• 文艺复兴启蒙时代个人主义开始重视

    During the Renaissance and Age of Enlightenment, individualism came to be valued.


  • 基于笔者认为英国哥特小说启蒙时代神话

    Based on this, I believe that the British Gothic fiction is the myth of the Age of Enlightenment.


  • 有力地驳斥了某些启蒙时代世俗主义拙劣版本

    But he picks apart some crude versions of post-Enlightenment secularism.


  • 成长现代性语境中的席勒美学,其形成享用启蒙时代滋养

    The formation of Schiler Aesthetics, growing up involved in modern linguistic surrounding, shared in the nutrition of the Age of Enlightenment.


  • 怎么样启示如果答应产生一种新的启蒙时代地球天堂前所未有

    How about if the Apocalypse promised to result in a new age of enlightenment, a Heaven on Earth like never before?


  • 时尚非常追求王室贵族中世纪文艺复兴和启蒙时代确实伟大。

    Fashion is very much pursued by the royals and nobles throughout the medieval, the Renaissance, and the great Enlightment times indeed.


  • 18世纪视为理性主义启蒙时代作者指出,当时粪便文学黄金时代

    Be regarded as the 18th century the age of Enlightenment rationalism, but the author points out, that was still the golden age of literary dung.


  • 启蒙时代鼎盛时期,“付费文娱墙”高尚当时英国作家们作品争取到了受法律保护的权利。

    At the height of the Enlightenment, the cultural paywall went virtual, when British authors gained the right to create legally protected markets for their works.


  • 文学思潮更替构成文学史文学思潮正是针对启蒙时代以来阶段社会现代性”的产物

    The alteration of trend of thought constructs the literary history and literary trend of thought is the product of social "modernity" of diverse ages since the Age of Enlightenment.


  • 粗略现代主义者观点看来传统医学知识可以作为一种缺乏启蒙时代理智过时文物而打发掉。

    From a cursory, modernist perspective, traditional medical knowledge might be dismissed as a relic of antiquated cultures, bereft of the intellectual illumination of the Age of Enlightenment.


  • 哥特小说致力于创造启蒙时代新的神话神话语境创造种现代人几乎遗忘了原始魔力

    The Gothic novel dedicated to creating a new myth of the Age of Enlightenment, which also created the original magic almost forgotten by civilized in the context of myth.


  • 哲学家》中,詹姆斯·汉南驳斥了科学启蒙时代自发出现神话认为中世纪自然哲学科学铺平道路。

    In God's Philosophers, James Hannam dispels the myth that science burst onto the scene spontaneously during the Enlightenment, arguing instead that medieval natural philosophy paved the way.


  • 启蒙时代,不同道德哲学提出各种各样的道德证明然而从当代哲学的角度看,这些努力失败了

    From the Age of Enlightenment, Western moral philosophy has raised various moral justifications, but they all have failed.


  • 但是从1650年开始全球开始转暖查理二世于1660年在英国即位时,他加冕礼成为启动欧洲启蒙时代的转机。

    But the world began to warm in 1650; when Charles II was crowned king of England in 1660, the coronation sparked the Enlightenment era in Europe.


  • 面对后现代主义冲击我们现代社会基点上来实现启蒙时代现代性我们一直坚守的立足点。

    Faced with the impact of postmodernism, we have to stand on the basis of a modern society to achieve Enlightenment, modernity, and this is our starting point has always been to stick to.


  • 设计时装不再同性恋欧洲人的专利。欢迎来到这个精细剪裁服装的启蒙时代普通的男士们也已经摆脱邋遢,追求格调

    Designer fashion is no longer just for gay men and Europeans. Welcome to the age of sartorial enlightenment, in which the average male has shed schlumpiness for style.


  • 另一些人, 2012年后地球遭受到可怕破坏,这时间过去之后,一个崭新和平启蒙时代将会开始。

    Others say that after 2012, the Earth will experience a period of terrible destruction followed by a new age of peace and enlightenment.


  • 然而我们故事开始一个启蒙更高时代男孩男孩的样子,国家也对此表示赞同。

    Our story, however, begins in a more enlightened age, when boys were being boys, and the state approved of it.


  • 这些观念那个时代经济需求所驱动的,然而贯穿其中的是思维的智力模式本质上就是启蒙运动时期才智观

    It was driven by an economic imperative of the time, but running right through it was an intellectual model of the mind, which was essentially the Enlightenment view of intelligence.


  • 对于启蒙反思现代性批判这个我们时代不可回避问题不同学术传统具有不同的回应方式

    Different academic traditions have different responses concerning enlightenment reflection and critique of modernity, which are unavoidable issues of our age.


  • 英国十八世纪也同时启蒙主义时代理性时代

    The eighteenth-century England is also known as the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of Reason.


  • 西游记》其实《唐·吉诃德》一样一个时代映照,是启蒙思潮载体

    Like Don Quixote, Record of A Journey to the West is a reflection of time and a carrier of trend of enlightenment.


  • 人类历史上,每逢新旧时代交替时期都会发生大规模思想启蒙运动

    In the history of mankind, each time at the transition of the old and the new, there was always a large scale of movement of enlightenment of thoughts.


  • 审美启蒙理论既是话题也是个负有时代特点话题

    Aesthetic judgment enlightenment theory is not only an old topic but also a new talk with modern characteristics.


  • 十八世纪德国呼唤莱辛出现,莱辛是德国启蒙运动产儿,顺应时代潮流并肩负起了时代的重任,他的活动启蒙思想集中反映德国启蒙运动的特点

    He complied the trend of epoch and undertook the mission given by German Enlightenment. Lessing's enlighten thought and activities reflected the features of the Campaign.


  • 本文前言概述康德启蒙思想时代背景思想渊源

    The thesis 'preface briefly introduces the background and the source of Kant's enlightenment thoughts.


  • 本文前言概述康德启蒙思想时代背景思想渊源

    The thesis 'preface briefly introduces the background and the source of Kant's enlightenment thoughts.


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