• 官员天然爆炸个“火焰装置引起,一受害者儿子告知那是一个丙烷加热器

    The official said the gas explosion was caused by a 'flame device' that a victim's son had been told was a propane heater.


  • 一起事件中官员保安在位于萨那附近奥地利石油天然公司OMV的大院里开枪打死了一法国人。

    In the other incident, officials say a security guard shot and killed the Frenchman inside a compound of Austrian oil and gas company OMV near Sana 'a.


  • 最终只有工人靠躲侥幸逃脱,就这个狭小的室中他们挨过令人难以置信的19

    Five survivors were able to escape the water and make it to an upper chamber, where they lived for an incredible 19 days.


  • 一位参议员当地记者抱怨说,“没有一口跑99,却在最后一码球交给前卫,让后者独享风光。”

    "No one wants to carry the ball 99 yards all the way to the one-yard line, and then give it to the halfback who gets all the credit," one state senator complained to a local journalist.


  • 愤怒村民这个事情告诉了Aphrodite之下削去了Joanney的神籍,将她贬为了普通精灵

    The villagers were so angry that they told Aphrodite about this matter. Angrily, Aohrodite took Joanney’s magic away and made her an ordinary elf.


  • 最近有三国会议员就破裂法发表报告,报告指出,2005—2009年间石油天然公司使用的2500多种破裂材料含有750种化学物,有些成分是人体无害,如柠檬酸、速溶咖啡。

    Three members of Congress recently released a report on fracking, saying that oil and gas companies used more than 2,500 fracking products containing 750 chemicals between 2005 and 2009.


  • 赫尔曼尼日尔小学位于马萨卡-马巴拉路上,对于这里935小学生来说,这个身体瘦小,书生十足,和声,并厚厚眼镜的曾是非常非常好的老师

    TO THE 935 pupils at St Herman Nkoni primary school, on the Masaka-Mbarara road, the slight, bookish-looking, soft-voiced man with the thick-lensed glasses was a pretty good head teacher.


  • “健康之禅”克里斯(Chris)(注册私人教练正在学习天然疗法)开办, 内容无疑强调阳刚之

    Zentofitness is the home of Chris (a certified Personal Trainer who is currently studying Naturopathic Medicine) and it definitely has a very strong manly emphasis.


  • 火山最近一次爆发是1994年,当时过热的硫磺导致火山南面高坡一个村庄66村民死亡,其情景令所有震惊

    Its last major eruption in 1994 caught everyone by surprise when superheated clouds of sulfuric gas killed 66 people in this village on the mountain's high southern slopes.


  • 军官表示司机不小心加常规天然而不是需要

    An officer said the driver accidently filled it up with regular gas instead of what it needs.


  • 常见异常麻痹(见于32患者),其次是声门狭窄见于18患者)。

    The most common airway abnormality was laryngeal paralysis, seen in 32 patients, followed by subglottic stenosis, which was seen 18 patients.


  • 吸一口,在表演报上签了当时感觉不错。

    But I took a deep breath, and I signed up to play, and I felt pretty good.


  • 必须相色谱故事似乎未经牧师

    I have to say that GC's Tale of Two Priests seems apocryphal to me.


  • 而论,探春不仅脱去脂粉巾帼女子,更是体现曹雪芹治国方略的代言人。

    In fact, she is not only a heroic woman, but a spokeswoman who embodies the author's strategy of governing the country.


  • 排行还有国家电网中国石油天然集团公司、中国工商银行中国移动

    The State Grid, China National Petroleum Corporation, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and China Mobile were ranked second to fifth.


  • 最初设计1923年,两个横向展开拳击手手套冲床对方进入

    First designed in 1923, its two horizontally mounted cylinders are like a boxer's gloves punching each other as he enters the ring.


  • 发言人表示,全球经济低迷导致俄罗斯国内外天然需求量下降。

    A spokesman blamed the global economic downturn for reduced demand in Russia and abroad.


  • 北京半导体公司急聘一化学沉积(CVD)设备工程师待遇从优

    A semiconductor company based in Beijing is in need of a Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) equipment Engineer with very competitive salary and other benefits.


  • 意大利中部座酒店遭遇雪崩救援工作者救出5幸存者

    Rescue workers in central Italy have now pulled 5 survivors from air pockets in the rooms of a hotel that was hit by avalanche two days ago.


  • 周一北岛康介50第3一鼓作58.91获胜,超过了年前美国人布伦丹·汉森创下59.13秒的世界记录

    Kitajima rallied from third after 50 meters to win in 58.91 seconds Monday, bettering the old mark of 59.13 set by American Brendan Hansen two years ago.


  • 德克·斯的石油天然业的巨头这样说:“成功主要能力简单化。”

    A Texas oil and gas magnate puts it this way: "The key ability for success is simplifying."


  • 暗自断定,S就是这个意思将来富勒那样的编辑不是像《纽约客》那位富有传奇色彩但却不善言谈的编辑威廉·肖恩那样,一副书呆子

    That's what s meant, I decided: she would be an editor like Fuller, rather than someone bookish, like the legendarily reticent5 New Yorker editor William Shawn6.


  • 120日,救援人员斯基克达(阿尔及利亚一个省城)液化天然提炼厂爆炸现场。

    A rescue worker stands on the grounds of the vast petrochemical complex in the port city of Skikda, January 20, 2004, following a huge explosion on the evening of January 19.


  • 120日,救援人员斯基克达(阿尔及利亚一个省城)液化天然提炼厂爆炸现场。

    A rescue worker stands on the grounds of the vast petrochemical complex in the port city of Skikda, January 20, 2004, following a huge explosion on the evening of January 19.


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