• 然后你们会有屏障完整性反应堆冷却系统行为覆盖层失效

    Then you have, in terms of the barrier integrity, reactor cooling systems activity, cladding failure.


  • Jaczko日本方面已经要求额外器械装备帮助供水保持反应堆冷却

    NRC Chairman Greg Jaczko said Japan has asked for additional types of equipment that will help provide water and keep the reactors cool.


  • Jaczko日本方面已经要求额外器械装备帮助供水保持反应堆冷却

    Japan has asked for additional types of equipment that will help provide water and keep the reactors cool, Jaczko said.


  • 还有反应堆冷却系统焊接问题它们使用并且得到原生,应力腐蚀裂痕。

    There are reactor coolant system weld issues, they're used and they're getting primary water stress corrosion cracking.


  • 日本反应堆冷却系统破坏核燃料可用煮沸露出水面小时。

    When the cooling system failed at Japan's Fukushima Dai-Ichi reactor Number 2, the fuel rods boiled through the available water and were for a period of hours exposed to the air.


  • 如果真的那这的确是一周以来反应堆冷却以及阻止核物质扩散工作获得的好消息

    If true, the announcement is one piece of good news in a week-long struggle to cool the fuel in the reactors and block the emanating radiation.


  • 一个好的信息传来,电缆安装工作现在已经完成,可以保持反应堆冷却提供电力

    There was better news about a new power cable that's now being completed. It should supply electricity to the pumps needed to keep the reactors cool.


  • 为了使反应堆冷却直升机已经那里倾泻了30多海水但是官方仍然无法知道此方法是否有效

    Helicopters have dumped approximately 30 tons of seawater on the No. 3 reactor building to attempt to cool it down, but officials are still trying to figure out if it had any effect.


  • 了,下一个问题反应堆冷却系统焊接现在这个图表是从它们的网站上来的,现在,这些区域存在着焊接问题。

    Okay the next issue is reactor coolant system weld issues. Now this graphic again comes from their website. Now these are all the areas in which there are weld issue problems.


  • 电力供应损坏导致反应堆冷却功能故障,为此六个反应堆中的四个发生大火一系列爆炸。随后核电站检测到泄漏

    Radioactive leaks were detected after a series of explosions and fires at four of its six reactors following the failure of their cooling functions due to the damaged power supplies.


  • 机构表示福岛核发电厂反应堆冷却系统断电可能会发生爆炸。此前这座核电厂号核反应堆星期六发生了爆炸。

    The agency says the cooling system at the number three reactor at the Fukushima nuclear power plant is offline and could possibly explode, following Saturday's blast at the plant's number one reactor.


  • 4反应堆冷却中的燃料据称已经去年11时全部出,过去四个月中燃料棒应该已经显著冷却因此不太可能引起爆炸

    The fuel in unit 4's cooling pond is thought to have been removed from the reactor sometime in November.Over the past four months, it will have cooled down substantially, making exposure less likely.


  • 4反应堆冷却池中的燃料据称已经去年11月时全部移出,过去个月中燃料应该已经显著冷却,因此不太可能引起爆炸

    The fuel in unit 4's cooling pond is thought to have been removed from the reactor sometime in November. Over the past four months, it will have cooled down substantially, making exposure less likely.


  • 科学家们警告紧急冷却系统可能失灵反应堆的堆芯熔毁可能会发生

    Scientists warned that emergency cooling systems could fail and a reactor meltdown could occur.


  • 然后我们气体冷却反应堆使用超临界二氧化碳或者

    And then we have gas cooled reactors which can use supercritical carbon dioxide or helium.


  • 新型反应堆设计出来包括提供能量,液态参与冷却快中子增殖反应堆

    New types of reactors were designed, including the Fast Breeder reactor powered by plutonium and cooled by liquid sodium.


  • 为了稳定反应堆重启冷却系统公司迅速重新电厂电网连接起来。

    To stabilize the reactors and restart cooling systems, the company rushed to reconnect the power plant to the electric grid.


  • 福岛反应堆冷却系统海啸毁。

    The cooling systems for the Fukushima reactors were destroyed by the tsunami.


  • 只有之后,才能开始着手准备对受损四个反应堆进行冷却关闭

    Only after that, he said, can efforts begin to prepare the plant's four troubled reactors for a cold shutdown.


  • 周五工作人员继续受损反应堆注水试图冷却放射性燃料防止其过热。

    On Friday, workers continued to direct water on the damaged reactor buildings. It was an attempt to cool the highly radioactive fuel rods from overheating.


  • 周二反应堆用以冷却核燃料燃料储存池发生火灾导致放射性物质释放进入大气之中

    On Tuesday, a fire broke out in the same reactor's fuel storage pond — an area where used nuclear fuel is kept coolcausing radioactivity to be released into the atmosphere.


  • 他们换成军用消防栓冷却反应堆燃料

    They switched to military fire engines to douse the reactors and the pools of spent fuel rods beside them.


  • 这种类型反应堆用水冷却反应堆棒的,反应堆发生蒸汽转动汽轮机发电

    In the types of reactors involved, water is used to cool the reactor core and produce steam to turn the turbines that make electricity.


  • 反应堆冷却中积聚下来,通常会被少量排放自然界中

    It accumulates in the cooling water of nuclear reactors and is often vented in small amounts to the environment.


  • 核电站工作人员已经电缆坍塌反应堆供电希望能重新启动水泵冷却反应堆内核

    Workers have connected a cable to feed power to two of the crippled reactors, with the hope of restarting the water pumps that cool the cores.


  • 核电站工作人员已经电缆坍塌反应堆供电希望能重新启动水泵冷却反应堆内核

    Workers have connected a cable to feed power to two of the crippled reactors, with the hope of restarting the water pumps that cool the cores.


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