• 他们移动火箭炮放了5火箭然而,最终现杀错了

    But the five rockets they launched from a mobile rocket launcher ended up killing the wrong people.


  • 未来之所有很少,现今却发众多,耶和华随我的脚步赐福你。

    The little you had before I came has increased greatly, and the Lord has blessed you wherever I have been.


  • 我们历史上从没有人像他们一样,吃过这么多的苦,却发这么少的牢骚

    Never in our history had such a large group of men: endured so much and complained so little.


  • 然而2007年于《英格兰医学杂志》另一项研究却发肥胖家庭朋友中社会性传染

    Another study published by the New England Journal of Medicine in 2007 found that obesity may be socially contagious among family and friends.


  • 未来所有的很少,现今却发众多耶和华的脚步赐福你。如今,我什么时候自己兴家立业呢。

    For it was little which thou hadst before I came, and it is now increased unto a multitude; and the LORD hath blessed thee since my coming: and now when shall I provide for mine own house also?


  • 如果这样哈代显得冷酷无情那么爱玛有感而,为大量情诗恰恰相反。

    If this Hardy seems cold, the great wave of love poetry to Emma that burst from him after her death was anything but.


  • 或许可以解释为何一些的确受到鲨鱼攻击极少致命——只要大白鲨体型还不够下去的一口就没有的名声大。

    The finding may explain why the few shark attacks that do happen on people are rarely fatal-until it's pretty big, the great white's reputation is worse than its bite.


  • 然而保持有利局势又是一回事穆雷紧张一局中无法,在第二个破上他把球打到了带上。

    Capitalising on that situation was another matter, though, and Murray could not serve out the set in a tense game, netting a forehand on the second break point.


  • 反过来,马丁·路德·金在1963年表的“一个梦想”的演说尽管声情并茂,并不是因此名垂青史

    On the other hand, King’s “I have a dreamspeech in 1963 wasn’t historic because he was so lyrical, though he was certainly that.


  • 言人他们检查了飞机没有炸弹导致飞机晚点一个半小时他们经常接到这样警告

    A spokesman said the plane was checked, no bomb was found and the aircraft left an hour and a half late. He added that such alerts were relatively common.


  • 五月现的一个太阳黑子似乎预示着太阳正在恢复正常然而消失并且带来了“无黑子时期”。

    In May, a big sunspot seemed to augur a return to normal, but it faded away and sunspotless days returned.


  • 伊斯坦布尔为主,每年关于沙特阿拉伯海湾的新闻报道,同时要留意其他地方——那些广袤而人迹罕至新闻的地方。

    He was to be based in Istanbul, contribute a story or two a year on Saudi Arabia and the Gulf and keep an eye on everywhere else-a grand solitary status that was all too soon exploded by events.


  • 由于始料不及的研究人员无法准确解释助教使学生进步使倒退原因

    Because the finding was unexpected, the researchers are unable to say exactly why teaching assistants seemed to be keeping their charges back rather than advancing them.


  • 那些研究长寿老人研究人员揭示了惊人展示了一幅相对多数预测而言更少了许多暗淡的图案。

    Yet researchers who study the oldest old have made a surprising discovery that presents a less bleak vision of the future than many anticipate.


  • 800至1300年之前,欧洲在艰难地穿行暗无天日时代加州红杉经受了气候持续干旱野火的考验。

    Between the years 800 and 1300, while Europe was still slogging its way through the dark ages, the California sequoias were enduring a dry shift in the climate that sparked more wildfires.


  • 乔布斯此时倔强没有乖乖大学,一开始甚至不想上大学了。 “如果当时没上大学的话,我应该去纽约,”他回忆着,默默想着如果他选择了那条路的话,那他生活,甚至是我们的生活,会是什么样子。

    I think I might have headed to New Yorkif I didn't go to college,” he recalled, musing on how different his world—and perhaps all of oursmight have been if he had chosen that path.


  • 觉得得脸颊僵仿佛有什么痛处,但嘴巴真的酸痛了因为是刚才很长一段时间她咧着嘴假装微笑为了不让那对孪生子觉她内心的秘密

    Her face felt stiff as from pain and her mouth actually hurt from having stretched it, unwillingly, in smiles to prevent the twins from learning her secret.


  • 叙利亚内战一触即阿拉伯联盟愚蠢准备推动战事

    Syria is on the verge of civil war and the Arab League foolishly appears to have decided to egg it on.


  • 15岁的Alexa Longueira朋友胜利大道上,正准备一条短信,感到地面塌陷了下去。

    Alexa Longueira, 15, was walking on Victory Boulevard with a friend, preparing to send a text, when she felt the ground give way.


  • 去年12月生的海啸灾害中,马尔代夫影响最小国家相对来说蒙受了严重的打击

    Maldives was the smallest country hit by last December's tsunami, but in relative terms it suffered the sharpest blow.


  • 俄国媒体报道克麦罗沃其他一些应该寒冷下雪地区出现树木新芽,植物又开花景象。

    Russian media reported that in the Kemerovo region and other areas, normally cold and snowy by now, there are fresh buds(10) on trees and some flowers have blossomed for the second time this year.


  • Miller-McCune杂志也曾对人工智能时代仍难以置信创作事件进行了深入的报道。

    Miller-McCune went in-depth with this strange and fascinating tale of creativity in the age of artificial intelligence.


  • 几个星期前,ABC大热剧集《摩登家庭》正在紧张地拍摄新的集:由艾里克·史东斯崔扮演的肥胖同性恋男卡梅隆现了一个坏消息——伴侣米切尔忘记请帖当晚来参加募捐活动的客人,卡梅隆已经预定蟹肉、借来了表演用的竖琴不到客人。

    His partner, Mitchell, had failed to mail out invitations to a fund-raiser in their home that night. Cam had ordered the crab cakes and rented the harps, but he had no guests.


  • 然而,2001年理论著作表明如果时空当中的确存在额外的大型强子对撞不论如何能够制造出黑洞来。

    But theoretical work published in 2001 showed that if hidden extra dimensions in space-time did exist, the LHC might create black holes after all.


  • 正在事的时候,看到有人推描述当时的行为,这样的感觉太奇怪了

    It was such a strange and a direct thing to see these tweets saying what I was doing as I was doing them.


  • 美国女子开始本想用纹身遮住身上恶心皮肤,后来不可收拾,纹身越来越多甚至打破了吉尼斯纪录,成为了全世界纹身最多的女人。

    What began as a bid to cover up a nasty skin condition has resulted into a Guiness world Record for an American who has been named the most tattooed woman in the world.


  • 美国女子开始本想用纹身遮住身上恶心皮肤,后来不可收拾,纹身越来越多甚至打破了吉尼斯纪录,成为了全世界纹身最多的女人。

    What began as a bid to cover up a nasty skin condition has resulted into a Guiness world Record for an American who has been named the most tattooed woman in the world.


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