• 他们具有着生活中的非常长远的眼光;若要使今天成为很多明天”的开始只有过去的许多的“昨天”里仔细地作好规划

    They take a very long view of life; today is their beginning of many tomorrows made possible only by careful planning during many yesterdays.


  • 接到封信时,请你不必害怕。既然昨天晚上求婚,结果只有使你极其厌恶,我自然不会这封信里旧事重提。

    Be not alarmed, Madam, on receiving this letter, by the apprehension of its containing any repetition of those sentiments, or renewal of those offers, which were last night so disgusting to you.


  • 他们晓得上帝知道他们需求所以就像牧师Tom昨天的那样,他们试图一些只有上帝才能做到

    They have no idea that God knows their needs and so, as Pastor Tom taught yesterday, they try to do for themselves what only God can do.


  • 那好王先生你看昨天下午送到我们学院6打字机只有3台是好的。

    A: Well, look here, Mr. Wang. Six new typewriters were delivered to my college yesterday afternoon and only three of them work properly.


  • 昨天研究机构Gf KNOP公布一份调查显示,大部分消费者准备缩减一系列其热衷的社交活动开支只有五分之一的认为无需缩减开支。

    A GfK NOP survey out yesterday said that most consumers expected to be spending less on a range of popular activities and only a fifth of people thought that they would not be cutting back.


  • 昨天我们只有18个人参加战斗,”Qomendan说道,天花板很低,他用坚定眼神注视着屋子中间某个地方,“也看到了有多少见钱眼开人和美国佬一起攻击我们。”

    "Yesterday I had only 18 fighters," the Qomendan said, his unwavering gaze fixed on a point somewhere in the middle of the low-ceilinged room. "You saw how many mercenaries and Americans were there."


  • 泡沫派未曾离开之前昨天听证会早已闹剧场:无能的委员会面对这几个老奸巨猾的只有听之任之

    Yesterday's select committee hearing was a farce before the foam ever left my fingers: a toothless panel confronting men too slippery to be caught between their gums.


  • 不同不同的答案看人一生无一例外地只有昨天今天明天

    Different people have different answers, but I am the life of man, without exception, only three days: yesterday, today and tomorrow.


  • 昨天已知的,明天未知的只有今天才是需要珍惜努力的。

    Yesterday is known, and tomorrow is unknown, only today is need to cherish and efforts for it.


  • 不同的人不同的答案看人的一生无一例外地只有昨天今天明天

    The answer varies, but to me there are, unexceptionally, only three days, which are yesterday, today and tomorrow.


  • 昨天已经过去,明天来临我们只有今天我们开始吧。”—德蕾莎修女(慈善工作者)。

    "Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin." - Mother Teresa, Charity Worker.


  • 昨天过期支票明天信用卡只有今天才是现金加利用

    Yesterday was a stale cheque, tomorrow is a credit card, only today is cash, to make the most.


  • 人生只有昨天人迷惑明天等待;活在今天的人踏实

    Only three days of life, living in yesterday's confusing; live in tomorrow's wait; live in today's most dependable.


  • 或者:“只有现在”,却忘了现在本身正是昨天结果

    Or it says: "There is only the present", forgetting that the present itself is the outcome of yesterday.


  • “金行家”产品经理林燕(音)昨天出售了5.2公斤,却只有4.1公斤购买

    Just 4.1 kilograms were purchased while 5.2 kilograms were sold yesterday, said Lin Yan, the product's manager.


  • 如果没有理想或者逃避只有过去,一千个昨天构成”,不是吗?

    You are saying, aren't you, that when there are no ideals or escapes there is only the past, the thousand yesterdays which make up the "me"?


  • 昨天我们唯一得到只有记忆无论是悲伤痛苦还是欢喜

    Yesterday, we only received only a memory, whether it is suffering sorrow, joy or heart music.


  • 昨天属于历史明天属于上帝昨天落幕的黄昏,明天是微晕的黎明只有今天那里明亮足够我们生活

    Yesterday belongs to a history, tomorrow belongs to God. Yesterday's a fading sunset, tomorrow's a faint sunrise. Only today is there light enough to love and live.


  • 逃亡过季节又一个昨天只有空气中低吟着,留下飘渺流沙时光

    Escape a season, another yesterday. Only the wind is still in the air with low moans, leaving featherweight quicksand to make time offering.


  • 目前整个美国只有HC 3800,所以我们没法我们昨天看到机器留下来进行评测

    At the moment there is only one HC3800 in the United States, so we were unable to keep the unit we saw yesterday for review.


  • 即使记得可是也不能改变什么一切已经不到从前宝贝记得,昨天其实是不存在的,存在只有今天

    Even if he still remember, but did not change anything, everything is back to less than the past, baby, you have to remember that yesterday, in fact does not exist, there is only today.


  • 昨天历史明天谜团只有今天一个礼物就是为什么称为目前

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mistery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called present!


  • 人生其实只有昨天迷惑;活在明天等待;活在今天的人最踏实

    Actually there are only three days in life. Those living in yesterday confuse while those in tomorrow await and for the living in today, it is the most dependable.


  • 昨天老板告诉珍妮迷恋相信男女交往中,人们不择手段的,我只有辞职离开这个伤心地方亲爱的珍妮了。

    My boss told Jenny he had a crush on her yesterday, I believe that all's fair in love and war, I have to abdicate the office and leave the sad place and my dear Jenny.


  • 欧洲股市开盘昨天大幅下跌文字记者只有英国金融时报100指数下跌逾280,跌幅高达百分之5.16。

    European markets opened yesterday's sharp fall, the reporter writing only when the British FTSE 100 index has dropped more than 280 points or as high as 5.16 percent.


  • 亨肖领主剧组清晨排练开始,这会儿只有几个演员坐在那儿懒散地串着台词玛奇在一旁打扫昨天演出灯心草。

    Morning rehearsal had not yet begun for Lord Henshaw's Men, and only a few of the players sat there, desultorily running their lines as Old Madge swept up the used rushes of yesterday's performance.


  • 时间过得可真快好像昨天只有12雪伍德森林骑自行车那个街角

    My, how time flies. Seems just like yesterday that I was a 12 year old kid, going for long bike rides in Sherwood Forrest, the subdivision just around the corner from where I lived.


  • 时间过得可真快好像昨天只有12雪伍德森林骑自行车那个街角

    My, how time flies. Seems just like yesterday that I was a 12 year old kid, going for long bike rides in Sherwood Forrest, the subdivision just around the corner from where I lived.


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