• 必须提出要约”,一方必须承诺”,“要约”“承诺”极普通英文单词它们法律上具有专业技术含义

    One side must make an "offer"; the other side must "accept" it. "offer" and "acceptance" are ordinary English words, but they have specialized, technical meanings in law.


  • 一方面,除了工厂产出一致性之外,电影公司必须培养灵活性

    On the other hand, studios also had to cultivate flexibility, in addition to consistent factory output.


  • 一方面,性别平等意味着女性必须工作竞争

    On the other hand, gender equality means women have to compete in the workforce.


  • 一方面,性别平等意味着女性必须工作男性竞争

    On the other hand, gender equality means women have to compete with men in the workforce.


  • 一旦离婚产权所有人必须针对另一方支付按揭贷款金额以及房产升值部分给予补偿

    In case of divorce, the registered owner must compensate his or her partner for mortgage payments and any increased value in the property.


  • 公司必须努力对付不断变化的市场法规另一方IT预算削减

    Companies must grapple with ever-changing markets and regulations, yet it budgets are being cut.


  • 一方面,必须浏览相关事件日志查找所需内容,对于活动的服务器来说很可能噩梦

    For another, you have to go through logs of unrelated events to find what you need, which can be a nightmare on a live server.


  • 因此认为一方包括要处理好坦白反馈一方必须出现”在那里。

    So I think part of it is the way you handle candid feedback, but the other part is being present.


  • 总之,多种族混合的孩子创建属于他们自己的定义他们那些感觉必须选择另一作为归属的混血儿表现出更多灵活性

    In short, multiracial kids seem to create their own definitions for fitting in, and they show more psychological flexibility than those mixed-race kids who feel bound to one choice or another.


  • 一方面,就意味着建立了新的条目并且同步的时候,你必须为它选择一个分类。

    That means on the other hand, if you add a new item and you wish to synchronize it with an external source, you MUST choose a category.


  • 他们一方必须每日克服残疾障碍,另一方必须应对社会消极态度需求得不到充分的声援等问题,有时则不得不应对公然歧视

    In addition to the daily challenges of their disability, they must also cope with the negative attitudes of society, inadequate support for their needs and, in some cases, blatant discrimination.


  • 一方面,如果金额大于 100 美元,订单必须经过经理批准通过人工任务)。

    On the other hand, if the amount is greater than $100, the order has to be approved (via a human task) by a manager.


  • 一方面,我们必须尊重这些,因为通常经济危机还是会按照他们说的结束的。

    On the other hand, I have to respect these people that usually financial crises end okay.


  • 一方面,也不能强制宗教信仰、法定假日或者生活习惯,所以必须鼓励宽容。

    On the other hand, it cannot enforce religious practices and holidays, or different ways of life, so it must preach tolerance.


  • 必须直接搭乘另一花费便车,并且双方直接竞争关系

    One party must be free-riding directly on another's expenditure, and the two must be in direct competition.


  • 一方面,杂货销售易腐商品必须保持在冰冻或者低温的条件,而且只能特定的几个时间点里投递

    Grocers, on the other hand, sell perishable products that have to be kept frozen or cool and that must also be delivered at specific times.


  • 一方面,必须显式地检查任何SQL警告因为它们不会通过标准异常处理机制传播

    On the other hand, you must explicitly check for any SQL warnings, because they aren't propagated via the standard exception-handling mechanisms.


  • 一方面,开发组织必须连续增量之上切实进展负责对之进行展示

    On the other hand, development organizations must be held accountable for, and demonstrate, tangible improvements over successive increments.


  • 另一方如果抱怨的内容新的那么必须立即停止对话明确抱怨的人员表明决不同意他们的评价

    On the other hand, if the complaint is new news, then you must immediately stop the conversation and make clear to the complaining executive that you in no way agree with their assessment.


  • 当然一方必须避免分析停滞实际生成决策

    The flip side, of course, is that you must avoid "analysis paralysis" and actually produce decisions.


  • 一方面,女人这些身体行为看做更大重要行为一部分,而这些行为建立起某种她们必须维系的纽带。

    Women, on the other hand, see the physical act as part of a much larger and more important set of behaviors that build a bond that must be tended to.


  • 一方面,约翰逊如果有人必须服从上帝神高高在上,这些坏人坏事会减少毕竟,惩罚执行者不过就是一个义务警员,替天行道,只是执行上帝法律而已

    On the other hand, Johnson says, if there are Gods or a God who must be obeyed, these strains are reduced. After all, the punisher isn't a vigilante; he's simply enforcing God's law.


  • 一方面,中国必须避免给出口企业过大压力,因为这些企业提供了中国国内数以百万失业人口工作机会。

    On the other hand, China needs to avoid squeezing exporters too hard, because they provide crucial jobs in a country with tens of millions of unemployed workers.


  • 另一方必须十分小心,以免提供过多信息,这会白白奉送您的智力资产或是泄漏解决方案深层内容。

    On the other, care should be exercised so that you don't provide so much detail that you give away intellectual capital or an in-depth exposition of the solution.


  • 我们必须面对不同挑战一方面要面对堆满果盘面包圈办公室一方面则关注身体危害和以及工作的安全性。

    We all face challenges, for some it's an office full of candy dishes and donuts and for others it's about physical danger and hardhats are involved.


  • 会不会觉得某种特定消费必须品,一方觉得“太随意”?有其它不为人知的购物吗?

    Does one of you think of a particular purchase as an essential that the other regards as a "discretionary spend"?


  • 一方面,如果选择通过绑定访问数据必须咨询J SF变量解析器

    On the other hand, if you choose to access row data through the value binding, then you must consult the JSF variable resolver.


  • 一方面,如果选择通过绑定访问数据必须咨询J SF变量解析器

    On the other hand, if you choose to access row data through the value binding, then you must consult the JSF variable resolver.


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