• 他们吸纳了吉拉斯五分之四收入

    They pocket four-fifths of hijras' earnings.


  • 最小生存机会就意味着死亡,”拉斯补充道

    "The ultimate sign of low chances of surviving is death," Gillath added.


  • 我们本性与传宗接代密切相关,环境会告诉我们确保传承基因最佳策略,”

    "We're biologically wired to reproduce, and the environment tells us the best strategy to use to make sure our genes are passed on," said Gillath.


  • 首席研究员欧姆吉拉斯说,这些判断基于所穿样式价格颜色新旧程度做出的。

    Lead researcher Omri Gillath said the judgments were based on the style, cost, color and condition of someone 's shoes.


  • 首席研究员欧姆瑞•吉拉斯这些判断基于所穿样式价格颜色新旧程度做出

    Lead researcher Omri Gillath said the judgments were based on the style, cost, color and condition of someone's shoes.


  • 首席研究员欧姆瑞·吉拉斯这些判断基于所穿样式价格颜色新旧程度做出

    Lead researcher Omri Gillath said the judgments were based on the style, cost, color and condition of someone's shoes.


  • 贝洛奥里藏首都米纳吉拉斯一个国家大于法国中产阶级家庭喜欢在热闹的商店服装巴罗·普雷托。

    In Belo Horizonte, the capital of Minas Gerais, a state larger than France, middle class families like to shop in the lively clothing district of Barro Preto.


  • 委员会认定瓦伦汀于1896年7月9日出米纳吉拉斯Carangola城市这里度过一生

    Guinness verified that Valentim was born on July 9, 1896, in the city of Carangola in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais, where she lived all her life.


  • 西班牙波》电台说:“法兰西争执过后根本发生什么冲突。”

    "After Francis and Aguila argued, there was no conflict at all," he told Spanish Zero Zero.


  • 船上还有晚餐篝火边给我们背诵描写淘金热文学作品——一首罗伯特.塞维诗,或者杰克.伦敦的传奇,有关艰苦卓绝和荒诞不经的人生,以及寒冷死去

    On the boat, and at the campfire after dinner, Kyla recites from the literature of the gold rush - a poem by Robert Service or a tale by Jack London, accounts of hardship, folly and dying of cold.


  • 当然最终金靴得主也不一定就出自这些人中(波兰拉斯·赢得了1974年的金靴)。

    The Golden Boot winner is by no means certain to come from this group of players Grzegorz Lato of Poland won it in 1974!


  • 哈卡尼先生现在已经是个老人了,儿子已经接手了主要工作。

    Mr Haqqani is now an old man, and his son Sirajuddin has taken over most of his work.


  • ·斐特生活在路易·安娜海岸一个塔里避风港

    Jean Lafitte who lived off of the coast of Louisiana in a sheltered Bay named Barataria Bay.


  • 拉斯科十九世纪四十年代华盛顿遇到癌症研究人员西德尼·法慕克写到:那就像是持有一半地图迷路人的相遇。”

    When Lasker met the cancer researcher Sidney Farber, in Washington in the late nineteen-forties, it was, Mukherjee writes, “like the meeting of two stranded travelers, each carrying one-half of a map.


  • 发言人·戴维说,国际奥委会要求国际体操联合会出面澄清情况,并表示不会称之为正式调查

    The committee asked the International Gymnastics Federation to clarify the situation, said spokeswoman Giselle Davis. She said she wouldn't call it a formal investigation.


  • 首场比赛1 - 2不敌匈牙利后,英格兰成功反弹,凭借罗恩·弗·沃查尔顿-格里维的进球,英格兰3 - 1击败了阿根廷

    England recovered well from a 2-1 defeat against Hungary in the opening game as goals from Ron Flowers, Charlton and Jimmy Greaves sealed a 3-1 victory against Argentina.


  • 马克·吐温:塞缪尔·克莱门历险记》,罗姆·芬著。

    Mark Twain: The Adventures of Samuel L. Clemens. By Jerome Loving.


  • 26岁马特·一名社会工作者25岁的女友·克莱蒙一起伦敦北部伍德格林

    Matt Lary, 26, is a social worker who lives in Wood Green, north London, with his girlfriend Gen (Genevieve) Clemens, 25.


  • 米尔·吉拉博士分析了世界1975年2005年的人口情况

    Dr Myrskyla looked at the world as it was in 1975 and as it is now (or, at least, as it was in 2005).


  • 人物欢喜冤家西蒙·佩尼克·弗罗(《僵尸肖恩》)携手为天外来客配音的赛·罗根(《青蜂侠》),格雷格·莫托执导。

    Talent: Comedy duo Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (Shaun of the Dead) team up with Seth Rogen (The Green Hornet), who voices the extraterrestrial. Greg Mottola (Adventureland) directs.


  • 来自爱尔兰美食摄影师造型凯蒂·奎因·戴维我们分享了最爱的蛋糕类型:奈吉拉·劳森啤酒混合巧克力蛋糕。

    Irish-born food photographer and stylist, Katie Quinn Davies shared her favorite cake with us, Nigella Lawson’s Guinness Chocolate Cake .


  • 吉拉尼·冬拜耶夫(Gelani Dombayev)猫咪俄罗里乌莫文村家中享受一杯下午茶和片刻的宁静。

    Gelani Dombayev and his cat enjoy a cup of tea, and a moment of normalcy, in their Muslyumovo village home in Russia.


  • 约会地点LAX主题建筑屋顶360城市观景台,戈蒂博物馆泰普中心湖人比赛布雷焦油博物馆,威尼海滩浮桥

    Date spots: Rooftop observation deck at LAX’sTheme Building for 360-degree views of the city, Getty Museum, Lakers Game atStaples Center, Page Museum at the La Brea Tar Pits, Venice Beach Boardwalk


  • 同一份声明中组织声称7月19日揭露恶行电台记者索科·蒂·奥利埃谋杀事件负责

    In that same statement, the group claimed responsibility for the July 19 murder of Socratis Giolias, a radio journalist who relished uncovering scandals.


  • 最近得了胃炎姆塞很小几率出现5人训练里大腿肌肉有些疲劳但是并无大

    Gibbs has an inflammation of his stomach muscles. Ramsey has a small chance to be in the squad, he had fatigue of his hamstring but it is a very, very minor one.


  • 当然最终金靴得主也不一定就出自这些人中(波兰拉斯·赢得了1974年的金靴)。

    The Golden Boot winner is by no means certain to come from this group of players (Grzegorz Lato of Poland won it in 1974!)


  • 当然最终金靴得主也不一定就出自这些人中(波兰拉斯·赢得了1974年的金靴)。

    The Golden Boot winner is by no means certain to come from this group of players (Grzegorz Lato of Poland won it in 1974!)


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