• 弗兰姆顿偷偷打了寒战侄女传达一种同情理解

    Framton shivered slightly and turned towards the niece with a look intended to convey sympathetic comprehension.


  • 认为我们需要具体发展科学理解气候变化况下可能产生影响

    I would argue that we need to develop the science specifically to understand the likely impacts of climate change in different contexts.


  • 人们怎么理解诸如和平公正荣誉仁慈同情语境下自由”才能被最好地加以界定

    "Freedom" is best framed in the context of how they understand such things as peace, justice, honor, mercy, and compassion.


  • 不论观点信仰是否对立,都要家人表示同情耐心关爱理解,这样做能我们增强他人的移情能力

    Being able to express compassion, patience, love, and understanding for the people in our families, despite opposing views belief systems, allows us to expand our ability to empathize with others.


  • 通过别人遭遇不公故事我们理解同情、所以能够行为得当

    Through listening to stories of people who have lived through injustice, we understand, we empathize, and we can act morally.


  • 今天来看下处理愤怒顾客重要部分表示同感。同感类似于同情——意味着顾客不满表示理解

    We'll see that a very important part of handling angry customers is showing empathy: empathy is similar to sympathy - it means showing that you understand the customer's pain.


  • 真正理解他人我们必须同情愿意让步,自己自己观点分开来,能够身处地的为他人着想

    To truly understand someone else we must be able to empathize, be willing to take a step back, separate ourselves from our own viewpoint and try walking in the other person's shoes.


  • 由于无法理解社会信号比如面部表情语音语调所以患儿不会明白别人想法感觉就导致他们缺乏同情

    Because they don't understand social cues like facial expressions or tone of voice, children with ASDs have trouble interpreting what others are thinking or feeling. They may lack empathy as well.


  • 不能的,只是理解同情

    You aren't saying what he did is right, but are instead trying to understand and empathize.


  • 重要理解原谅不仅意志行为通往原谅路是同情一些步骤使人们容易走向原谅。

    It's important to understand that forgiveness isn't just an act of will. The path to forgiveness is through compassion, and there are a number of steps that make it easier to move towards forgiveness.


  • 25岁的孤儿Meghan:“威廉十分具有同情心,他能理解我们的感觉。 特别的是,威廉还强调,年幼时丧母的感觉也许只有他本人才能体会。

    Meghan, 25, said: ‘William was really sympathetic about how we lost our mother.


  • 一个人生活都很难因为如此我们应该带着仁慈同情理解的心情来对待所遇到的人,以度过我们的人生

    Life is hard for everyone, and it is for that reason that we should live our lives with kindness and compassion for everyone we encounter.


  • 我们需要不是恐惧愤怒力量而是理解同情力量。

    The energy we need is not fear or anger, but the energy of understanding and compassion.


  • 就强烈地表明了同情人性进化一部分——我们能够普遍表达理解的那种东西。

    This strongly suggests that compassion is an evolved part of human nature-something we're universally capable of expressing and understanding.


  • 相反一个难得的机会人类学习仁慈功课彼此之间,动物所有其他形式的生命都要给予理解同情

    On the contrary, it is a unique opportunity for humans to learn the lessons of love, kindness, understanding and compassion toward each other, toward animals, and all other forms of life.


  • 聆听朋友的苦恼时,你需要适当表示同情明白你理解经历的一切。

    When you're listening to a friend with a problem, demonstrate empathy. Show her you understand what she is going through.


  • 度过紧张一天后,找朋友倾诉重要的,他们给予理解同情

    It's important to have friends to vent to when you've had a stressful day so they can show compassion and sympathy.


  • 但是随着故事深入就会逐渐理解人物,同情他们。

    But the deeper you go into the novel, the more you begin to understand and sympathize with the characters.


  • 现在佛教教义有了更好理解之后,开始意识普世同情本质众生平等的重要性

    Now, through better understanding of the Buddha's teachings, I came to realise the essence of universal compassion and the importance of treating all beings as equal.


  • 不管个人种族背景促进合作最好方式对方更多理解同情

    But he said showing greater understanding of and compassion for the other side - regardless of ethnic background - is the best way to foster greater collaboration.


  • 理解生命经受痛苦有助释放同情能量

    Understanding the suffering that living beings undergo helps liberate the energy of compassion.


  • 马德里发言,可能西方人听到巴勒斯坦人雄辩的发言:恳求理解同情版图

    His speech at Madrid was perhaps the most eloquent the West had ever heard from a Palestinian: a plea for understanding, for sympathy and for territory.


  • 最后山姆(也是读者的)对自己理解朋友理解已经完整了,以至于那些第一章里的女孩变成复杂的,甚至同情的女孩。

    By the end, Sam's (and the reader's) understanding of herself and of her friends is so complete that the bitches from chapter one have become complex, even sympathetic girls.


  • 合唱队其他成员支持下,使得那些以前歧视我的人理解了我,他们态度也改变了,甚至同情,给了我更多的关爱。

    With support from the community, I am making them-those who discriminated against me-understand, and now they no longer have their past attitude. They are even sympathetic with me and love me more.


  • 通过南加利福尼亚大学研究表明,即使失去手臂不会阻止大脑产生理解别人类似情况下承受疼痛同情

    According to a new study from University of Southern California, even missing a limb will not stop your brain from understanding what it is like for someone else to experience pain in that limb.


  • 并非真正理解他人我们现在必须具备深刻的同情

    I mean, it's not you really understanding who they are, which is a higher level of empathy, which we have to have now.


  • 并非真正理解他人我们现在必须具备深刻的同情

    I mean, it's not you really understanding who they are, which is a higher level of empathy, which we have to have now.


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