• 平假名这样产生又聋日本人不知所以然的乱涂

    Hiragana were devloped by having a bunch of completely blind, deaf, and dumb Japanese people scribble things on pieces of paper while having no idea why they were doing so.


  • 第十四盲人或者违反治安管理的,可以从轻、减轻或者不予处罚

    Article 14 Where a blind or deaf-mute person commits an act against the administration of public security, he may be give a relatively light or mitigated penalty, or shall not be penalized.


  • 毕业之后,成为六岁女孩的家庭教师,这就是海伦·凯勒

    After graduation, she was hired as a teacher for Helen Keller, a six-year-old girl who was blind and deaf due to illness.


  • 汽车引擎罩下面抬起来说:“博士,有又聋走进一家五金店钉子。”

    One time he raised his head from under the automobile hood to say: "Doc, a deaf-and-dumb guy went into a hardware store to ask for some nails."


  • 甘心刚刚开始说话儿子从此,白涛了白山市的一家一家医院,后来来到北京。

    Not willing to let him become deaf and mute because he was just began to learn how to speak, Bai Tao took him to many hospitals, first in Baishan, then in Beijing.


  • 2岁时,邰丽华得了麻疹,高烧不退,退烧医生注射了大量链霉素,烧退了,从此变得

    In order to bring down the fever, a doctor injected too much streptomycin to her. Her fever was gone, but she became deaf and mute.


  • 掀开了头上头巾说道:“医生又聋家伙到了一个硬件商店要买一些钉子。”

    One time he raised his head from under the automobile hood to say: "Doc, a deaf-and-mute guy went into a hardware store to ask for some nails."


  • 歌剧讲述了名叫汤米男孩故事却是弹球的高手无意中成为了一种狂热现象的引导者。

    It tells the story of Tommy, a deaf, dumb and blind boy who excels at pinball and unwittingly becomes the leader of a cult.


  • 野鸭子也想? !又聋还想拉小提琴……疯了为什么去学其它的什么事情?你这是在浪费大家时间

    A duck tries to fly?! And a deaf tries to play violin... Are you crazy? Why don't you leam something else? You're wasting everyone's time.


  • 环球旅行帮助了许多直到现在全世界都怀念这位勇敢完美的尽管又聋,但是她找到了方法

    She traveled around the world and helped many people. Till now, the world remembers her as a brave and wonderful person. She was blind and deaf, but she found a way to see and hear.


  • 33进来了男人,两个孩子低低自语道:“一个那个西班牙老头,近来镇上露过两次面,另一个是陌生人。”

    Two men entered. Each boy said to himself: "There's the old deaf and dumb Spaniard that's been about town once or twice lately—never saw t'other man before."


  • 海伦从小就遭遇了极大的不幸内心世界极为丰富

    Helen was blind, deaf and dumb. She suffered much from such a great misfortune in her childhood, but her inner world was very rich.


  • 海伦从小就遭遇了极大的不幸内心世界极为丰富

    Helen was blind, deaf and dumb. She suffered much from such a great misfortune in her childhood, but her inner world was very rich.


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