• 此外家庭团聚经常会吸引远方来的血亲他们会花费大量金钱时间团聚

    In addition, family reunions frequently attract blood relatives from faraway places who spend considerable money and time to reunite.


  • 为了吸引更多观众收看节目避免失去更多广告收入我们应该播报天气地方新闻时间恢复以前水平

    In order to attract more viewers to the program and to avoid losing any further advertising revenues, we should restore the time devoted to weather and local news to its former level.


  • 所有友谊中,丈夫妻子必须着引起对方兴趣足够的时间分享那些吸引活动使得他们有持续共同兴趣

    As in all friendship, a husband and wife must try to interest each other, and to spend sufficient time sharing absorbing activities to give them continuing common interests.


  • 公寓千禧一代吸引保持时间,因为他们拥有住房的父母经历的遭遇感到不安。

    Apartments will retain their appeal for a while for Millennials, haunted by what happened to home-owning parents.


  • 那段时间里,数百万家庭被它所吸引

    Millions of families were attracted by it during that time.


  • 特别是那些、收益期又很长的技能投资时间努力的动因。那些不会因为怀孕就不得不放弃的学业,比如说,法学院,变得具有吸引力了。

    It has also increased their incentives to invest time and effort in acquiring skills, particularly slow-burning skills that are hard to learn and take many years to pay off.


  • 亚裔女性吸引最大,我知道为什么,自打我对女人感兴趣开始就是这样了,虽然很长时间里我并没有意识到这一点。

    I am more attracted to Asian women than any other women. I don't know why.


  • 这个时间旅行方法吸引事情之一避免了所有悖论。” 维

    One of the attractive things about this approach to time travel is that it avoids all the big paradoxes,’ Mr Weiler said.


  • 作过吸引关于时间而变化图表。你曾经写道:“我们8个月大的时候最可爱的,之后一直走下坡路。”。请解释一下

    You have also charted attractiveness over time. You've written: "We're at our cutest at about 8 months of age, and after that it's all downhill." Explain.


  • 流行几乎一定时间改变所以如果能够制作很远的将来看起来仍然很好的东西那么吸引力一定更多来自品格不是风尚

    Fashions almost by definition change with time, so if you can make something that will still look good far into the future, then its appeal must derive more from merit and less from fashion.


  • 时间一直无法理解,为什么像一样有能力长期忠诚于这般没有吸引职位

    For a long time I could not understand how someone of his caliber could remain so intractably loyal to such an undeserving employer.


  • 如果期望企业预测未来时间里的预算不是很高,那么LMS极具吸引选择

    If you expect your organization to be on a tight budget for the foreseeable future, then LMS could be an attractive choice.


  • 他们时间金钱花在了电影音乐会视频游戏机上,表示,视频游戏机也可用作聊天工具吸引超过电话

    Their time and money is spent instead on cinema, concerts and video game consoles which, he said, now double as a more attractive vehicle for chatting with friends than the phone.


  • 尽管火车这种将无用时间变成高效工作主意,还是吸引的。

    While I don't take the train, the value of converting "down time" to productive time is a pretty attractive one.


  • 尽管火车这种将无用时间变成高效工作主意,还是吸引的。

    While I don’t take the train, the value of converting “down time” to productive time is a pretty attractive one.


  • 其他事物相比阅读自然地吸引孩子一种天性但是随着时间推移,孩子都会明白阅读价值

    Some kids are more naturally drawn to books than others. It's a temperament thing. But all children can learn the value of reading over time.


  • 报告中说:“与此相比,到西欧工作对于那些看重个人空闲时间的人来说吸引。”

    "Western Europe, by contrast, is very attractive for employees who value their leisure time," the report added.


  • 接着,298问及风险吸引冲动、是否将驾驶作为项享乐活动以及时间压力的认知。

    Then 298 people were asked about risk attraction, impulsiveness, driving as a hedonistic activity and perceptions about time pressures.


  • 当前中国很有吸引的利差水平利率管制因果,因此不会维持太长时间

    The current attractive interest rate spreads are a symptom of regulated rates - and thus have a limited shelf life.


  • 业界一些人士认为章节游戏现有的游戏更具吸引因为现有的游戏可能引起令那些愿意几周时间打完游戏的玩家的反感。

    Some in the industry believe that episodic games could have broader appeal than existing games, which can put off players who are unwilling to spend weeks finishing them.


  • 时间差异投资者来说意义重大轮升息开始后那些利率更高国家对投资者更吸引

    The difference between rate-rising schedules matters a great deal to investors, who are attracted to countries where rates are higher since this boosts returns.


  • 因此利用太阳能解决世界能源问题全球变暖问题的想法很长时间以来一直都很有吸引

    So the idea of using solar power to solve the world's energy and global warming problems has long been attractive.


  • 一些蔬菜味道因为随着种植时间加长而加重,就是为什么虽然同样有益于健康,一些所谓娃娃”的蔬菜显得更加吸引

    In some vegetables, flavors intensify as the plant matures, which is why the so-called baby versions have wider taste appeal with just as many health benefits.


  • 人们失业时间越长技能信心下降厉害,雇主吸引也越低。

    The longer people are jobless, the more their skills and confidence decline and the less appealing they become to employers.


  • 不会时间写出好的作品因为从理论上,你一开始吸引力因长期被注视而下降。

    You'll never make the time that it takes to produce the sort of good work that theoretically made you so appealing in the first place.


  • 是因为随着时间过去受地心吸引力的影响,脊骨水份压缩了变薄了),这使细微缩短

    That's because as the day goes on, water in the disks of the spine gets compressed (squeezed) due to gravity, making you just a tiny bit shorter.


  • 虽然只有几年时间在线社区网络趋势正在迅速蔓延吸引越来越大。

    Though just a few years old, the online social-networking trend is rapidly evolving and gaining traction.


  • 图像加入处理复杂要素仍然产生吸引构图,具备这样的能力需要成熟观察力,这种观察力需要花时间培养

    The ability to introduce and handle complex elements within the frame of an image and still produce an effective composition requires a maturation of seeing that takes time to develop.


  • 图像加入处理复杂要素仍然产生吸引构图,具备这样的能力需要成熟观察力,这种观察力需要花时间培养

    The ability to introduce and handle complex elements within the frame of an image and still produce an effective composition requires a maturation of seeing that takes time to develop.


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