料。

    Thursday we had our exam, while Friday they will have a small break with look at what Unit 2 will have to offer.


  • 耳朵休息:“周五晚上摇滚音乐没有,”马歇尔·切辛,“不过周六草坪了。”

    Give your ears a rest: "There's nothing wrong with going to a rock concert on Friday night," says Marshall Chasin. "Just don't mow your lawn on Saturday."


  • 难道拜纳姆不该这个夏天好好休息膝盖而不是去参加周五繁重训练么?

    Shouldn't Bynum rest that knee this summer instead of participating in heavy workouts five days a week?


  • 没有但是可以调休,也就是说,如果周四晚上工作个小时周五就可以休息一天。

    It's unpaid, but I can then take an extra day off. So, if I work an extra 8 hours on a Thursday night, I can take Friday off.


  • 周一周五可以理由休息家人因为工作时间为什么周末一个同样的理由呢?

    Mondays until Fridays you make an excuse not to relax and spend time with your family because it's work time. Why not make a similar excuse for Saturdays and Sundays?


  • 此外中秋节国庆黄金周期间中心工作日仍然是周一周五周六休息

    Kindly note that during the period of Mid-Autumn Festival and Chinese National Day, India Visa Application Centre remains normal working days from Monday to Friday, CLOSED in WEEKENDS.


  • 方案周五其中次可以是任意形式有氧运动。每周确保有一休息

    How it works: Five or six times a week, do one of these routines using any type of cardio. Always give yourself at least one day off each week to recover.


  • 方案周五其中次可以是任意形式有氧运动。每周确保有一休息

    How it works: Five or six times a week, do one of these routines using any type of cardio. Always give yourself at least one day off each week to recover.


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