• 被问及放弃什么活动一周最难,48%的人说是音乐

    When asked which activity would be the most difficult to give up for a week, 48% said listening to music.


  • 他们一周华盛顿

    They'll be able to go up to Washington midweek.


  • 只要一周学习我们关于广告电视节目电影时尚课程,你就会找到工作

    You will get good jobs if you spend only a week on our course about ads, TV programs, films and fashion.


  • 现在开始一周应该对于实现目标需要什么有谱儿了。

    One week from now, you should have some numbers that will show you what you need to be doing to reach your goals.


  • 就要求这些执行这项需要40个人一周的任务,然后构筑游戏构架吗?

    That allows these people to do the task that require 40 guys a week to do and structure the game?


  • 重新安排这项工作花了一周,这让能够一些研究但是再次尝试迁移时,问题又出现了。

    The week it took to reschedule the work afforded me the ability to do some more research, but when I attempted the migration again, the beast reared its ugly head.


  • 这位法国中场已经来到曼城一周了,指出了认为的教授温格球员处理遇到的问题,提到了这位阿森纳掌舵者喜欢冲突”。

    The French midfielder, who has been at City for a week, also pinpointed what he believes to be Arsène Wenger's failing in dealing with players, saying the Arsenal manager "doesn't like conflict".


  • 对我令人痛苦折磨就是苦苦等待测试结果一周

    The most agonizing part of the ordeal, she said, was the week-long wait for the test results.


  • 即使寒冷环境中没有不会一周

    Even in a cool environment, you wouldn't last for more than a week without water.


  • 距离婚礼庆典还有一周一点,公众兴趣——探究——可能达到顶峰。

    With a little more than two weeks to go before the ceremony, interest -- and scrutiny -- is probably going to be at its highest.


  • 过去一周生活会议富于激情的神侃和看上去确定的假象满,而一切其实都没有定数

    The week had been filled with meetings and bluster, the zealous singing exchanges of her business, the pretense of certainty where in fact there was none at all.


  • 敏捷团队行动非常迅速,他们创建很小代码工作有时甚至只有一周

    Agile teams work very quicklysometimes in as little as a week — to create small chunks of code.


  • 块700的肉,后来一周消化完。

    I've had one that was 700 grams and took me a week to digest.


  • 当然,在研究院待过多一周会知道科学探索还意味着更多

    Of course, anyone who's been to grad school for more than a week knows there's more to scientific endeavor than that.


  • 能够轻而易举地学会大多数觉得十分艰涩东西比如数学句法(他仅用了一周就学会了冰岛语)。

    He is able to pick up, almost osmotically, those things with which most people struggle - maths and syntax (he mastered Icelandic in a week).


  • 16岁以上超过一周未能就业人口2009年的8,330万攀升到了去年的8,670万。

    The number of people over 16 who didn’t work at least one week climbed from 83.3 million in 2009 to 86.7 million last year.


  • 印第安纳州开咖啡屋,咖啡屋后面还有屋子,我就在那度过一周大部分

    I own a coffee shop in Southern Indiana. I have a room in the back where I spend most of the week.


  • 派驻引进一个或者更多的特殊客户或者合伙人那运行您的软件要求他们利用一周开发过程测试这个新的发布

    In residencies, you bring in one or more people who work with your software from a particular client or partner, and have them spend perhaps a week testing the new release under development.


  • 苏珊接受斯科特面试是个非常成功的例子预约面试一周准备

    Susan made a compelling case for an interview with Scott, and she had one week to prepare before the scheduled interview.


  • 可以昨天或者同一窗口内操作进行对比,从中可以观察应用程序的改进过程。

    For every operation you can compare to the same time window yesterday and a week ago so you can follow the behavior as your application changes.


  • 一周每一个参加国实施活动主要目标群体提供信息使它们参与国家免疫方面严重挑战作为目标。

    During the Week, each participating country implements activities to inform and engage key target groups, and to target critical challenges as regards immunization in their country.


  • 作为一个大学讲师很幸运不用每天上班,我一周只要工作但是三天我工作很长没有一点可以小睡一下。

    Fortunately, being a college lecturer, I don't have to go to work everyday. I only work three days a week, but during the three days I work really long hours and have no time for a wee little siesta.


  • 罗伯·哈勒西32岁妻子麦德兰·哈勒西说一周集中丈夫身上激动不已。

    His wife, Madeline Hulsey, 32, said she was just as thrilled to spend a week focusing on her husband.


  • 敏捷件两倍于我的行头然后卫生欣赏中的自己,想象正在约什今生至爱(至少一周)谈情说爱。

    I slipped into the two-sizes-too-big outfit and ran into the bathroom where I admired myself in the mirror, pretending to be flirting with Josh, the love of my life (that week, anyway).


  • 我们试图进行较大更改至少一周系统进行控制我们发现一周还不足以评估变更影响

    We tried to control the systems for at least a week after a major change, but we discovered that a week really wasn't enough time to evaluate the impact of a change.


  • 我们试图进行较大更改至少一周系统进行控制我们发现一周还不足以评估变更影响

    We tried to control the systems for at least a week after a major change, but we discovered that a week really wasn't enough time to evaluate the impact of a change.


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