• 需要名字电话号码添加这个列表然后查看时间安排尽管看起来剩下时间好像只有下周早上和周四晚上了

    You just add your name and phone number to this list and check a time slot, although it looks like the only times left are next Monday morning and Thursday evening.


  • 他们邮件列表积极参与者网络上搜索时会发现他们名字常常热门的项目联系在一起。

    They are the frequent contributors to mailing lists and their names are the ones associated with current projects when you search on the Internet.


  • 如果范围对象名字列表任何字符串开头那么该对象就会忽略掉

    If the scoped object's name started with any of the strings in the list, such an object will be ignored.


  • 然后有可能这套策略修正名字作为显式标签不是作为列表本身

    It is then possible to use the name of this set of policy revisions as an explicit tag rather than the list itself.


  • 要么一个一个把他们名字进去,要么按“选择多个朋友”的按钮一次性好几个人加入列表

    You can either start typing in names one by one or click on "Select Multiple Friends" to add several people to the list all at once.


  • 签名包含类型名字参数列表及其类型,以及方法返回

    The signature includes the type name, the list of parameters with types, and the method's return value.


  • 项目早期计划阶段,完成模型它包含所有角色列表(用户或者外部系统),以及系统中用它们名字,以及一个简单介绍

    Early in the project a use case model is made, containing a list of all actors (users or external systems) and use cases in the system, their names, and a brief description.


  • 大约有16,000形容词、名字姓氏不同组合可以编辑代理添加列表增加组合的数量

    There are about 16,000 different combinations of adjective, first name, and last name; you can edit the agent and add to the lists to increase the number of combinations.


  • 北美读者无需担心列表下半部会出现更多认识名字

    North American readers, fear not; there will be more names you recognize in the second half of this list.


  • 名字不在列表SOAP报头忽略。

    SOAP headers whose qualified names are not on the list will be ignored.


  • 这个列表根据注册邮箱为大学邮箱,个人资料中填着所在大学名字的用户进行统计的。

    They compiled the list according to the number of sugar babies who registered using their .edu email addresses or listed schools' names on their profiles.


  • 每一网站必须给予唯一的即时通讯名称,以使即时通讯工具能够访问,随后这些名字(别名的形式)将被添加用户即时通讯工具的好友列表

    Each set of sites must be given a unique instant messaging name to be accessible by IM, and the names are then added to the user's IM buddy list as aliases.


  • 例如联系人列表输入名字

    For example, consider a case where you are typing in a name from your list of contacts.


  • 将会得到一个名字描述中包含flac”字样可用软件包列表

    You’ll get a list of available packages that haveflacin the name or description.


  • 对于JasonHendler以及其他50000名将他们名字登记网上等待列表希望能拥有一辆雪佛兰·福特的充电式汽车来说,他们的等待马上就要结束了

    For Jason Hendler and more than 50, 000 others who put their names on an Internet "want list" in hopes of one day owning the Chevrolet Volt plug-in car, the wait is almost over.


  • Bob叔叔浏览器开始寻找匹配名字返回一个结果列表

    Uncle Bob’s browser searches for the matching domain name and returns a list of results.


  • Web页面显示结果可以列表选择一个名字

    The results are visible on the Web page, and you can select a name from the list.


  • 通过包括5000个名字邮件列表Groupon体验卖出了100张通行证,包括在漆黑环境中的小时体验、装有温度为体温的盐水隔音仓。

    Using a 5, 000-name mailing list, Groupon sold 100 $25 passes to an experience involving one hour inside a pitch-dark, soundproof tank containing skin-temperature salt water.


  • 通过包括5000个名字邮件列表Groupon体验卖出了100张通行证,包括在漆黑环境中的小时体验、装有温度为体温的盐水隔音仓。

    Using a 5,000-name mailing list, Groupon sold 100 $25 passes to an experience involving one hour inside a pitch-dark, soundproof tank containing skin-temperature salt water.


  • 列表第一元素获取数据函数称为car(这个名字古老汇编语言指令的延续)。

    The function to retrieve the data from the first element of a list is called car (a name which is a holdover from an ancient assembly language instruction).


  • 查看名字排序联系人列表单击Sortby Firstname按钮

    To see the list of contacts sorted by first name, click the Sort by Firstname button.


  • 第一查询中,可以看到声明名字EddDumbill”的所有列表

    In the first query, you see a list naming all the people who have made the statement that my name is "Edd Dumbill."


  • VOB列表选择“ test_assets ”,并且输入“ test_assets ”作为组件名字

    Select the "test_assets" VOB from the VOB list, and enter "test_assets" as the name of the new component.


  • Enterasearchterm:”区域输入工件名字,那么弹出一个输入内容开头工件的列表

    Start typing the name of the artifact in the "Enter a search term:" field, and the list will be populated with the artifacts with names that begin with what you've typed.


  • Lisp这一名字来自于 “列表处理”,人们 Lisp中的任何东西都列表

    The name Lisp comes from "list processing," and it is often said that everything in Lisp is a list.


  • 帮助决定最近没有报告任何进展(注意Rose名字没有出现列表之中)。

    It helps determine who has not reported any progress lately (notice that Rose's name does not appear in the list).


  • 二十多个朋友交互列表但是以前从来没听说过这个名字并且他们没有任何注释标明他们的身份。

    There were twenty mutual friends listed, but I never heard the name before and they didn't include a note identifying themselves.


  • 可以作者顺序查看电子书列表有声同时多种语言版本。

    You can go through the list alphabetically for author and title. Audio books are also available in a number of languages.


  • 可以作者顺序查看电子书列表有声同时多种语言版本。

    You can go through the list alphabetically for author and title. Audio books are also available in a number of languages.


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