• 我们加快原子能发电研究加速原子能电站建设

    We should accelerate our research in atomic power generation and speed up the building of atomic power plants.


  • 原子能电站需要极其规模造价昂贵,又产生过多不需要的能源因此没有必要建设原子能电站

    Nuclear energy would require an extremely large and expensive generator which would produce a lot of unneeded power. Therefore, nuclear energy would prove inefficient.


  • 萨克法国因为核原子能技术安全“相对领先”于别国著称。 “我们电站更为昂贵

    Sarkozy said France was known to be "considerably ahead" of other countries in terms of atomic power technology and safety.


  • 星期五早些时候日本原子能保安院的一名官员记者披露岛核电站3反应堆可能受到的损坏的消息。

    Earlier Friday, an official with Japan's nuclear regulatory agency told reporters about the possible damage to the reactor core, which is located in Fukushima's number three unit.


  • 日本经济产业省原子能安全和保安院14日宣布,岛第一电站3机组当地时间11时01分(北京时间10时01分)发生氢气爆炸反应堆所在建筑遭到损坏,但是放置反应堆容器损坏的可能性很小。 保安呼吁周围居民尽量待室内。

    Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said Monday that hydrogen blast occurred at the No. 3 nuclear reactor of Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant at 02:01 GMT (11:01 local time).


  • 日本原子能安全和保安院爆炸电站探测放射性,极可能来自融毁的燃料

    Japan's nuclear agency said there was a strong possibility that radioactive cesium detected at the plant after the blast was from the melting of a fuel rod.


  • 这项建设工程称为和平利用原子能”,因此就有第一电站反应堆

    They had called this project “The Peaceful Atom” and so was the called the reactor of the first nuclear power plant.


  • 深夜国际原子能机构测出日本另外电站外面辐射,称日本第三座核电站发生泄漏。

    Late at night, the International Atomic Energy Agency announced that Japan had added a third plant to the list because radiation had been detected outside its walls.


  • 原子能安全记录还是令人满意的,然而现在已经有430多个商业电站分布世界各地30个国家中,此外还有200多艘核动力船只潜水艇

    Nuclear energy has an excellent safety record, but there are now over 430 commercial nuclear-power plants in the world, in some 30 countries, and over 200 nuclear-powered ships and submarines.


  • 国际原子能机构今日证实电站辐射水平确有提高(“的确达到小时400西弗”)。

    The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed today that elevated radiation (" dose rates up to 400 millisieverts per hour ") had been reported at the plant.


  • 原子能利用历史追溯到二战以前远远早于1954年6世界第一电站启动

    The history of the atomic energy had deep roots in the times before the World War 2, long before the June 1954, the day when the first workable plant has started working.


  • 同时国际原子能机构表示电站形势依然非常危急但是过去24小时之内形势并没有明显恶化

    Meanwhile, the International Atomic Energy Agency said the situation at the nuclear plant was still serious, but had not worsened significantly in the past 24 hours.


  • 花了16个月建造没有能用速度建造原子能电站

    It took 16 months to build. No one builds nuclear power stations nearly that fast.


  • 国际原子能表示大地震中受损的日本电站继续泄漏核辐射但是科学家不能确定核辐射究竟是从哪里泄露出来

    The International Atomic Energy Agency says radiation is still leaking from the earthquake-stricken nuclear plant at Fukushima in Japan, but scientists are unsure exactly where it's coming from.


  • 日本另一家电力公司——日本原子能电力公司宣布,位于西海岸电站发生微量放射物质泄漏,是1987年开始运营以来的首次事故。

    Another nuclear power operator - Japan Atomic Power – said it had plugged a tiny radiation leak at its Tsuruga plant on the west coast – the 1st since it started operations in 1987.


  • 尽管大家知道燃料供应有限的,而且可能半个世纪耗尽原子能电站多年来却一直特别受人喜爱的项目

    Although supplies of uranium fuel were known to he limited and might become exhausted in half a century, the nuclear power plant has for a long time been a favorite project.


  • 2011年03月15日日本经济产业省原子能安全和保安院表示,当地时间156点10分左右,岛第一电站二号机组附近传来爆炸声

    2011-03-15 Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said Tuesday that an explosion was heard at the No. 2 reactor of Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant at 6:10 a. m. Tuesday (2110 GMT).


  • 2011年03月15日日本经济产业省原子能安全和保安院表示,当地时间156点10分左右,岛第一电站二号机组附近传来爆炸声

    2011-03-15 Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said Tuesday that an explosion was heard at the No. 2 reactor of Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant at 6:10 a. m. Tuesday (2110 GMT).


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