• 猛地向前倾的时候,全身的肌肉就会收缩拳头看不到前面有人你身边擦身

    You crash forward, your muscles contracting like a fist, and you can't even see that people are running away from you because something has forced your eyes shut. And then it's over.


  • 然后缓慢坐下拐杖放到地上,把矫正器卸下,把向内弯曲,向前

    Then he sits down, slowly, puts his crutches on the floor, undoes the clasps on his legs, tucks one foot back and extends the other foot forward.


  • 你们根本不想”,控诉道,原本坐在后座上的身子向前倾着,以便和我们说话时能达到最直接的效果。

    You don’t want a dog at all, ” she accused, leaning forward from the back seat to speak directly into our ears.


  • 继续赶快速向前奔,几乎是极有把握样子,象嗅觉猎取鹧鸪狐狸一样敏捷。

    And he pursued his road, walking rapidly straight ahead, and with almost an air of certainty, with the sagacity of a fox scenting a covey of partridges.


  • 他们骑马向前走,希刺克厉夫抓住马的缰绳,他们掉脸离开村子走了,而且粗糙不平路上尽量就跑多快。

    Heathcliff held both bridles as they rode on, and they set their faces from the village, and went as fast as the rough roads would let them.


  • 全副武装的警察冒着生命的危险去,开枪人满为患的动物园脱逃猛虎麻醉地时,那真是令人激动的一刻啊。

    The willing human tiger took part in a well-executed drill at the popular zoo so staff knew what to do should a dangerous tiger escape from its enclosure.


  • 布鲁斯挂上慢,把两前轮分别搁裂缝两边,顺着弯弯曲曲的裂缝,以发疯的速度向前开去

    Bruce went into a low gear and drove at a terrifying speed, keeping the front wheels astride the crack as he followed its zigzag course.


  • 苏珊手枪放到一旁脚趾大腿使劲地抵着地面,膝盖微微向前另外脚前面一点地方,以便能够更好地迎接即将到来的撞击

    Susan set the Glock aside and braced her toes and legs, bending at the knees slightly, one foot slightly ahead of the other to better prepare for impact.


  • 不要去注意那些使你气馁的事情,无论你的道路是崎岖,是平坦,总轮船一样——不管雨天晴天,依然向前行驶。

    Pay as little attention to discouragement as possible. Plough ahead as a steamer does, rough or smooth--rain or shine.


  • 对于快速的、只向前通过结果的游标,可以使用executereader方法返回的IfxDataReader。

    For a fast, forward-only cursor through the results, use an IfxDataReader returned by the ExecuteReader method.


  • 那样的,随意的念珠手里,两手掌朝天大姆指触接着一直向前的凝视根骨头也没

    That is, he simply held the beads in his hands, the hands upsidedown with thumbs touching, and stared straight ahead and didn't move a bone.


  • 变得一张悲剧面具那样忧郁。她向前了躬身子,纤瘦的紧紧抱住目光身上移开,投向神秘远方

    Her face had grown as sombre as a tragic mask. Sheleaned forward, clasping her knee in her thin hands, and looking away from him into remote dark distances.


  • 我们学着放开过去伤害我们人和,学着向前。因为生活本来就是一往直前的。

    We should learn to let go of people and things that hurt us in the past and move on. Life is always moving on.


  • 布鲁斯挂上慢,把两前轮分别搁裂缝两边,顺着弯弯曲曲的裂缝,发疯的速度向前开去

    Bruce engaged low gear and drove at a terrifying speed, keeping the front wheels astride the crack as he followed its zig-zag course.


  • 冰山一角向前迈进。

    Year one was just the tip of the iceberg of what it will be moving forward.


  • 三、四月份,有其它到达时,就会有一些向前使这里鹤的平均数保持300,000

    Some depart onward as others arrive, keeping the average crane count during March and April at around 300,000.


  • 猛地向前倾的时候,你全身的肌肉就会收缩拳头看不到前面有人你身边擦身而过。这是因为好像有点什么东西立刻使闭上眼睛

    You crash forward, your muscles contracting like a fist, and you can't even see that people are running away from you because something has forced your eyes shut.


  • 我们学着放开过去伤害我们人和,学着向前因为生活本来就是一往直前的。

    We learn to let go of things and people that hurt us in the past and just move on. For life is all about moving on.


  • 声音传来方面斜眼看了看,红色浪花突现出海洋生物圆形灰色背脊,海面上剧烈地向前翻滚然后沉没入海湾中

    As I squinted in the direction of the sounds, the rounded gray back of a sea creature rose amid a red froth, rolled turbulently at the surface, then sank back into the Gulf.


  • 感觉到肩膀上的肉里,之后车里猛拽出来。我的胳臂向前去,手铐铐住了我的手腕。

    I felt a hand dig into my shoulder and then I was jerked from the car. My arms were yanked forward. Handcuffs were snapped around my wrists.


  • 抬头望向天空发现头上有一老鹰也跟你朝着同一进。

    You look up and notice above your head an eagle is flying in the same direction.


  • 忽然向前倾侧胳膊出现桌子上他用手掌复住了自己眼睛

    He suddenly leaned forward, one elbow appearing on the table, his hand covering his eyes.


  • 荧光素标记研究36大鼠向前额叶皮质、海马、丘脑、小脑和脊髓的分支投射。

    The divergent axon collaterals from neurons in locus coeruleus have been investigated by means of fluorescent double labeling technique in 36 rats.


  • 父亲站在母亲棺材前慢慢地轻柔地,父亲向前伸出,掀开母亲浓密红褐色头发:母亲竟然没有耳朵

    He stood with his father over his mother's casket. Slowly, tenderly, the father stretched forth a hand and raised the thick, reddish brown hair to reveal taht the mother had no outer ears.


  • 传递这些可爱的轮回问候的老朋友,往往一小时间,然后继续前行,他们登对的解决更深层次的问题,正象自己也会继续向前去跟与你登的人一路前行一样。

    The souls who deliver these lovely karmic greeting cards usually stay for a shorter period of time, moving on to work through their deeper issues with someone appropriate for them, just as you will.


  • 传递这些可爱的轮回问候的老朋友,往往一小时间,然后继续前行,他们登对的解决更深层次的问题,正象自己也会继续向前去跟与你登的人一路前行一样。

    The souls who deliver these lovely karmic greeting cards usually stay for a shorter period of time, moving on to work through their deeper issues with someone appropriate for them, just as you will.


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