• 是否厌倦了同样的颜色

    Are you tired of the same color?


  • 现在导航底部添加更多水平线同样颜色

    Now add two more horizontal lines at the bottom of the navigation bar using the same colors.


  • 厨房可能面墙不是所有必须同样颜色

    There may be more than one wall in a kitchen, and not all the walls must be the same color.


  • 知道同样颜色不同的文化背景中相当于不同的意思

    I also learnt that the same colour can correspond to different meanings in different cultures.


  • 同样颜色可能在一中文化是褒义,另一种文化中是贬义

    The same color can have a positive meaning in one culture, while in another, a negative meaning.


  • 而且随着时间流逝,所有屋顶瓦片又慢慢变成同样颜色

    And, with time, all of the rooftop tiles will fade to the same color.


  • L型支架全部刷成墙面同样颜色,可使架子呈现某种“悬浮”的效果

    Paint the L brackets the same color as the wall to give the shelves a floating effect.


  • 这个包装颜色,是不是哈尔及哈迪公司所有产品包装使用同样颜色呢?

    The colours on the packet - are they the same on all Hale and Hearty products?


  • 泡泡游戏板中找出同样颜色,欢乐保龄球足球8个非常棒的游戏。

    Match colors in bubble billiards, bowl for smiles, kick for a soccer goal and much more in 8 great games.


  • 一眼看到做的蛋糕可能店里的差不多,都是同样颜色配料口味

    My cupcake might, at first glance, have seemed like one I could get at a store; they both would have had the same colors, textures and taste.


  • 保持衣柜条理简单的方法所有衣架都要是款的——同样颜色同样的大小

    The easiest way to make your closet look organized: Buy all the same hangers for everything–same color, same shape.


  • 富婆为拥有一只贵重古玩而深感骄傲,以至于竟要把卧室漆成花瓶同样颜色

    A wealthy matron is so proud of a valuable antique vase that she decides to have her bedroom painted the same color as the vase.


  • 可以照片看到,牠们掌中爪子与牠们的鼻子、眼睛以及项链般的毛发都具有同样颜色

    You can see from the photo that the palm of its PAWS match he same colour of its nose and eyes and necklace like hair.


  • 黑色壁龛展示品牌护肤护发产品同样颜色用于服务台一个用于测试样品中央上。

    Black alcoves display the brand's skin and hair products. The same colour is used to form the service counter and a central wash basin unit for testing samples.


  • :为了防止模板吸收水分用与模板同样颜色边。也可以根据客户要求其他颜色封边或者不封边。

    Edges sealing: edges of the panels are matched with the face against absorption of moisture. Other colors are available and the edges may be unsealed at customers' request.


  • 翻译:此刻,在手术室,看着同样颜色—使大脑充满营养奇迹鲜红颜色仿佛回到田间正在那儿劳作

    Now I am here, looking at the same color—that bright red that just fills the brain with nutrition and wonder. I'm right there in the field, and I'm just doing it.


  • 长凳显眼的青色来装饰,同样颜色涂饰在隔断墙上,隔断墙隔出一系列隔间这里座椅褐色皮革来装饰

    Teal upholstery covers bench and seat cushions, and the same colour has been painted onto partition walls that separate a series of booths where seating is finished with tan-coloured leather.


  • 洛克刚才我们展示了素喜豆腐这个漂亮的产品这个包装颜色,是不是哈尔及哈迪公司所有产品包装使用同样颜色呢?

    Lok: You've shown us this wonderful product, Suki Tofu. The colours on the packet - are they the same on all Hale and Hearty products?


  • 此书一大特点是提供了500显示相同遗传基因所区域。这其他地图同样颜色表示同样海拔高度的地区。

    The book features more than 500 maps that show areas of genetic similarity - much as places of equal altitude are shown by the same color on other maps.


  • 此书一大特点是提供了500显示了相同遗传基因所区域, 这其他地图同样颜色标示同样海拔高度的地区。

    The book features more than 500 maps that show areas of genetic similarity?much as places of equal altitude are shown by the same color on other maps.


  • 区域空白地方作满!文字后面填上同样的颜色相反第二区域就会跳出来。尤其对于三个字母缩写所组成的文字最有效果

    Put negative space to positive use! Add a same-color field behind your letter, then reverse the second letter out of the field. Especially effective with three-character acronyms.


  • 我们觉得我们看到了什么东西比如说一个红色玫瑰花蕾,我们会觉得我们朋友们看到的也是同样玫瑰花蕾,同样的颜色同样的大小。

    When we think we see something, say like a small red rosebud, we think our friend will see the same rosebud, same shape, same size.


  • 一个孩子尝试同样颜色最爱的人,精力充沛的小孩喜欢用暖色强烈的颜色——红色和橘黄色,喜欢安静沉思严肃的孩子喜欢调和的颜色,他们喜欢深蓝,蓝色,浅黄。

    A kid will try to paint the most loved and dearest creature to him with the same colour he paints himself. Energetic and restless usually choose warm and hot colourscrimson and orange.


  • 十二毛驴拉着,毛驴同样大小颜色不同

    It was drawn by twelve pair of donkeys, all of the same size, but all of different color.


  • 同样着色剂棕榈石蜡产生不同颜色效果。

    The same colorant will give different color tones with palm and paraffin waxes.


  • 白色/黑色深灰色极简网站设计典型配色方案也有人使用不同颜色达到同样目标

    White/black (or dark gray) is the typical color scheme of minimalist Web designs, but others use different colors to achieve the same goals.


  • 解释了为什么颜色总是同样序列,因为光线折射以及水滴反射。

    He explains how the colors always appear in the same order because of how light refracts and reflects in the water droplets.


  • 解释了为什么颜色总是同样序列,因为光线折射以及水滴反射。

    He explains how the colors always appear in the same order because of how light refracts and reflects in the water droplets.


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