• 光化学反应使变为电脉冲

    The photochemical reactions transform the light into electrical impulses.


  • 污染使大片地区变为荒原。

    The pollution has already turned vast areas into a wasteland.


  • 撤退溃败时,意大利那个沙漠中的基地接连失守。

    One after another the Italian bases in the desert fell as the retreat turned into a rout.


  • 间接引语中I'llcomelater变为Hesaid he'd come later。

    In reported speech, 'I'll come later' becomes 'He said he'd come later'.


  • 秋天树叶绿色变为褐色。

    In autumn the leaves change from green to brown.


  • 我们陌生人变为朋友

    We turn strangers into friends.


  • 到了2014年,一里程碑变为29

    By 2014, that milestone had shifted to age 29.


  • 产品越来越多地更大产品附加功能

    Products are increasingly being morphed into tack-on feature sets of bigger products.


  • 太阳辐射能地球上时,变为热能,于是, 地球暖和起来了。

    When the radiant energy of the sun falls on the earth, it is changed into heat energy, and as a result the earth is warmed.


  • 份声明中,博柏利否认“即”的形式浪费造成影响

    In a statement, Burberry denied that switching to "see now, buy now" has had an impact on waste.


  • 组织已经有了合法紧迫理由一个范式雇主与雇员关系

    Organizations have had legitimate and pressing reasons to shift to a new paradigm of employer-employee relations.


  • 运动一个适合以本地动植物品种为基础传统饮食文化发展地区

    The movement transformed it into a region hospitable to traditional food cultures based on native plants and breeds of animals.


  • 心理健康问题早期识别支持治疗防止它们完全型疾病最佳方法

    Early identification, support and treatment for mental health issues, he says, are the best ways to keep them from turning into full-blown disorders.


  • 随着快餐公司超大规模更多买家”的经营模式,他们需要保持全天客流量。

    As fast-food companies shift from "super size" to "more buys", they need to keep customer traffic high throughout the day.


  • 尽管焦虑父母可能欢迎这种想法,但教育工作者可以青春期鲁莽行为转学术目的

    Although anxious parents may not welcome the notion, educators could turn adolescent recklessness to academic ends.


  • 这些技巧可以帮助认识到自己的感受将自己的情绪精神身体状态积极的状态。

    These techniques help you recognize how you are feeling and shift to a more positive emotional, mental and physical state.


  • 然后伙伴们将会几乎在瞬间大批寿命更短粒子,其中有一些检测出来

    Both it and its companions would then decay almost instantly into a plethora of less fleeting bits, some of which could be detected.


  • 月经(例假)来到女孩青春期经历一个重要阶段女孩变为女人众多生理变化之一

    Menstruation (a period) is a major stage of puberty in girls; it's one of the many physical signs that a girl is turning into a woman.


  • 项研究发现人们负面正面评价反应最好可能是因为表明他们赢得了别人的肯定。

    One study found that people responded best to comments that shifted from negative to positive, possibly because it suggested they had won somebody over.


  • 一旦腐殖质消失养分无法土壤回收过滤,致使土壤肥沃变为贫瘠,适于热带草原植被的生长。

    Once the humus layer disappears, nutrients cannot be recycled and leach from the soil, converting soil from fertile to infertile and making it suitable only for savanna vegetation.


  • 中国制造2025”的目标是中国制造业大国创新驱动重视质量数量的世界制造业强国。

    "Made in China 2025"initiative aims to transform China from a manufacturing giant into a world manufacturing power, one driven by innovation and emphasizing quality over quantity.


  • 来说,一种严重的表达:被灌输毒液反映不断增长不信任恐惧已经一般穷人的指称

    For him, it is a much nastier expression: infused with venom, and reflective of growing distrust and fear, it has mutated to refer to the poor in general.


  • 克拉克意思图书馆已经简单书籍存放仓库一种媒介,它能够起到“弥合富人穷人之间鸿沟“的作用。

    What Clark means is that libraries have shifted from simply being storehouses of books to a medium to help "bridge the gap between the haves and the have-nots".


  • 许多非洲开展业务企业把其网址改为 .africa域名因此在非洲经营的可口可乐公司网址也许会变为 cocacola.africa。

    Many companies doing business in Africa will soon move their sites to a dot.africa domain, so the site of Coca Cola in Africa may become cocacola.africa.


  • 这里地形很快耕地变为沙漠

    The terrain changed quickly from arable land to desert.


  • 萨尔比的渐渐变为暗红色

    A dull red flush suffused Selby's face.


  • 剧情喜剧慢慢发展闹剧,最后又演变为悲剧

    The action slips from comedy to melodrama and finally to tragedy.


  • 土壤休眠直到冬季变为成年蛾飞出来

    The pupae remain dormant in the soil until they emerge as adult moths in the winter.


  • 它们喧闹声逐渐变为整齐划一的、带有威胁性的吼叫,还夹杂着刺耳的狂吠。

    Their noise modulated to a concerted menacing growl punctuated by sharp yaps.


  • 迅的故居现在变为了一个博物馆。

    The house in which Lu Xun used to live is now a museum.


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