• 列表1所显示例子输入字符串变量跟踪。

    In the example shown in Listing 1, the input string variable is tracked.


  • 命令执行时候程序XML内容文件读入一个字符串变量

    When executed from a command line, the program reads the XML content from a file into a string variable.


  • 其次可以轻易地替换字符串中的变量

    Second, you can easily substitute variable values inside strings.


  • 选择需要变量替换字符串部分数字5

    Select the portion of the string you want to replace with a variablein this example, the numeral 5.


  • 语句字符串中的?(问号)一个参数标识代表用来返回结果变量

    The? (question mark) literal in the statement string is a parameter marker that represents the variable in which the result is returned.


  • 方法取得电话号码构造存储url变量中的ur l字符串

    That method then grabs the number and USES it to construct a url string stored in the url variable.


  • 清单1中的示例说明了如何创建多种类型变量(整型浮点字符串数组函数)。

    The example in Listing 1 illustrates variable creation of a variety of types (int, float, string, array, and function).


  • 通过一个HATS全局变量设置这个可以输入改变任何特定字符串

    A You can change this input to any application-specific string by setting this value in a HATS global variable.


  • 如果这个元素名字title段代码将把元素实际内容放到字符串变量title中。

    If the name is title, the code puts the actual contents of the element into the String variable title.


  • 清单5中,测试需要字符串进行比较因为变量返回一个Boolean类型不是rtf作为select属性结果

    In Listing 5, the test does not need to compare to a string because the variable returns a Boolean type rather than an RTF as a result of the select attribute.


  • 上面的命令序列中,变量var设置字母的字符串ls

    In the sequence above, the variable var is set to the two-letter string ls.


  • 这个程序试图个尚未分配内存保存数据:它执行字符串复制操作,将arr中的数据复制p变量中。

    This program tries to store to an unallocated memory location by doing a string copy from arr to the p variable. The expected result is a SEGSEGV signal, as you can see


  • 例中我们创建发送文本HTML版本消息所以我们创建变量保存这两个字符串

    In this case, you create a message that sends a text and an HTML version of the message, so you create variables to hold both strings.


  • 最后一个游标SQLERROR返回最后一个失败sql语句错误字符串将被存储变量SQLERRSTR中。

    SQLERROR of the last cursor is returned, and the error string of the latest failed SQL statement is stored into variable SQLERRSTR.


  • 可以简单地整个字符串放到引号(')中,但是需要在变量真正的单引号字符前面加上一个斜线(\ ')。

    You can also simply enclose the entire variable value in single quotation marks (') as long as you precede any actual single quotation marks in the variable with a backslash (\ ').


  • 字符串引号限定,从而节省了PHP字符串搜索可替换变量的时间。

    Strings are delimited by single quotes instead of double quotes to avoid the performance hit of PHP searching for variables to interpolate within the strings.


  • 这个字符串保存私有变量中,这样枚举器调用matches()方法创建结果的时候就可以访问这个字符串

    The string is saved in a private variable so we have access to the string when the enumerator calls the matches() method to create the result set.


  • 首先最主要的角度来看,函数目的“查找第一模式中的匹配字符串然后通过将第三个变量作为操作字符串,以第二个模式替换匹配结果”。

    First, in broadest terms, the function's purpose is to "match what is in the first pattern, then replace it with the second pattern, using the third argument as the string to operate on."


  • 对于这个示例中的格式字符串有意思的一点同一个局部变量 (cmdName)同一个字符串出现多次

    The interesting thing to note about the format string in this example is that the same local variable (cmdName) occurs multiple times in the same string.


  • 值得一提的如果结果返回xml字符串应该括号将返回字符串中的变量包围起来。

    One thing that is worth noting: when you return a string of XML as your result set, you should surround the variables in your return string within curly braces.


  • exists函数确定是否定义一个具有字符串定义名称变量(全局变量g: syntax_on)。

    The exists function determines whether a variable with the name specified by the string (in this case, the global variable g: syntax_on) has been defined.


  • 使用数字字符串作为模型中的变量

    I have only used Numbers and strings as variables in the model class.


  • 8 - 5中的函数接受两个字符串变量开始

    The function in Example 8-5 begins by accepting two string parameters.


  • 保存可以数值字符串,每个值其唯一的下标并且按顺序存放在数组变量中。

    The values can be Numbers or strings. A key or subscript value is automatically assigned, and the values are kept in the order entered.


  • 事实上搜寻结果页面UR L字符串搜寻用的关键字被包含在一个含有可替换变量的链接中的

    In fact, if you look at the URL in the resulting page, the search term you were looking for is included in the link as a replaceable variable.


  • 事实上搜寻结果页面UR L字符串搜寻用的关键字被包含在一个含有可替换变量的链接中的

    In fact, if you look at the URL in the resulting page, the search term you were looking for is included in the link as a replaceable variable.


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