• 同时理论开创后现代符号学研究路向,现代性理论的研究中国日常生活批判理论重要启发意义

    Meanwhile, his theory opens up postmodern symbolism research and has an important enlightening significance to the study of modernity theory and China's critical theory of everyday life.


  • 意义上来说,就如同最近逝世后现代主义牧师JACQUESDERRIDA言,布尔人l' ideologieblanche最后的宝藏。

    In a sense, then, Afrikaans is the ultimate repository of what Jacques Derrida, the recently deceased high priest of postmodernism, called "l 'ideologie Blanche".


  • 因此后现代主义”文化思潮研究认识对于我国现代文化形态自觉意义重大

    Therefore, the research and recognition on cultural thoughts of "post modernism"are important to conscious meaning of modern cultural form in our country.


  • 海德格尔后期语言超越形而上学语言观,某种意义上开启了后现代这一维度。

    The language outlook of Hei- dergel's later stage has transcended metaphysic language outlook, thus in a sense starts the thought of later modern times.


  • 了解认真研究后现代主义法学思想理论对于完善和推进法学研究具有重要意义

    To know and study the thoughts and theories of post modernism is very significant to improving and promoting law research.


  • 语言哲学理论建构后现代主义特别是解释学理论具有重要意义

    His philosophy of language has important significance for constructing the Western Postmodernism, especially neo-hermeneutics.


  • 教师评价研究后现代取向具有重要意义

    The postmodernism orientation of teacher evaluation research is of great significance.


  • 只有否定中你才能体会到“后现代教育社会学关注人类生存意义深刻含义

    Only with this denial could one understand the deep meaning the post-modem sociology of educations concern for the significance of human existence.


  • 西方后现代主义理论在外表相似实质不同因为思想流变过程正是为了寻求本质意义

    It is similar to the western post-modernist theory by features, but different in nature, because the process of change in thought is just to seek the true meaning.


  • 小说意义丰富性就体现为人物形象体系的多重思想蕴涵一个新的视角有力地印证文本现代

    The rich significance of the novel embodies multiple connotations, this prove the text's post-modernity from a new view.


  • 赞同后现代主义现代主义前置说法中国当代艺术建设中有着特殊意义

    I approve the saying that "the postmodernism is the prestage of the modernism". It has the special significance in the Chinese contemporary artistic construction.


  • 此时,作为形式理性工具理性对立面儒家实质理性教育的意义再次后现代教育中彰显

    At the moment, the significance of the Confucian rationality which is contrary of formal rationality or instrumental rationality show up again.


  • 简要叙述了后现代史学兴起内涵意义探讨后现代史学考古学影响

    This paper presents the rising, connotations and meaning of postmodern history, probes into the influence of it to the archaeology.


  • 应该看到后现代艺术一些看似荒诞行为背后所诠释真正意义

    Should see that modern art is in the real meanings annotated behind some seemingly fantastic behaviors.


  • 科学修辞学传统等级”、“中心意义否定也是后现代主义解构、整体论和多元论某些趋向性特征的体现

    The rhetoric of science is the denying of traditional "degree" , "center" and "meaning" , it also the manifest of the postmodern deconstructionalism , holism and pluralism .


  • 后现代场景中文学低俗化意义不仅仅社会转型产物也是形式的形而上地位动摇带来结果

    Post-modern literatures vulgarity and insignificance are not only the product of social transformation, but also the result of metaphysical status vacillation of form.


  • 尽管现代语境中,“真实视为一个相当危险符号但这并不意味着已经毫无意义

    Though "truth" has been considered as a dangerous sign in the postmodern context, it doesn't mean that "truth" has lost its value.


  • 同时宏大叙事传统意义传统雕塑语言似乎又难以转化后现代语境下的雕塑公共语言。

    On the other hand, it is very difficult for the traditional meaning of lengthy narration and the traditional language of sculpture to change into the public language of sculpt.


  • 真正现代主义之后后现代文化”,变态、剧痛之后的重新融合健康的总体价值意义基础上的文化共舞。

    The true "cultures in the period of post-modernism" should merge into eachother after the change and twinge and should all play an important role on the basis of healthy new value and meaning.


  • 后现代主义设计注重历史文脉,尊重人性差异,提倡个性自由、人性化的关怀所有这些今天看来具有重要的意义

    Post modernism design attaches importance to historical texture, advocates the freedom of personality, and care of humanity. All these above are of great significance in modern people's view.


  • 后现代主义昭示了一种多元的、过程哲学理念一点对于现有的教育观念现象具有再认识的启示性意义

    Post-modernism proclaims a multiple and proceeding philosophical idea, which makes enlightening significance on the re-knowledge on current educational idea and phenomenon.


  • 中国画进入后现代时期需要我们重振精英精神坚持艺术的自律性创造性,同时还要重视传统作为文化策略的重要意义

    In the post modern times of Chinese painting, we must build up high spirit again, keep up creativity freedom and take high sight on our tradition so much as a cultural strategy.


  • 萨义德经典作品对于在全球化后现代语境下知识分子学术研究理论构建具有重要现实指导意义

    Said's literary Canon plays an important role in guiding intellectuals' academic research and theory construction in the context of globalization and post-modernization.


  • 论文最后在结语部分肯定中国后现代主义电影存在意义价值前瞻性的预测其未来的发展方向。

    At last, significance and value of Chinese postmodern films should be affirmed, and it would be a luciferous future.


  • 后现代文学理论具有明显反现实主义、反人本主义、反文学意义、反文学性弱点

    The theory of Post-Modernism has obvious weakness of anti-realism, anti-humanism, anti-literary significance and anti-literature.


  • 第四部分论述西方现代绘画语言自觉现实意义强调绘画语言自觉后现代主义时期新绘画的重要意义

    In the last chapter, it probes into the actual value about the consciousness of western contemporary painting language and emphasize its important value to post-modernism painting.


  • 指出:现代性危机场景庄子“无待”哲学价值突显,“待”追求“待”解构性的批判具有一定意义的“后现代性”。

    Under the situation of modern crisis does the philosophical value of Zhang Zi's"non-restraint"become more prominent. Its de-construction criticism of breaking through"…


  • 指出:现代性危机场景庄子“无待”哲学价值突显,“待”追求“待”解构性的批判具有一定意义的“后现代性”。

    Under the situation of modern crisis does the philosophical value of Zhang Zi's"non-restraint"become more prominent. Its de-construction criticism of breaking through"…


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