• 然而别人分享创意技能正是传递价值的过程。这里正蕴含你的工作中获得收入潜在可能。

    Sharing your creations or skills with others, however, is what delivers value, and therein lies the potential to generate income from your work.


  • 这种潜在灾祸有着破坏力缺乏创意

    What this potential catastrophe has in destructive power, it lacks in creativity.


  • 通用汽车表示潜在危害在于第二安全带,安全带可能时候看起来好像锁着好好的。

    GM said potential damage to the second-row safety belts could make it appear as if the latch were properly secured when it was not.


  • 收益率1- 2%债券来说,放空交易可能有的损失十分有限,潜在的获利看起来十分庞大

    With its bonds yielding between 1-2%, the downside risk of a bearish bet has been limited while the upside potential has looked huge.


  • 一期节目播出中,嘉宾赢得潜在女友的芳心激烈竞争,不料,全部嘉宾嘲讽奚落,奚落的原因多男嘉宾身家太少

    Over the course of the show, men competed to win the hearts of potential matches but were routinely derided by the women, often for being too poor.


  • 同时制药厂也没有找到曾经预期丰富新药陷入了制药所需的潜在目标海量信息困境中。

    Meanwhile, the drug industry has yet to find the cornucopia of new drugs once predicted and is bogged down in a surfeit of information about potential targets for their medicines.


  • 不过强壮有力的人在斗殴当中占上风。因此不必大惊小怪的,人类进化出可以准确估量潜在对手实力能力

    So it's not surprising that humans have evolved the ability to accurately size up their potential opponents.


  • 这些测试不一定需要首先采用失败测试的形式(但是如果认为测试应该通过时测试失败了,这很有价值的,因为这意味着找到一个潜在bug)。

    These tests don't necessarily need to fail first (although a failure when you think a test should pass is pure gold, because you've found a potential bug).


  • 他们对于这种违背公众利益潜在可能已经了解年之久,还没认真查明行业行为

    They have known about the potential for conflict of interest for years but failed to probe the industry's behaviour seriously.


  • 一般说来,造纸行业可能是个糟透了的产业,不宜涉入从事,不断增长的市场中,情况并非如此,因为潜在竞争者业已惊慌失措。

    The paper industry may, as a general rule, be a rotten business to be in, but not in a growing market where potential competitors have lost their nerve.


  • 但是这些数据表明一种潜在生物学问题此有着直接的联系。

    These data suggest that there is an underlying biological problem directly involved in obesity.


  • 天蝎座女性清楚自己步步小心无法抗拒地掉进他设下潜在致命圈套

    She knows she should tread carefully, yet she can’t resist the potentially deadly sting of the Scorpio animus.


  • 潜在通胀水平已经降到1%左右美国经济的复苏面临财政刺激结束的不利局面;因此不能排除发生通缩的可能性。

    America's recovery faces the headwind of expiring fiscal stimulus at a time when underlying inflation has already slipped to around 1%; outright deflation cannot be ruled out.


  • 然而过去欧元区潜在增长率几乎没有提高人均收入始终停留在美国人均收入的70%左右

    Yet there has been little improvement in the euro area's underlying growth rate in the past ten years. Income per person has remained at around 70% of that in America.


  • 女性避孕药最初用来治疗不育失败之后研究人员发现他们拥有了一种潜在避孕效果的药。

    The original female birth control pill was developed as a fertility treatment, but when it failed, researchers realized they had a potentially effective contraceptive on their hands.


  • 作家过去思想保守现在通过博客传播他们想法然后潜在读者出版他们的

    Writers, who used to guard their ideas now hone their thinking through blogs, build and audience, and then publish their books for a group of expectant readers .


  • 并购带来潜在实际好处——削减国内成本提高收益率——被提及。

    A potentially more tangible benefit of merger-cutting costs at home to boost profitability-is less discussed.


  • 墨西哥国民银行承认利率可能看起来很高认为虽然接近70%,但是为了银行更快成长满足国内巨大潜在需要

    Compartamos concedes that its rates may seem high-though it reckons they are closer to 70%-but says they are set to allow the bank to grow quickly to meet vast untapped demand in Mexico.


  • 正规学校教育带来的回报需要一些时日,带来更大的潜在收益

    Formal schooling does not pay off for years, but opens the door to bigger potential incomes.


  • 矛盾的是,很多潜在购房者父母极力地反对自己后院建造新房行为,一个规划专家指出“显然是与其切身利益息息相关的”。

    Paradoxically, many parents of would-be buyers are vehemently opposed to new housing developments in their own backyard, “without seeing the disconnect”, notes a planning expert.


  • 潜在买主自然权利竞购但是他们忽略了他们离成功的距离还有很远。

    The prospective buyers are not wrong that they have a right to bid on an American news organization, but they are wrong that they had the remotest shot of succeeding.


  • 过去3个月中我们差不多就要达成收购协议了,最后这位潜在买家临阵退缩了。

    Over the past three months, we have been remarkably close to striking a deal, only to have the potential buyer get cold feet.


  • 5年前,股神沃伦·E·巴菲特(Warren E. Buffett)曾极具先见之明地指出衍生品“一大规模金融杀伤性武器它携带危险虽然当下不易察觉,但是具有潜在致命性。”

    And Warren E. Buffett presciently observed five years ago that derivatives werefinancial weapons of mass destruction, carrying dangers that, while now latent, are potentially lethal.”


  • 然而进入网络电脑报告潜在入侵者熊猫互联网安全2008报告。

    It doesn't, however, report new computers on the network as possible intruders, as Panda Internet Security 2008 does.


  • 姆达早期十分痛苦自传中,潜在有时是重要的主题父亲生活崇拜以及自己未能实现。

    The underlying and sometimes overriding theme in Mda junior's anguished autobiography is his admiration for his father's life and his failure to live up to it.


  • 如果利率下跌时银行虽然得到期权费,但是失去一些潜在利益。

    If interest rates rise, the option cushions portfolio loss as the bank receives the option premium.


  • 化学杀虫剂,一开始采用DDT(1972年禁止)二战首次广泛使用。而它一直被认为导致蜜蜂减少潜在元凶。

    Chemical pesticides, which first gained widespread use after World War II with the introduction of DDT (banned in 1972), have long been suspected as a potential cause of honey bee declines.


  • 化学杀虫剂,一开始采用DDT(1972年禁止)二战首次广泛使用。而它一直被认为导致蜜蜂减少潜在元凶。

    Chemical pesticides, which first gained widespread use after World War II with the introduction of DDT (banned in 1972), have long been suspected as a potential cause of honey bee declines.


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