• 膝盖发电机使用尖端的电子学保证储存多余能量

    The knee generator uses sophisticated electronics to ensure that it grabs only excess energy.


  • 变数得以系结特殊资料别,而且储存这种型别的资料。

    This binds a variable to a particular data type, and the variable can store only data of that type.


  • 然而这些平均而且事实上分布认为非常不平均而且一些地点储存数十枚弹头

    These are averages, however, and in reality the distribution is thought to be much more uneven with some sites only storing tens of warheads.


  • 因为知识通常储存各个人记忆中,所以人们离开公司这些知识公司而言就失去了

    And because it's typically stored only in individuals' memories, this knowledge is lost to the corporation when people leave the company.


  • 动物体内大部分脂肪用来储存能量的,但是海豚体内发现这种脂肪,存在下颌周围

    Most of the fat that you find in an animal's body is used for storing energy, but this fat, which you find in dolphins, and only in the melon and around the lower jaw.


  • 机舱里没有乘务员替代他们储存冰箱、一台咖啡机微波炉。

    There were no air stewards in machinery space, either. They'd been replaced by a stocked refrigerator, a coffeemaker, and a microwave oven.


  • 占用3.5MB应用程序储存空间因此需要sd卡上占用下载空间。

    It only takes up about 3.5mb of app storage space, so no SD card download is needed.


  • 一种方法称为超级电容,它使用电极表面储存电能

    The other way is called a supercapacitor. This stores energy only at the surface of the electrode.


  • 这种方式数据集合包含储存库中的非档案用户

    This way, the data set includes only the non-archived users in the repository.


  • 氧化还原流体电池另外一个优点容量受制于储存电解质溶液容器尺寸

    Another advantage of a vanadium REDOX flow battery is that its capacity is limited only by the size of the tanks used to store its electrolytes.


  • 像一松鼠,囤积食物珍馐过冬现在夏天太多好东西可以细细品味友好的建议可以储蓄那么我储存什么呢?

    I've been hoarding away food and tidbits for the winter, now that summer is in its abundance and there's so much to savor. Consider this your friendly reminder that you can save too!


  • 仅仅蚂蚁干不了什么但是蚂蚁作为整体就可以解决一些复杂问题比如说建造维护一个精致复杂的巢穴里面储存食物

    A single ant cannot do much on its own, but the colony as a whole solves complex problems such as building a sophisticated nest, maintaining it and filling it with food.


  • 美妙处并非在于olev电力驱动而是因为运行自行充电,他几乎不需要时间充电或者使用大容量电池储存大量电能

    The beauty of the OLEV isn't just that it's electric, but that, because it charges while it's operating, it rarely needs long periods to recharge or huge batteries to store large quantities of power.


  • 程序储存永久性介质硬盘加载随机存取内存而计算机处理器执行执行程序内的一个指令

    Programs are stored on permanent media (such as a hard disk), and loaded into RAM to be executed by the computer's processor, which executes each instruction in the program, one at a time.


  • 遗传储存克隆公司2004年刚刚克隆出宠物猫,该公司之后开出克隆价格高达5万美元。

    The company had cloned just two cats, in 2004, but offered to do more at prices of up to $50,000.


  • 这个过程利用开源软件需要一些脚本下面如何建立自己离线wiki莱储存你自己的信息

    The process USES only open source software and requires a decent knowledge of scripting. Here's more on how to set up your own personal Wikipedia to store your own information.


  • 比特存在于互联网上而且储存虚拟钱包里

    Bitcoins exist only online and are stored in virtual wallets.


  • 树林寻找浆果碰巧遇到棵倒下树上,一大蜜蜂在树上储存蜂蜜

    Bear roaming the woods in search of berries happened on a fallen tree in which a swarm of Bees had stored their honey.


  • 持续刺激大脑学习门语言音乐依靠自学,就逐渐形成记忆储存库。

    Continually just stimulating the brain - things like learning a language, learning music, just educating yourself, seems to continue to build up that cognitive reserve.


  • 厂房内规定区域使用储存食品(包括口香糖)。

    Good: the storage and consumption of food (including chewing gum) is permitted only in designated areas of the plant.


  • 有人猜测,是由于大熊猫不能储存脂肪没有足够的奶水能量同时照料以上熊猫崽的缘故。

    It is assumed that as pandas cannot store fat, they lack the milk or energy to care for more than one cub at a time.


  • 储存最好时机财从天降的时候,一般是刚刚猎杀了大型动物长颈鹿之后

    The best time to save was when they got some accidental property, perhaps rightly after they had killed a big animal such as a giraffe.


  • 大多数杂食性动物它们储存了足够能量才冬眠

    Like most of the omnivorous animals, they hibernated only after storing enough energy.


  • 生产商制造饮料储存贮罐内,加压的二氧化碳储存贮罐内。

    Syrup from the beverage manufacturer is held In one tank and pressurized carbon dioxide In a second tank.


  • 与其储存每个使用者工作阶段文章内容网站可以使用更聪明资料存取方式以便伺服器每篇文章复本,这样就可以将工作阶段状态的使用量降到最低

    Instead of saving article content for each user session, the site can use smarter data access so that only one copy of each article is cached on the server, and session state usage is minimized.


  • 一个霜冻冷天,蚂蚁夏天储存一些谷子晒。

    One a cold, frosty day an Ant was dragging out some of the corn which he had laid up in the summer-time, to dry it.


  • 储存期限二年。使用说明使用时药剂作用污垢上,根据污垢程度掌握时间然后用刷子抹布轻轻刷洗,最后清水冲净即可。

    Instruction for use it shall be applied to dirt, which can be brushed away or wiped away after some time and then the treated surface shall be flushed with water.


  • 储存期限二年。使用说明使用时药剂作用污垢上,根据污垢程度掌握时间然后用刷子抹布轻轻刷洗,最后清水冲净即可。

    Instruction for use it shall be applied to dirt, which can be brushed away or wiped away after some time and then the treated surface shall be flushed with water.


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