• 古者

    The ancients exchanged sons, and one taught the son of another.


  • 从“古者三千余篇”到“三百五篇”,自然选择淘汰人工整理双重作用层层递减历史过程存在十去其九式的一蹴而就情况

    There is a historical process of natural elimination and sorting out for the formation of Book of Poetry. And there is not the conditions of accomplish in an action.


  • 我们面前的是技术精神社会变革这些变革可能德国印刷术发明带来的变革引人注目

    Ahead of us lie technical, psychic, and social transformations probably much more dramatic than those brought about by Gutenberg, the German inventor in printing.


  • 抗议收集了足够签名这项改革付诸全民公投。

    Gucci protesters collected more than enough signatures to get the reform put to a referendum.


  • 太空行走迈克尔·德身穿白色太空服,空间站背景下几乎看不到,参加STS-132任务第三次也是最后一次的太空行走

    Spacewalker Michael Good, barely visible in his white spacesuit against the space station, participated in the STS-132 mission's third and final spacewalk.


  • 兹曼是个挑剔纯粹主义说:“我来说没什么东西墨西哥鳄梨自然状态美妙了。”

    Guzman is more of a purist. "To me, nothing is more wonderful than the natural state of a Mexican avocado," she said.


  • 英语日耳用户(在使用这套字母时)打翻了拉丁语对字母发音规则于是英语的使用决定他们需要一个新的字母W的音

    The Germanic pronunciations of Old English broke a bunch of rules that the alphabet was supposed to observe in Latin and so Old English speakers decided they needed a new letter to make the W sound.


  • 人们只能希望源源不绝的车前灯可以幸存带来足够安慰

    One could only hope the endless stream of headlights going into Jiegu would bring enough relief to the survivors.


  • 我们知道犯罪。 从神的必保守自己,(有卷作从神生的必保护),那也就无法他。

    We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.


  • 最新挖掘化石挖掘化石、泥土焦油装入23集装箱之后,被集体命名为 “23项目”,日后分析之需。

    The newly discovered fossils are collectively called Project 23, after the 23 large crates in which excavators placed the compacted fossils, soil and tar for later analysis.


  • 我们希望获得红杉中最大最佳遗传代表,”天使档案组织的共同创立大卫·米拉奇

    "We want to get the biggest, best genetic representations of the species," said David Milarch, a founder of the Archangel Ancient Tree Archive.


  • 布朗兄弟哈里曼银行位首席合作伙伴同处间办公室,“伙伴会议室”,并就坐桌旁,头顶有副绘出公司创建严厉面孔的油画

    The eight top partners of Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) share an office, the Partners’ Room, sitting at two rows of antique desks, overlooked by a painting of the firm’s stern-faced founders.


  • 巨大加州红杉天使档案组织成员们显得无比矮小这些研究正在致力于复制这些无比高大活化石。

    A California redwood dwarfs members of the Archangel Ancient Tree Archive, who are working to replicate the biggest and best of the species, the tallest living things.


  • 多尔年轻时不是一个素食主义对事物真谛的顿悟源于1970年皮特辛格动物解放之后

    In her youth Goodall was not a vegetarian. Her epiphany came in the 1970's after reading Animal Liberation by Peter Singer.


  • 卢安镇长伊斯梅尔·托•曼达达图妻子吉娜林就是受害之一愤怒地指着安帕图恩周围的人不得不阻止

    Ismael "Toto" Mangudadatu, deputy mayor of Buluan, whose wife, Genalyn, was one of the victims, angrily pointed at Ampatuan and had to be restrained by those around him.


  • 如果仍被关监狱中的法塔赫派马尔万·巴尔参选极具个人魅力轻而易举地击败

    But if Marwan Barghouti, a charismatic Fatah man now in an Israeli jail, could run, he would handily beat them both.


  • 超过50名受害其中包括妮丝阿奎莱拉女演员蕾妮

    There were more than 50 victims, including Kunis, Aguilera and actress Renee Olstead.


  • 位于印加首都库斯科皇家宫殿落入欧洲征服手中以后,新的西班牙殖民城市废墟上崛起了,将印加的历史埋葬得一干二净。

    The royal palaces of Cusco, the Inca capital, fell swiftly to the European conquerors, and a new Spanish colonial city rose on their ruins, burying or obliterating the Inca past.


  • 职业生涯后期宣扬不用英语写作鼓励其他非洲作家母语写作,而不是用殖民语言

    Ngugi campaigned in his more recent career not to write in English and also to urge other African writers to write in native languages and not in the language of the colonizer.


  • 斯特接受了纽约市一位有钱白人妇女的支助,进行研究,这位支助名叫夏天洛特·奥斯·梅森。

    Hurston received financial support for most of her research from a wealthy woman in New York named Charlotte Osgood Mason.


  • 佳酿历久弥香,现在研究们能医学史(某个片段)。

    A fine wine gets better with age, and the remains of an ancient wine have given researchers a glimpse into the history of medicine.


  • 也许也可以在鼓励消费健康的生活方面起作用

    Such a tax might also encourage consumers to live healthier lives.


  • 2006年1月9至3月5日,地区国内流离失所营地报告了37例疑似病例包括5例死亡(病死率13.5%)。

    Between 9 January and 5 March 2006, 37 suspected cases including 5 deaths (CFR 13.5%) have been reported in Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps in Gulu district.


  • 太空行走迈克尔.德身穿白色太空服空间站背景下很难被分辨出来,正在进行STS-132项目第三次也是最后一次的太空行走

    Spacewalker Michael Good, barely visible in his white spacesuit against the station, participated in the STS-132 mission's third and final spacewalk.


  • 行之武王是也

    Among the ancients there was one who acted on this principle, namely king Wu.


  • 行之武王是也

    Among the ancients there was one who acted on this principle, namely king Wu.


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