• 俄罗斯毫不掩饰事件,而是与波方合作处理善后,该举动可谓典范之举

    And far from covering things up, Russia's co-operation with the Polish authorities in the aftermath of the crash has been exemplary.


  • 雇佣者义务普遍一条就是照顾其他人雇佣合作处理健康安全事宜

    There is a general obligation on employees to take care of others and cooperate with employers in matters of health and safety.


  • 完整系统解决方案包括软件硬件工具至关重要的,因为它们是信号合作处理的基石。

    Complete system solutions consisting of hardware, software and tools that spawn cooperative signal processing will be of Paramount importance.


  • 同时美国利益日渐增长国际需要中国合作处理问题越来越,美国又必须中国接触、交往。

    But at the same time, America had to keep contact with China because its interest in China was increasing and it needed cooperation of China on many other international issues.


  • 呼吁地方联邦各级政府通力合作处理这个问题

    She is calling for a collaboration of local, state and federal agencies to deal with the problem.


  • 医疗保险行业努力合作推进改革时,贸易集团提议自动化处理技术设立标准化的形式

    When the health insurance industry was still cooperating in reform efforts, its trade group offered to provide standardized forms for automated processing.


  • 目前合作伙伴关系涉及处理生产阶段废料不涉及未售出商品

    At the moment, the partnership only addresses waste at the production stage and not unsold goods.


  • 例如侍者工作需要多任务处理团队合作决策可能任何高级办公室工作一样刺激

    A waiter's job, for example, that requires multitasking, teamwork, and decision making could be just as stimulating as any high-level office work.


  • 贷款提交系统进行交互商业资信咨询机构两个必须合作提供必要的数据处理贷款请求的系统

    The loan submission system and the credit bureau it interacts with are two systems that must cooperate to provide the data necessary to process a loan request.


  • 目前,中欧对话磋商机制230多个,完全可以我们合作中的问题处理得很好。

    There are over 230 dialogue and consultation mechanisms between China and the EU, which can well manage the problems in our cooperation.


  • 双方表示将就妥善处理善后事宜保持密切联系合作

    The two sides will keep close contacts and cooperation to appropriately handle the aftermath.


  • 重要我们拥有扩大合作领域并同时处理分歧机制

    The important thing is that we have mechanisms to broaden our areas of cooperation while managing our differences.


  • 我们希望各方保持冷静克制妥善处理这个问题协同合作共同维护这个地区安全与稳定,”姜继续

    "We hope relevant parties to keep calm and restraint, properly handle this issue, and work together to safeguard peace and stability of the region," Jiang said.


  • 美国,弗鲁德博士正在波士顿警方合作提高软件处理西班牙人面部能力

    In America, Dr Frowd is working with police in Boston to improve the software's ability to deal with Hispanic faces.


  • 产品开发人员每天客户接触持续合作——可以找到处理问题的新方法

    Constant collaboration between product development and the people working everyday with our customersfinding new ways to address new challenges.


  • 但是没有意识农民获得巨额补偿的同时,文书工作通常是由农业合作处理

    But it failed to appreciate that whereas farmers receive the payouts, JA often handles the paperwork.


  • 随着以色列掌握海水转化为淡水的处理技术,一项新的合作形式上日程。

    And as Israel builds up its capacity to turn sea water into fresh, a new form of co-operation has been proposed.


  • 美方中方保持高层接触势头本着相互尊重原则处理分歧不断加强美中双边合作

    The US is willing to maintain the momentum of high-level contact with China and solve differences and constantly strengthen bilateral cooperation in the principle of mutual respect.


  • 为了合作伙伴处理请求这个载荷需要指定数据的指定格式

    This payload needs to be in a specific format with specific data in order for the partner's back end to be able to process your request.


  • 场景集团公司已经决定进行合作,以为处理购买订单产生一个可再服务

    Scenario: a consortium of companies has decided to collaborate to produce a reusable service for processing purchase orders. These are the goals of this project.


  • RationalTeam Concert为过失它们处理提供了合作可以所有参入的开发员都变得十分有用具有教育意义

    Rational Team Concert also provides for collaboration about the debt items and their remediations -- this can be very useful and educational for all of the developers involved.


  • 情况下单个贷款处理服务就可以有效地处理合作伙伴客户组织间所有贷款处理请求

    In this case, a single loan processing service could effectively handle all loan processing requests to and from partners, customers, and organizations.


  • 互信合作基础,也是正确看待处理彼此分歧关键多边合作要比双边合作需要更多互信。

    There is no cooperation without trust. Trust is key to fair view and handling of our differences, and that is more true multilaterally than bilaterally.


  • 第一场景中假设订单处理系统处理发货业务合作伙伴

    In the first scenario, suppose you have an order-processing system and a business partner who handles the shipping.


  • 服务器处理程序中,必须这些合作伙伴ID存储在外部存储中,通过从此处读取合作伙伴ID来使用附件

    And in the server-side handler, you have to store these partner IDs in an external storage and consume the attachment by reading the partner IDs from there.


  • G20伦敦金融峰会上中国美国英国其他国家密切合作显示出,中国已经进入处理全球事务中心舞台

    During the G20 London Summit, the close cooperation between China, US, UK and other countries shows that China has come to the centre stage of addressing global issues.


  • 意味着我们常常需要各自开展的调查几个辖区进行合作处理复杂国际交易行为

    This means that we often need to cooperate with several jurisdictions during our respective investigations to address complex international transactions and conduct.


  • 采用自己全套发动机电池电力电子电子业巨头nec公司合作开发专门计算机视觉处理

    It makes all of its own motors, batteries and power electronics, and it has worked with electronics giant NEC to develop specialized computer vision processors.


  • 照片处理摄影平面设计两者不断演进的合作结晶

    Photo manipulation is an ever evolving collaboration between photography and graphic design.


  • ARM周一宣布德州仪器合作,提供处理核心首个授权。德州仪器计划2011年1月前发布款使用ARM全新设计平板设备。

    ARM announced the first license of its new processor cores on Monday through a partnership with Texas Instruments, which plans to release a tablet running on ARM's new design by January 2011.


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