• 如果第一反应批判你予以反击或者变得充满防御等一会作出反应

    If your first reaction is to lash back at the person giving the criticism, or to become defensive, take a minute before reacting at all.


  • 所有国家来说一种公平和平等的方式-虽然这很重要-反击气候变化,光凭自发的主观能动可能得到解决的。

    But combating climate change in a way that is fair and equitable to all nations is unlikely to be resolved by voluntary initiatives alone - important though they may be.


  • 银行开始反击,对某些回购请求合法进行质疑

    Banks have been pushing back, questioning the legality of some repurchase requests.


  • 方便这次因为一棵树导致越境事件作为证据,证明游击队反击以色列保卫黎巴嫩神圣国土必要

    It was convenient for him to be able to point to the border incident over the tree as evidence of the need for his guerrillas to "resist Israel" and guard "Lebanon's holy soil".


  • 很明显这个误导猜想一些安静自己提出来的,有种防御反击的味道,因为他们总是被人当作怪胎或者不正常的人来对待。

    Obviously, this one is put forth by some quiet people themselves, in a sort of over-defensive backlash against being treated like the weird, abnormal ones.


  • 极其贫困国家面对压倒冲击时毫无反击之力,我们其提供保险,以弥补全球金融框架中的鸿沟

    We must fill a gap in the global financial architecture by offering insurance to the poorest countries that they will not be left defenseless in the face of overwhelming shocks.


  • 埃彼法尼综合著作《药库》(Panarion),在其中详细反击了80种异端学说

    Epiphanius' most comprehensive writing was the Panarion, which details and counters some 80 "heretical" beliefs.


  • 被别人需要重要多次强调,除此之外他反击了对于他上一次球队呆在一起时候不是一个欢迎的人的说法

    The importance of being wanted was something he stressed time and again, as well as killing the rumours that he wasn't a popular person last time he was with the team.


  • 市场的攻击定价可能会招致对手另一个市场上的反击

    Aggressive pricing in one market may elicit a competitive response from a rival in another market.


  • 如果设置最高反击距离并且忘记了,那么灾难的后果就要发生了。

    However, if you set the Max React range and forget about it, disastrous things could happen.


  • 责任能力侵袭予以反击行为属于防御紧急避险

    Counter-attacking the infringement from a person without ability of responsibility should be considered as defensive necessity.


  • 第三局中,劲敌战至16平,之后,李宗伟20比17率先获得赛点,不过林丹奋力反击,竟戏剧的将比分追20平。 。

    Thee arch-rivals were locked at 16-16 in the final game before Lee took a 20-17 lead to have three match points to win it, only for Lin to dramatically haul it back to 20 all.


  • 大学校园女孩独自一人感恩节假期有针对弃儿必须征服最深的恐惧战胜他们反击

    When a college girl who is alone on campus over the Thanksgiving break is targeted by a group of outcasts, she must conquer her deepest fears to outwit them and fight back.


  • 如果潜在敌人将他们的力量分为路线我们来说就要他们的力量予以反击

    If a potential enemy can divide his strength on two fronts, it is for us to counter his effort.


  • 米兰客场对阵进攻球队很好我们可以反击中做的出色。

    Generally Milan do well against offensive teams away from home and we have shown we can be devastating with space and on the counterattack.


  • 但是随后我们被有策略决心反击压制,接下来比赛变得艰难许多

    But then we started playing slowly against a very determined and tactically aware defence, and then the difficulties started.


  • 利比亚反对派力量进行一系列迅速反击,重新控制了战略石油港口斯拉努夫布雷加10之前他们失去对两个城镇的控制。

    Libyan rebel forces made a series of quick advances, re-occupying the strategic oil ports of Ras Lanouf and Brega, which they lost almost 10 days ago.


  • 可能会细节来考验对手策略安排大多数球员反击,而只依靠一个天才球员创造动作

    You might examine your opponent's strategy in fine detail and assign the majority of players to counter it whilst relying on an elite few to do the creative stuff.


  • 米兰对阵的是非常有侵略的球队,但是米兰组织好阵脚,就掌控节奏,制造了3,4次非常好的机会接下来菲拉只能通过反击威胁我们了。

    We played against very aggressive opponents, but when we got organised we took control of the play and created 3-4 important chances and from then on they were only dangerous on counterattacks.


  • 米兰对阵的是非常有侵略的球队,但是米兰组织好阵脚,就掌控节奏,制造了3,4次非常好的机会接下来菲拉只能通过反击威胁我们了。

    We played against very aggressive opponents, but when we got organised we took control of the play and created 3-4 important chances and from then on they were only dangerous on counterattacks.


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