• 研究小组已经开发压缩分隔数据并将之分配至不同细菌细胞方法有助于克服存储容量限制

    The group has developed a method of compressing data, splitting it into chunks and distributing it between different bacterial cells, which helps to overcome limits on storage capacity.


  • 级别(通常16个)本质上快捷键,用于压缩限制不同视频组件

    The levels, of which there are 16, are essentially shortcuts to constrain different video components when compressing.


  • 安装程序限制哪些用户能够解压缩文件

    The installer had restrictions as to which user extracts the file.


  • 新的XML数据索引压缩支持可以减少所需磁盘空间可以提高I/O 限制操作运行时性能

    New compression support for XML data and indexes reduces disk space requirements and can improve runtime performance of I/O-bound operations.


  • 如果开发人员设置了不合适限制译文要么截断,要么被压缩显示出来,同时,图片加载也不会正常执行

    If developers set inadequate resizing limits, the translated text in a Web service will appear either truncated or as packed sardines, and the downloading of images will not perform well.


  • 服务器选择什么gzip文件基于键入但是通常他们决定压缩限制

    Servers choose what to gzip based on file type, but are typically too limited in what they decide to compress.


  • 通常建议压缩不要占据8K 字节以上黑白图像限制单条最多为 65536 个像素

    The general recommendation is that no one strip should take more than 8 kilobytes uncompressed, which, with black-and-white images limits you to 65,536 pixels in a single strip.


  • 另外7zip提供自己格式,这种格式的压缩任何其他方案容量限制达到tb级,支持强大的数据加密

    Further, 7zip also proffers its own format, featuring a higher compression ratio than any other scheme, gigantic capacity reaching into terabytes, and strong data encryption.


  • 因为Twitter推文140字符限制链接压缩服务实际上已经成为Twitter上分享链接时的必备服务。

    Because of Twitter's 140-character limit, URL-shortening services have become the DE facto standard for link sharing on Twitter.


  • UWE提供了限制数据存储处理器内存以及深度压缩支持减少80%的磁盘空间使用量同时进一步提高性能

    UWE includes support for unlimited data storage, processors, and memory, as well as deep compression that can reduce disk space usage as much as 80 percent while further enhancing performance.


  • 初级经理还有他们担心:对高管们的赔偿限制水平压缩他们阶层薪水

    Junior executives have their own worry: that limiting compensation at senior levels will depress pay throughout the ranks.


  • 随着有望限制排放天然气替代能源开始扩张有些企业考虑长期压缩炼油业务

    With curbs on carbon emissions expected and an expansion under way into natural-gas and alternative energy, some firms are considering permanent cutbacks in their refining business.


  • 微软坚持这些限制都阻碍了竞争压缩消费者选择在线广告客户也不能享受更好价格

    Such restraints, Microsoft contends, undermine competitionand thus pose a threat to consumer choice and better prices for online advertisers.


  • 但是美国法律限制了美国电力公司使用压缩二氧化碳压力值。

    A state permit issued to American Electric Power limits the pressure it can use to inject carbon dioxide into the rock.


  • 建议添加一个Squeeze功能用以整个结构压缩,使蛋白质加紧致,从而能量更低。他还建议添加Wiggle”工具速度限制

    Among his Suggestions were a "squeeze" function, to compress the entire structure (more compact proteins tend to have lower energy) and the ability to control the strength of the wiggle function.


  • 需要指出是,燃气热泵速度调节限制不能任意调节,发动机压缩工作特性有关。

    It should be noted that the rate of gas engine heat pump is limited regulation, and can not be any regulation, which is the work of the engine and compressor characteristics.


  • 此外,还有选择不论是在“过度容易压缩一个非常自然的,压缩声音或一个典型的类型,尖锐的膝盖严厉限制效应

    There also is a SOFT or HARD selector for either an "over easy" compression resulting in a very natural, uncompressed sound or a typical sharp knee type that has a much more severe limiting effect.


  • 为了限制啮合摆线转子压缩中外转子绕内转子公转趋势在外转子上施加一个支撑力,对支撑力位置进行了详细分析。

    The outer rotor has the trend of revolution along the inner rotor and this trend must be overcome by the cylinder via the action of a support force in an internal-meshing rotary cycloid compressor.


  • 现在的自嵌入水印技术大多比较脆弱,特别是JPEG压缩方面显得过于脆弱,因此实用性方面受到一定限制

    Since the current self-embedding watermarking techniques are too fragile to resist noise or JPEG compression, so sure to limit in practicability.


  • 根据压缩制片能够制造具有多层结构并且限制圆柱状形状多层

    This compression tableting machine is capable of producing a multilayer tablet of configuration that despite multilayer structure, is not limited to cylindrical form.


  • 内部CNC弹簧绕线用于生产精密型压缩弹簧(严格的弹簧荷载限制),使这些产品用在多种关键性领域

    In-house CNC spring coilers are used to manufacture precision compression springs with close tolerance spring loads, making them ideal for a multitude of critical applications.


  • 纺织花型一般花型颜色数量严格的限制,因此普通数字图形图像在用做纺织花型之前都必须对图形图像的色彩进行压缩

    As the colors number of textile pattern is usually limited, the colors have to be compressed before the pattern forming from common digital images.


  • 内皮细胞平滑肌细胞包围,可以压缩血管限制血液流动或者扩大血管更多的血液流过。

    The endothelium is surrounded by the media—a layer of smooth muscle cells that can constrict the blood vessels restrict blood flow or dilate it to let more blood through.


  • PM P播放器不仅需要机体大小有所限制重要的需要一种压缩效率更高画面质量更高视频压缩技术,以及相关编解码芯片

    PMP players need not only be limited to body size, but more importantly is the need for a more efficient compression, higher picture quality video compression technology, and related codec chips.


  • 方法以确保压缩机具有较高容积机械效率限制条件

    In this method, the guaranty of higher volumetric and mechanical efficiency is regarded as the confined condition.


  • 同时,H.264压缩系统应用,有效地限制增加系统吞吐量时同时增加的摄像机数量

    The camera features H. 264 compression to effectively reduce the number of cameras needed for coverage while increasing system throughput.


  • 同时,H.264压缩系统应用,有效地限制增加系统吞吐量时同时增加的摄像机数量

    The camera features H. 264 compression to effectively reduce the number of cameras needed for coverage while increasing system throughput.


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