• 听说北海花儿开了,推着走走

    Heard in Beihai, and all the flowers are blooming, I pushed you to walk.


  • 听说北海花儿推着去走走

    I've heard that all flowers are in blossom in Beihai, let me push you to have a look.


  • 户外走走,对每一口嘴里食物都留个心眼。

    Get outside, go for a walk and be conscious when you do eat of what's going into your mouth.


  • 中场休息的时候,把大家都踢出家门走走,到邻居那儿串个门。

    At halftime, shoo everyone outdoors for a walk around the neighborhood.


  • 那么乘船,就可以乘船旅游后到阿斯旺各处走走

    Then anyone who wants to can go for a walk round Aswan after the boat trip.


  • 如同旧金山新奥尔良一样,波士顿是出名宜人城市,很值得走走瞻仰一番。

    Like SAN Francisco or New Orleans, Boston has a reputation for being a pleasant city to admire while walking around it.


  • 如果打算省钱,就要放弃健身馆。你可以早起一点,或者午餐时间去走走

    But if you feel you need to save money by forgoing it, try waking up earlier and going for a walk or a run before you leave for work, or squeezing in a walk at lunch.


  • 如果办法,解除压力方法我会跑步电视山里走走并且放松心情

    If I can't, the way I relieve the stress is go for a run, watch TV or go for a walk in the mountains to be relaxed.


  • 经常体现大自然美丽人文美感园林走走能够使心情舒畅重新焕发生活激情动力

    Often in the embodiment of the natural beauty and cultural beauty of the garden to walk, can make people feel comfortable, re glow of passion for life and power.


  • 有开朗、有爱心女孩要是你的心那就一起走走,我给说点花前月下沧海桑田的事

    For cheerful, loving girl, if your in a good mood, then to walk with me, let me tell you point, vibrant thing.


  • 让自己运动变得更有趣,经常带孩子动物园公园小型的高尔夫球场走走对他们的健康很大的帮助。

    Focus on fun. You can do a lot of walking during trips to the zoo park or miniature-golf course.


  • 这样质疑研究肥胖猴子的必要性:“哪,他们难道就不能走走,只要当地的麦当劳研究这件事吗?”

    She also questioned the need to study fat monkeys: “Gee, couldn't he have hung out at the local McDonald's and learned the same thing?


  • 这样质疑研究肥胖猴子必要性:“哪,他们难道就不能走走,只要到当地的麦当劳能研究这件事吗?”

    She also questioned the need to study fat monkeys: "Gee, couldn't he have hung out at the local McDonald's and learned the same thing?"


  • 丈夫建议沙滩走走我享受这仅有一点属于自己时间的时候担负起照顾小孩的任务。

    Mu hubby suggested that I go for a walk on the beach and he would take care of the babies while I got a little bit of me time.


  • 闲聊最后变成了三小时访问其间不顾身体的担忧坚持附近公园走走

    It turned into a three-hour visit, punctuated by a walk to a nearby park that he insisted we take, despite my nervousness about his frail condition.


  • 室外走走。大自然最大灵感来源,如果天天都不走出来,将会这些灵感。

    Get outside -nature is one of the biggest inspirations, and you'll miss it if you're inside all day.


  • 夏日外边走走拿起手机住抓拍下发生在周围一些精彩瞬间吧。

    It's the summer! Get outside, grab your phone and capture some of the great moments happening around you.


  • 弟弟说:“我们田里走走吧。”他们走到田里的时候,该隐攻击了他弟弟亚伯杀害了

    Cain says to his brother Abel, "Let us go out in the field." When they are in the field, Cain attacks his brother Abel and kills him.


  • 该隐弟弟说:“我们田里走走吧。”

    Cain says to his brother Abel, "Let us go out in the field."


  • 所以关掉电视园子树林里走走

    So turn off your TV and go work in your garden, or walk in the woods.


  • 曲子之后安吉尔是否愿意前面门廊走走那里安静些。

    After a few more songs, Angel asks if I'd like to join her out on the front porch where it's quieter.


  • 如果没有时间65座城市走走逛逛,那就跟随他们镜头作一次旋风式的造访。

    If you don't have time to visit all 65 cities, take the FP whirlwind photo tour.


  • 事实上即使成年以后,愿意巷子走走不会选择女孩参加茶话会

    The truth is, even as a grown woman I tend to want to run in the alley rather than play tea party with the girls.


  • 女士们先生说明有空剑桥走走每天能知道新鲜玩意

    Which proves, ladies and gentlemen, that you learn something new every day, particularly if you happen to make a visit to Cambridge university.


  • 安排周末朋友一起,一起野外烧烤电影、电子游戏足球、或者只是一起走走

    Schedule a weekend event with your friends. Get together for a barbecue, go to a movie, play video games, go to the football game, or have a night out on the town.


  • 秋高气爽凉风习习、残阳如血,秋天一年中适合户外走走,感受大自然五彩缤纷的季节。

    The cold breeze, crisp air, and the wonderful sunshine is what makes autumn the perfect time of the year for taking a hike outdoors, enjoying every inch of nature changing its colors.


  • 秋高气爽凉风习习、残阳如血,秋天一年中适合户外走走,感受大自然五彩缤纷的季节。

    The cold breeze, crisp air, and the wonderful sunshine is what makes autumn the perfect time of the year for taking a hike outdoors, enjoying every inch of nature changing its colors.


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