• 医生们以一切可以想象得到方式入侵人体

    Doctors invade the body in every way imaginable.


  • 相反一个庞大但散乱地延伸集市在出售任何可以想象得到食物水果蔬菜香料肉类(屠宰的和活着的)。

    Instead, a huge sprawling market sells every type of food imaginable: fruit, vegetables, spices, and meat both butchered and alive.


  • 艾萨克森透露,他已经破解如何制造这样电视机——“极其便于使用……具有可以想象得到简单的用户界面。”

    He told Isaacson he had figured out how to make a TV that was "completely easy to use.".. It will have the simplest user interface you could imagine.


  • 正如可以想象得到那样,讲演极端信仰论那一类的;这圣保罗神学理论已经得到阐述:只要信仰基督就可以释罪。

    The sermon, as might be expected, was of the extremest antinomian type; on `justification by faith, as expounded in the theology of St Paul.


  • 想象一下,可以镜子里得到时尚建议或者冰箱收到购买食品建议

    Imagine being able to get fashion advice from your mirror, or receive food shopping suggestions from your refrigerator.


  • 想象一下正向某人吐露心声,他们打电话如果你要求他们注意,你会得到这样答复——可以一心多用

    Imagine you are pouring your heat out to someone and they are just busy on their phone, and if you ask for their attention you get the responseI can multitask.


  • 可以想象一下对它们继续求导数,将会得到很多偏导数,所以我们仔细考虑那时情形

    You can imagine that if you keep taking partials you may end up with more and more, so we will have to figure out carefully what the condition should be.


  • 可以想象得到数据库相应更改保持ejb - jar. xml不变同时适当地更新schema . dbxmi文件。

    As you can imagine, a corresponding change in the database would involve keeping the ejb-jar.xml the same, while updating the schema.dbxmi.


  • Linux提供了许多不同版本的虚拟机,因此可以想象得到虚拟机分类附带了各种软件配置相关工具

    Linux comes in many flavors, so as you can imagine the catalog is packed with various configurations of software and related tools. For this article, all I'm looking for is an AMI that.


  • 不过可以想象得到同时每个引擎检索结果用户体验带来改进而不是每次只从搜索引擎检索结果。

    However, you can imagine the improvement in user experience it makes to retrieve the results from each engine simultaneously, instead of doing it one search engine at a time.


  • 美丽花朵结合在一起时,可以想象得到产生何种令人惊艳慑人心魄效果

    When it incorporates the beauty of flowers, you can imagine what type of amazing and breathtaking results it can produce.


  • 句话最多一句可以想象得到,我那时一心在惦记着亲爱的韦翰

    However, I did not hear above one word in ten, for I was thinking, you may suppose, of my dear Wickham.


  • 就是说一些专家感到定性的惠利可以一直通过想象得到定性。

    That said, some experts feel that unquantifiable benefits can always be quantified with a bit of imagination.


  • 我们可以想象得到单屏设计对于手指来说是一种手指灵活性的挑战,我们还好——可以只是触摸屏幕上的不同区域来移动屏幕更改设置

    We can imagine the one-screen design will be too fiddly for anyone with big fingers, but it works for us - you can just zip around the screen touching various areas to change the Settings.


  • 可以想象得到有些读者们可能会认为这些问题表达不够客观。

    I suspect that some readers may find my presentation of these issues to be insufficiently balanced.


  • 可以想象得到那个亡命者发觉自己笔直坠入大海时候,该是多么的吃惊

    You may imagine the amazement of the fugitive when he found himself flung headlong over the rocks!


  • 因此可以想象如果我们开始,注入大量能量,那么得到的动能应该很大

    So, you can imagine, that we'll actually probably have a lot of kinetic energy left over if we put a lot of energy in in the first place.


  • 可以想象得到欧洲央行可以无视德国联邦银行的反对意见不过实际操作中,我们很难看到,入股没有德国的参与,央行如何令人信服持续干预

    Conceivably, the ECB could act despite Bundesbank opposition, but in practice it is difficult to see how the central bank could sustain a credible intervention without the Germans on board.


  • 如果感觉到自己随波逐流时候,可以尝试一下这个简单的练习。首先想象个你隐藏自己个性场景,你这么目的就是要得到周围的一个赏识一次公平对待的机会。

    First of all think of any situations when you were hiding your individuality in order to make people around you like you or treat you like an equal.


  • 伟大恺撒大帝登陆埃及朝地直挺挺地跌倒潮湿海滩——可以想象得到手下的官兵是怎样的惊惶失措一一直至后来这个充满雄韬伟略男子大声呼喊:“非洲你弄到手了! ”!

    The great Caesar landing in Egypt fell flat on his face in the wet shore. you can imagine the consternation of his officers, until the great and resourceful man shouted, Africa I've got you!


  • 可以想象得到每天杯水形成自动性是很快的,早餐50仰卧起坐需要付出更多努力(上图虚线)。

    As you'd imagine, drinking a daily glass of water became automatic very quickly but doing 50 sit-ups before breakfast required more dedication (above, dotted lines). The researchers also noted that.


  • 可以想象得到模型遭遇第一advancedFormat驱动不同其他性能问题

    It's conceivable that new models will suffer other performance problems that differ from those with the first generation of Advanced Format drives.


  • 可以想象得到对于发布侵犯音乐电影版权的文件链接全世界臭名昭著海盗Facebook乐意海盗湾发布的这种按钮。

    Predictably, Facebook wasn't too keen on the feature due to Pirate Bay's worldwide infamy for publishing links to copyright-infringing music and movie files.


  • 张像片里可以想象得到这里游客多少这个停车处只是全部一小部分

    In this picture, you can imagine that how many visitors coming here. The parking place was just a small part of the whole one.


  • 喜欢小说因为小说中,我可以想象得到作者创造世界,我自己当成这个小说一部分犹如能目睹所有事件

    I like reading novels, because in the novels, I can imagine the world that the author creates, I treat myself as part of the novels, it feels like that I witness all the incidents.


  • 这些经过状面切割得到大脑切片,读者可以想象大脑前部后部

    These brain slices were cut in a coronal plane: Imagine looking from the front of the head through to the back.


  • 我们自己想象成:运用我们的学识得到一个很好的工作关系,同时我们可以随时达到那个状态。

    We're going to CARRY ourselves like we've got a great working relationship with our own knowledge, AND that we can act on it anytime it's called for.


  • 我们自己想象成:运用我们的学识得到一个很好的工作关系,同时我们可以随时达到那个状态。

    We're going to CARRY ourselves like we've got a great working relationship with our own knowledge, AND that we can act on it anytime it's called for.


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