• 我们需要防止队列管理接受来自拥有队列管理器密钥存储区中的某个 CA 所签发证书任何客户端的证书。

    We need to prevent the queue manager from accepting a certificate from simply any client that has a certificate issued by one of the CA's in the queue manager's keystore.


  • 为了防止过度生长,水池中放养一个品种鱼类

    To prevent is from becoming overgrown, one breeds fish there.


  • C+ +不是为了件事得真正防止某些被认为是”的事。

    C + + was not designed to do just one thing really well or to prevent people doing things considered "bad."


  • 在此十多年足迹一向视为重要证据沃德牛奶小心将足迹住,防止开始升腾的雾霭所破坏。

    Decades before footprints were generally recognized as important evidence, Ward carefully covered them with a milk pan to shield them from the fine mist that had begun to fall.


  • 难产犀牛被两老虎所捕杀,为了防止偷猎者将犀牛去贩卖,公园工作人员已经将死去犀牛的角锯了下来。

    A female rhino was killed by a pair of tigers while she was having difficulty birthing a calf. Park staff removed her horn after she died to prevent poachers from taking it.


  • 为了抓住它,动用了大量武装警察皇家防止虐待动物协会检查员退伍军人,后来查明这猞猁

    A huge team of armed police, RSPCA inspectors and vets were needed to capture what turned out to be a lynx.


  • 顺着斜坡向下爬,离地很近防止自己摔倒

    Jesse made his way down the slope, one hand close to the ground to break his falls.


  • 磐城引擎制造厂,有人戈森尼桑会不会迫使日本供应商在海外建立工厂防止将来合作瓦解,对此否定这种说法,他说,事实拥有一家工厂的供应商才应该有后备计划

    At the Iwaki engine factory, Mr Ghosn was asked whether Nissan would press its Japanese suppliers to build plants overseas to protect against future disruptions. He dismissed the idea.


  • 2003年以来,因感染禽流感死亡防止病毒扩散扑杀的禽鸟共有大约3亿。禽流感还造成169死亡,其中大多数密切接触

    Since 2003, some 300 million birds have died directly from infection or have been destroyed to keep the virus from spreading, and 169 people have died, most from close contact with sick birds.


  • 既然似乎控制服务器,你不能防止客户一个特定话题转向加密方向

    Since you appear to have control only over the server, you cannot prevent the client from steering the conversation in a particular (cryptographic) direction.


  • Twiggy Cheung认为良好监管可以大规模捕杀情况下防止狂犬病的蔓延。

    She agreed that good regulations could prevent rabies without the mass killings of dogs.


  • 天窗压力扬机控制启动内置传感器防止障碍物而关闭但是强风来袭,会自行关闭。

    The skylight is raised by two hydraulic rams. It has in-built sensors that prevent it from closing on obstructions, but that activate closure during sudden gusts of winds.


  • 海豹在愉快地玩耍。它们防止虐待动物协会工作人员解救之后,重新放归到林肯郡萨顿·布里奇野外

    Two rescued Seal pups come together after being released into the wild off the Banks of the River Nene at Sutton Bridge in Lincolnshire, by staff from the RSPCA East Winch rescue centre in Norfolk.


  • 防止产品产品资料发生混淆负责装配一种型号规格产品。

    To prevent the confusion brought by products and product information, one is only responsible for assembly of a model specifications at a time.


  • 及早发现糜烂防止继续舌对于降低炎症反应防止习惯形成非常重要。

    It is important to catch lesions early and keep the dog from licking to then reduce inflammation and development of a habit.


  • 真的然后他用抓着鳗鱼防止跑掉

    It is true. Next he is catching eel to prevent him to run with a hand.


  • 防止此类情况发生的方法之一确保每次进食饮水后,使保持坐姿至少10分钟

    One way to avoid this is to make sure that every time the dog eats or drinks anything, that the dog sits for at least 10 minutes afterwards or is held in a sitting up or begging position.


  • 查阅资料显示:使用锁定提示ROWLOCK改变初始锁定计划提示不能防止升级

    Using a lock hint such as ROWLOCK only alters the initial lock plan. Lock hints do not prevent lock escalation.


  • 在玻璃瓶中点上蜡烛,就可以在户外享受烛光晚餐……你也可以点上香茅蜡烛,既温馨漂亮,又可以防止蚊虫叮咬。

    Use the candle for dining outdoors in the evening…add a citronella candle and you have a bug deterrent too.


  • 英国皇家防止虐待动物协会每年接受将近10,000人们不想要宠物众多宠物慈善机构之一

    The RSPCA in the United Kingdom takes in nearly 10,000 unwanted pets each year, and it is only one of the charities that shelters animal in need.


  • 对于后备保护装置防止阻抗接地故障配置方向过电流继电器瞬时跳闸附件时间成反比

    For backup protection against high resistive ground faults, there will be a dual polarized directional overcurrent relay, inverse time with instantaneous trip attachment.


  • 地区一个服务商防止竞价拥有价格优势

    1 each area only to do a service provider, to prevent the auction to grab customers, has a price advantage of.


  • 每天吃两到四橙子有助于预防感冒,降低胆固醇防止溶解肾结石能降低直肠癌发病率。

    Taking 2-4 oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol, prevent and dissolve kidney stones as well as lessen the risk of colon cancer.


  • 人”部落一般相互通婚,子承父业。女孩子嫁人获得嫁妆通常是必不可少的“大件”:强壮的眼镜蛇一瓶防止蛇咬的药粉、一表演作为配角的小狗。

    When the married girls, dowry is usually essential to obtain the "Big Three": a strong Cobra, a bottle of the powder to prevent the snake, a dog show when a supporting role.


  • 有些私人行为,说来不无可加责难之处,由于直接结出恶果完全落到本人自身,尊重自由起见社会就不宜予以防止惩罚

    In cases of personal conduct supposed to be blameable, but which respect for liberty precludes society from preventing or punishing, because the evil directly resulting falls wholly on the agent;


  • 泥浆泵装有骨架油封轴套防止磨损延长使用寿命。

    Mud seat is equipped with a four skeleton oil seal and the sleeve to prevent shaft wear and tear, extending the service life of shaft.


  • 另外注意有些物件可能大量记忆体表示因此这个配额可能仍无法防止阻绝服务攻击

    Also, note that some objects may have a large memory representation and so this quota alone may not be sufficient to prevent Denial of Service attacks.


  • 下往下划时,不要两手都放在前面放到身体侧面防止身体失去平衡的必要措施

    Head first down the program, do not have the hands on the front, put a hand to the side of the body, it is necessary to prevent loss of balance measures.


  • 下往下划时,不要两手都放在前面放到身体侧面防止身体失去平衡的必要措施

    Head first down the program, do not have the hands on the front, put a hand to the side of the body, it is necessary to prevent loss of balance measures.


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